In the study room, he was interrupt by the knocking at the door. Lee Moven was thinking how to begin the sentence that will not offend Chaya nor scared her if he opens his true intentions. He was not like this to anyone he meets but why he feels uneasy then.

When it comes to Chaya, it is not that simple. He is not a teenager anymore; he is too old for crush. He sighed. He was alarm and fragile when it comes to her. How could he be like this?


After knocking, Chaya entered the study room and saw Moven sitting at his chair in front of his laptop. She started to panic a little looking at him. She took a deep breath in silent so that Moven will not notice how she feels that moment.

"Boss, I am all yours." Chaya said it without malice.

Moven's mind was kind of teasing. "What? Really!" his pervert movement came to alert Chaya's senses.

"Wha-what I mean was I am here to report for duty." Chaya exclaimed while got nervous of sudden attack of teasing.

"O-ho! It is too late for that." Moven quickly stood up rushed in front of Chaya. Closely enough that makes her to sweat.

"Bo-boss, what are you doing?" She pushed him by her hands forward to have space in between them. "You said you want to… to talk about something." Even though they did several sexes already. It was still not that easy for Chaya. She will always be shy to him when it comes to that.

Moven started to come back to his real intention. Gosh, he said to himself. He almost loses his consciousness. He became serious looking closely to Chaya. He strokes her hair and touches her face before he begins.

"I know you wanted to talk to me about something too. I am aware of what it is." He said smiling.

Chaya glared at him. His eyes tell her that he knows what is inside her heart. "I... ".

She stopped and changed her words for not being awkward to them. "The contract we had deal before was way beyond our expectations. I know that it was sudden but I just want to know when I can go back to my old job and to my home."

Moven watched Chaya's facial expression quite confusing. He wanted to confess his feelings but he knew there is something going on with her.

"About the contract with me as my personal assistant, I would like to propose to you something about your job."

Chaya attentively listened to him. She was nervous all of the sudden with the way he talked. She was thinking that he might offer her again.

"I will let you stay by my side as my personal assistant. And would you be…" He stopped. He holds Chaya's hands. "My girlfriend for real?!" There, he confessed to her finally. "I like you."

Chaya eyes were widened. She does not expect that Moven directly say that to her all of the sudden. Everything she did today was overwhelmed.

Meeting Cham again and reunited. However, the unexpectedly words came from Lee Moven mouth was not one of those. The CEO of Ju Hua Corp was asking her to be his girlfriend and he likes me.

Confusing though, she was afraid that Moven would not accept her past. All they have right now was just something magical. But it does not mean they will go beyond to the point of commitment.

She was scared. She likes him too and her daughter Jia that she has been very close like a real daughter to her. Despite the fact, they do not know her life at all.

She feels something more about him but she is not ready to tell him everything. They do not know about Carl is existing. About Carl's real father and her experience during her younger years. This is unknown for the moment.

Everything will need to settle first. Looking at him makes her heart tears because he is overall perfect person for her but… Her life is too complicated.

"I… am sorry Boss but I cannot accept your proposal." She lowered her head so that it will not fall her tears.

Lee Moven tried to figure her out. Then, he asked.

"Are you dating…someone else?"

Chaya lifted her head quickly denied. "No, no, it's not that. It is something else. I am so sorry… I … cannot tell you about it." Then she walked quickly out from that room.

Lee Moven was just standing there. His mind was wandering. He cannot think of anything else. The rejection he received from Chaya was confusing. She said she dated no one but something else.

He knew that they both feel the same with each other. There is something going on about her.

He wanted to rush over her and clear up everything. To think, they did sex many times already. She is not that kind of person to have anyone touching her body if she is in a relationship, right? He wanted to know what's bothering her if she is not dating anyone.

Moven decided to cool it off for a moment. Maybe it was not the time to force her to talk. Besides, maybe she was tired from her day off. Maybe her mind was not that clear when he confesses.

Lot of things wandering in Moven's head. He decided to take a shower to cool his mind. They need to talk again and clarify everything. Their situations were unclear. He needs honest answer about her confusing answer a while ago.

He was already inside the bathroom. Standing in the shower head, water running but he just there. Taking a deep breathe before deciding to clean up.

He was in his bed always thinking. This is so difficult. He could not sleep no matter how long he closes his eyes. He already some counting like he taught Jia before if she could not sleep. It did not help on him counting.