Yoon Chaya asked for one-day leave even it is not her day-off. Lee Moven granted that leave for her. She went to visit Tung Kim in the hospital during her lunch break.

Their meeting place is just in the restaurant nearby the hospital. It has been a while since they last saw each other. Her day-off were focus on Carl only. While waiting for her best friend, Chaya saw a familiar face approaching in front of her table.

When that person came nearer, he stopped. He went towards Chaya.

"Cha-ya?" doubtfully asked her.

"Shen Tao!"

"How are you? It has been long time since we saw each other. You looked great." He spoke.

"Yeah, it's been quite a very long time that you still remember my name." She replied sarcastically.

He was lost for a moment. "Sorry about us. I mean, I should have said anything before. But when I went to your house you were gone."

"What did you say?" Chaya doubted asked.

"Yeah, I went to your house back then to tell you something but your parents told me you left home without single word to them." He told.

"You know why I shouldn't stay there because of my situation and you left me hanging." Chaya said angrily.

"Yes, I know it was my fault. Please forgive me I was so young back then and confused. So, how's your son?" He admitted.

Chaya was surprised with the last sentence came from his mouth.

"How's my son? It is also your son by the way." Her voice was raising a little.

"Ha!" Silently felt now. "Chaya, there is something I want to tell you. When I went to your house that day you left. It was because I could not carry the burden in my heart if I won't tell you the truth."

Chaya was confused about the words came from Shen Tao. "What truth?"

He drinks his coffee, before he could say something.

"That night when were at the party. You remember, we were both drunk but I was not totally wasted. You went up first to our rented room." Chaya nodded as she reminisced that night. "But I wasn't. I was with Liza Chui, your close friend. It was not intentional, but I just fell in love with her." He confessed. "I tried to break up with you that night but you were not in the room. I don't know where you went when I came together with Liza to talk about us, about her too."

Chaya took a few minutes before she could absorb all the things she heard from Shen Tao. They have been in the relationship for 2 years and being in love with each other. It does not make sense. She was not aware about the relationship with Liza Chui. They were close friends at that time.

"I went to our room 1509. How could possibly I be not there. I woke up that day. You were no longer beside me. Are you kidding me? Maybe you don't want to take responsibility with Carl." She said raising her brows.

"No, Chaya that's not it. I was telling the truth. The room we were rented was Room 1506. That's the reason why I got the room. If you don't believe me, we can do DNA Test for your son." He insisted.

Chaya's world collapsed after hearing Shen Tao's testimony. It was a major bomb for her at that moment. How could that be? She went to the wrong room that night. Moreover, whose room was that? Whose Carl's father if it is not Shen Tao?

Shen Tao told her about his life. They were married and had children as well. He gave her his phone number in case she needed to test their DNA for comparison.

Tung Kim came in a little bit late. Shen Tao already left five minutes ago. Chaya still was not in herself.

"Bessy, I'm so sorry I was a little late. Chaya kept silent. "Are you okay? You look pale."

Chaya's tears started to fall continuously without sounds. Tung Kim got scared for her. She went to her side and comforted her.

"Why are you crying? Is there something wrong with your work, you or Carl? Tell me please!" Kim got nervous.

Chaya hugged Kim tightly for a while. They stayed there longer before Chaya composed herself back to normal. Still, she could not imagine herself on how to tell Carl about it.

She was sobbing and told everything to her best friend Kim about what Shen Tao told her a while ago.

They spent hours together. Kim tried to keep Chaya warmth by her side. It was horrifying revelations for her too.

All this time they all think that Shen Tao was the real father of Carl. She did not expect the twist of her best friend love story.

She cannot deny the fact on how to tell it to Carl too. They suffered a lot for 16 years. She knew all the things that they have been through since they left C City. They have started their new identity in this city but what just happen now was unbelievable.

When Chaya started to cool down, she tried to composed herself and face the reality in their life now. She should tell Carl about it eventually. She will have to no matter what. Carl needs to know the truth.

"Bess, are you okay now?"

"Bess Kim, I have to be strong right for Carl sake. I want to know who that man I slept 16 years ago. I have to find him or …. Maybe not?" Chaya began to doubt.

"Bess, we don't know who that was. You walked in the wrong room. It has too long ago to find him don't you think?" Kim said.

Chaya stopped wondering her thoughts. Tung Kim was right how she would know about the details if it has been more than a decade passed. She doesn't want to go back to C City just for that. They survived their lives without that man.

Right there she woke up from stupid dream. She needs to move on and never think about what Shen Tao told her. It really doesn't matter anymore if she will go back to that time.

"I think I really need to tell Carl about it if he wants to find his own father then we will search for him but if not. We will go on with our lives for the future." Chaya decided.

Seeing her best friend Chaya's fighting spirit, Kim slowly feels at ease. She knew her best friend has a strong personality. She may be hurt now but it will recover very soon like a super flash.

She was right they can't go back the past but they couldn't forget it in the future. So, it is better to let go for now and think it carefully what to do in the next days to come.

Carl is matured enough to handle this matter. She knew he will be alright for whatever decision he will make. They will support him. She will be there for them no matter what. Chaya and Carl are like a real family to her.

Chaya went back home to the house of Moven quite late. She went straight to her room and wrote something to her journal. Even if she will not look for it but it is better to jot it down the details of what had happen to her before and during that time. Reminiscing that moment of what she could remember.

She goes inside her bathroom and lay down inside the bathtub to calm down her entire being. She stays there for 30 minutes.


Meanwhile, Moven knocked to Chaya's door but nobody's answer. When he turned the knob, it opened. He went inside and looked around. There is no one in her room but he heard sound from the bathroom. He sat down to a chair near her table.

He saw a small post it pads. His eyes were wide open when he saw written on it. Before he picked it, the bathroom door opened.

Chaya came out from the bathroom after doing her things inside. She felt refreshing after shower. It was the best thing she did to take away bad energy. She was stunned when she saw Moven inside her room sitting beside her table.

They were both staring at each other. Her body was slightly exposed. A wrapped by bath towel. Moven almost choked his saliva seeing Chaya's body.

She froze. She could not walk. She does not know what to do from the time being.

Why is he in here? she thought looking at him without a blink.

On the other side, Moven stood up and walked slowly towards her. As he walked, only the sound of his cane heard inside the room. He reached the spot where Chaya was still standing; her eyes were state of shock as he came nearer.

She looks so cute. Moven thought. He curved his lips upward. He dragged her and embraced tightly. Smelling lavender soap in her body makes Moven go crazy. It seems he going to sway to do something stupid again.

Chaya felt the same as Moven. Her sense was gone insane now that they were hugging each other. Her body covered with just a towel, no underwear inside. This is very ridiculous.