Cloud Leticia Morninghelm

I was alive?

But that was impossible, I had used the self-imploding spell. I'd used it even though I knew it would damage my soul, in exchange for the execution of such a deadly spell.

Which had been well worth it, with that they wouldn't be able to offer my body u to the great god to devour. Effectively squashing their plans.

But this didn't answer my question, just how was I alive?

I shouldn't be alive, had some power interfered with my spell. But even if that was the case, I shouldn't be awake like this.

I try moving my hand, and to my surprise, it works. However, it wasn't my hand that moved, it was a very small hand, tiny almost. I willed the small hand to twist slightly and it followed my command.

It would appear that this indeed was my hand.

Lowering my hand, I shuffle through my memories, but I don't remember anything other than my final thoughts.

Sighing softly to myself, I push myself u onto my elbows and examine my body. I almost scream, but I manage to stop myself.

Plus, my throat felt as if it was on fire at the mere thought of using my vocal cords. Laying that sudden pain to the side, I realize that I have bigger problems than that.

My body… it was a child's body.

Delicate looking legs came into view, they were indeed quite childlike…

Did that mean that I had been reborn as a child, I quickly reach my handout and check down there. I let out a small sigh of relief, to stay the least, I was still female at least.

If I had been reborn as a man… I don't think I would have survived.

My mental state wouldn't be able to handle the switch.

However, if I had been reborn… why was I still able to remember my memories. Plus, shouldn't I be in the body of a baby, this body appeared to be that of a young child.

Just what was happening here?

'Hello!' A voice sounds in my head, it was crisp and clear.

I twist my head around, to see if someone else was in the room. But there wasn't anyone in the room at all, it was empty.

'Can you hear me?' The voice in my had persist, seeing as there was no one else there and I was hearing a voice in my head, I thought I might as well answer it.

"I can hear you," I reply, and I feel my throat protest at the effort. However, I was also shocked by the sound of my childlike voice, it gave off the impression of an egotistical young miss.

It was yet another reminder that I'd really been reborn into another body. If I was going to be reborn the least that could have been done for me was to put me in a slightly older body.

'This body is perfect for you! Why in the world would you want an older body?! The wavelength of your souls and this body are in perfect unison, not to mention that this is a supreme grade body match for you!' The voice quips at me.

Glad to know…

"Who are you?" I can't help but ask. At the same time, I try to wiggle my toes, and I found that the action was carried out seamlessly.

I had heard about reincarnation like this, normally the reincarnated person had a tough time adjusting to the body. Because the previous owner left behind some regret and at the end of the day, your conciseness had just been shoved inside a container basically.

'I'm better than some cheap reincarnation guide, I'm the might Demon Queen System!' The voice proclaimed rather loudly in my head. It sounded a little ticked off for some reason.

'Why wouldn't I be ticked off compared to some cheap run of the mill reincarnation guide,' it snaps at me.

Was this thing reading my mind?

'Of course, I can read your mid. Your mind is also my mind, I've become bound to your soul.' It huffs at me.

"I don't know why your so upset, news flash I just got killed by my soon to be husband and his harlot. Now I find myself in the body of the child, with a talking voice in my head proclaiming to be 'the demon queen system,' so excuse me if I don't care about your feelings," I grumble at the voice.

My voice was raspy like I hadn't used in for a while.

Gathering my strength, I try and curl my legs upwards. To my surprise, they listen, getting excited I try to stand up. I fail a few tries to get my feet underneath of me, but I soon manage to get them working.

'Aren't you curious about the Demon Queen System?' the voice asks politely this time.

"I'm indeed curious thank you for asking," I say rolling my eyes.

I spot a mirror in the far corner of the room; my goal was to make it over there.

'The Demon Queen system is designed to pick the new wife of the Demon King! Because behind every man is a strong woman, and the Demon King is no exception,' it states matter of factly.

I couldn't help the laugh that quickly begins to bubble up out of my throat, which soon was stopped by the very painful burning sensation that I felt.

"I've got news for you; I wouldn't have my husband dictated to me as if I'm some prized animal. How do I know that the Demon King wouldn't have me killed or use me for his own purposes? Are you suggesting that I follow him blindly, just because you say that we're soul bond together?' I growl at the voice in my head.

The reply that I get it pure silence.

Rolling my eyes, I shakily begin my walk to the mirror.

"I've lived one life already, that one I chose to blindly support a man. A man that I would have given everything to, and he betrayed me. This time I will only live my life for me. The man that I choose this time, I'll pick based on his deeds rather than this bullshit ideal your spewing known as fate," I sneer in an egotistical manner, that sounds strange coming from a child's mouth.

[Computing... The host's will has been deemed suitable for another pathway!]

Those words appear in front of my eyes, at the same time it was a very mechanical voice that echo's in my head. The voice full of human inflection was gone.

[Do you wish to embark on another pathway?]

Those words hung heavy in front of my face, but I didn't flinch back from them.

"Yes," I reply, as I arrive in front of the mirror. It was an old mirror one that was in desperate need of a good polish.

[Then the host shall become the villainess of this world and replace the Demon King, do you accept these terms?]

Snorting, I reach my hand out to rub at the dirty glass.

"I accept," I mutter as I scrape the dirty in the mirror.

After wiping away the film of dirt from an area, I finally get a good look at my new body.

Standing before the mirror is a beautiful little Lolita. Her cheeks are a little gaunt and her eyes are a bit hallowed, it looks like I was malnourished. But all that aside I was indeed a beautiful looking little princess.

Two big round golden liquor colored eyes greet me. Around the pupil of both eyes was a bright white ring. I also notice underneath of both of my eyes I see a pattern. It looked a lot like the ancient magical language, but I wasn't sure. I notice that instead of fiery red hair in this life, I had ash grey hair, with two small horns growing out both sides of my head, just at my hairline. They were golden and then at the tips a black color.

Twisting around I glance at my butt and find a tail. I had been reborn into the body of one of the Beast Kin. That would explain my tail and horns, yet, I was intrigued by the ancient language written underneath my eyes.

[Host conformation accepted, completing changes!]

The deafening sound of an alarm almost burst my eardrums, I found myself clutching my head. I notice that my eyes had completely changed to a glowing violet, that only last for a second before it was gone.

[Transferring previous owner memories]

It all happened in a blur, a flood of images, feelings, sound, and information pours into my head. It was as if someone was pouring water into a glass. I felt bile build up in the pit of my stomach, it was sickening the feeling.

My hand falls heavily on the mirror as I use it to support myself.

"Cloud Leticia Morninghelm," I whisper to myself, that was the name of the previous owner of this body and it was now my name.

Tears threatened to spill out of my eyes, the poor girl had been poisoned, I look over at the plate of cookies that was on a small table. It appears that my family wanted me dead.

Well better put, they were trying their best to figure out the best way to kill me. They'd had succeeded in the killing of the original owner of this body, but they'd brought upon them a new nightmare.

To show my thanks for this body, I would get rid of these eyes sore for her. I'd also fulfill her other wish of becoming strong. I would make her the strongest and put these fools back into their place.

That's something I promise.