Chaya did not waste time she already told Carl about her situation. Luckily, he did not question anything but hugged her too. He respected her decisions and the person who is responsible with her. She just told him that the father of her tummy was something she is not ready to tell him who.

She carried a small suitcase good for a few days. Carl will be going with her too to the foundation. However; he will not stay longer because of his work. It has been a long time since he went back to that place. He misses the children, his brothers and sisters.

Mother Rose was there at the doorway when they arrived at the foundation. She was smiling at them. Chaya called her last night about the staying for a while. Mother Rose was very happy that she could spend more time with them.

She has not yet told her the main reason of staying longer in the foundation. She will tell her sooner or maybe later if they will get a chance to talk alone.

In Chaya's heart, she will always grateful to Mother Rose, not only raised the children but also to her and Carl. Meeting Mother Rose was a blessing to her when she was lost and confused at that time. Mother Rose never left her, never expected anything from her, and treated them as family.

It was fate that brought them together and built this foundation for the abandon children that needs loving care. That is why she keeps on helping this foundation on her little way for saying thank you.

It seems like yesterday she got confused and nowhere to go. Just what it is now, she still got confused of what was happening in her life.

"Oh, my little Carl is so big and tall. I haven't seen you in a while but here you are a very handsome gorgeous young man." Kissing Carl's cheeks and hugging him so tight. "I miss you little one. Mother Roro is very proud of you." Roro as what Carl called her since he was 3 years old adapted up until now. He never wants to change it.

They walked inside towards the living room. Sitting in the sofa surrounded with children. It has been a very long time since they were there together. The faces of children were so delighted seeing them that morning. These children are the beautiful creatures with a bright future.

This foundation not only a house but also a home with full of love and happiness. She will be spending time with these kids. These children will help her doubts aside. She will be going to be alright and be strong for her unborn child in her tummy. Everything's going to be alright, right?!

Chaya thoughts corrupt as she was hearing laughter and noises in the room.

Everything was so fast and unplanned. She certainly like Lee Moven but she could not even, wait she is afraid that he will turn her down.

Yes, she started to love Moven when she was still in his home. Every day seeing each other did not just like him; rather she developed love towards him already. She keeps on denying herself that.

Some doubts in her mind that always prevail. She really needs a new fresh environment to meditate first. She needs to leave everything behind. She knew that it would turn out something good but not rushing things. It is really painful if he knew her past but not accepted Carl. That is why she needs distance to cleanse her mind and to let Carl know who the person is sooner.


At the same time, Lee Moven just finished with his monthly meeting with his people. He just realized that it has been days since Chaya's disappearance or rather giving her some space.

He was sitting in front of his table thinking about her. He took out his phone and dialed her number.

"The number you dial cannot be reached. Please try to call later."

Toot, toot, toot.

He tried dial once again.

"The number you dial cannot be reached. Please try to call later"

… Toot, toot, toot

His eyebrows met. It seems that he will going to explode with angry. He dialed one more time.

"The number you dial cannot be reached. Please try to call later."

Toot, toot, toot

What is going on? Why I cannot reach Chaya? Moven thought. He got uneasy and dialed Mr. Tan's number.

"Mr. Tan, please come here immediately." He said irritated.

"Okay, Boss. I will be right …." Toot, toot, and toot. "There." Mr. Tan replied cut off then looked at his phone.

Lee Moven cut-off the line before his assistant secretary finishes his sentence. He was really enraged. He wanted to throw everything in front of him.

A knocked from the door that made him calm.

"Come in." Mr. Tan steps were a little hurry. He knew that his boss was not in the situations that you need to slow.

"Yes, boss" he said alerted.

"I want you to go Chaya's house. Her phone is not functioning." Moven said. "I have a bad feeling about it."

"Okay, boss. I will go now." Moven nodded. Mr. Tan went out as quickly as possible after that.

Move got up and started walking back and forth. He was giving her time. A couple of days will do. Instead, he could not even contact her all of the sudden.

"This is crazy. I am going crazy. I do not want to lose her ever." He murmured. "Don't do this to me, Chaya."

It never took for Asst. Tan to report to him. Calling his boss after knowing the truth. Moven answered his phone quickly.

"Tell me you have the good news to tell." Moven said in a positive way.

"Boss, it was just half good half bad." Asst. Tan said.

"Tell me everything." He demanded.

"I reached her house but no one is home. Her landlady told me that she went to a vacation but do not know where." Asst. Tan detailed. "She said she will be back a week after."

Moven was a little bit relief. At least, she is just on vacation. He thought he will be gone forever.