One week, the longest stay in foundation. That was the original plan for Chaya to take a break with the things going on with her life.

However, before she could finish her vacation. Situation came up unexpectedly. She almost got miscarriage because of some incident. She came across on the road when she was going to the supermarket.

To her luck, she was not alone at that time. She was with Mother Rose and Matt. They rushed her to the nearest hospital.

After they went to the Da Li Hua District Hospital for checkup. The OB Gyne doctor told her that she was not having just one but two babies in her tummy.

She was shocked at that time. She could not imagine that she was having twins. She decided at that time to settle in the foundation for a longer time for the sake of her babies.

She needed bedrest to her journey for her twins. She would risk it for such a thing. She already informs about the situation with her best friend Kim. She was the one to tell her resignation to the hospital too. She kept it secret the real reason but make it up some excuses. The separation pay she received helps them moving to the next level.

Now, she forgot what her heart desires when she looked at her babies are turning two next few days.

She is planning to have a small party for her kids and inviting Tung Kim and her boyfriend. Her best friend seems really serious with her love life. She thinks that it will be going to a beautiful journey. She never seen her that happy. Her face was always blooming every time they meet.

She came home from the supermarket when she saw Madam Chow at the front gate of the foundation.

"Good day! Madam Chow, what can I help you?" She greeted her with a genuine smile.

"Hello, Ms. Cha! I was about to go inside to ask Mother Rose some favor." She said smiling.

"Mother Rose is not here at the moment. She goes to A City for important matter." Chaya informed.

"Oh, I see! Well, my boss wants to hire someone to clean the villa today. If it cannot finish the cleaning today then up until tomorrow. The owner will be coming over to visit for a while. I was thinking if you could help me find one. Matt helps me maintain the garden but inside the house is too much for me to handle." Chaya was thinking for a while before she says something.

"Oh, I will be the one to clean inside the house, Madam Chow." Chaya volunteered.

"Ms. Cha, I am so ashamed if you are the one to do it." Madam Chow shyly said.

Smiling delightfully in front of Madam Chow "If it is okay without you. I need another extra income for the babies' birthday coming."

"Ok if you insist. You can start today and tomorrow. So, I will wait for you at the villa later, okay?" Madam Chow was convincing.

"Okay, thanks Madam Chow I will be right there in a bit. I will just bring my groceries inside and call Matt to help me too." She said happily.

Madam Chow waved goodbye to Chaya then she went inside the foundation.

Chaya placed all of her groceries in the proper order. She went to find Matt who was attending some of the kids and her twins too. She talked to him about the work they will go to at the villa.

"What about the twins? Are we going to bring them there?" Matt suddenly asked.

Chaya almost forgot about her babies. "Oh. we will bring them there. It will difficult to Mary to left them here. She cannot handle everything now that Mother Rose was not here." Matt nodded as they prepared for leaving.

Chaya fixed everything she needed for the twins while they will be busy at the villa. She makes sure that she brings them all for the twins.

Madam Chow was already at the gate when they arrived. She was so happy to see them especially the twins. She is so fond of them. She visited the foundation every now and then.


"Welcome, come in, come in" Madam Chow overwhelmed to see them approached.

She leads them inside. The house is so beautiful and very spacious one. This is her first time to go inside the villa. Though, Matt always there to help Madam Chow when she needed some help. She seems to know that the house is always empty.

She put down the twins in the living room and set up for a crib/playpen then putting some toys to them so that she can do her duty to that house. They were starts to busy cleaning and doing their jobs.

Madam Chow was so nice to treat them well. She served them some foods and let the twins watched some cartoons on the television. The twins did not give her so much trouble. They were so behave playing toys at the playpen. That is why she so loved to bring them anywhere.

Matt was assigned at the garden area which he used to work there when Madam Chow ask for it. He even cleans the swimming pool too. It was not too dirty inside the house but still need to wipe it out some dusty around.

It has a two-story house with a huge room that you can easily tell that the owner is very rich and private person. She did not ask who the owner is because she is not that kind of person like to interfere other business.

They still have not finished cleaning when it was nearly darkness. Madam Chow prepared them for dinner. She cooked Garlic and Egg Fried Rice, Noodles with Mixed Meat and Boneless Chili Chicken.

As for her twins she even cooked some vegetable suits for them. It was nice of her to do that to them. Madam Chow really a great cook and never treat them like others. She treated them family.