The Incompetent Maid

A wildfire burns in the pit of my stomach, I threw my hand forward punching the mirror. It shatters at the force of my first and the shattered glass fall at my feet. Whilst some of the glass cuts into my fist and blood began to drip from the cuts.

Pulling my now bloodied fist back from the broken mirror, I couldn't help but grind my teeth in rage. Revenge hot in my mind.

That damned bastard and that whore would pay for what they did. After a moment of cradling my fist to my chest. I felt a laugh bubble up from my stomach, and I couldn't stop myself from laughing out loud.

Tears ran out of my eyes because I was laughing so hard.

They'd die by my hands if they were still alive, I'd get to watch them in their final moments, I'd let them know that I'd come back to haunt them. I wouldn't even allow their souls a chance to reincarnate, they'd suffer at my hands for all eternity.

It took a while for me to calm down. But once I did, I realized that this body of mine was quite fragile. Flexing my hand, I look at the bloodied gashes, most of the glass hadn't sunken that deep into the flesh.

Using my other none injured hand I clumsily begin to pluck the glass from my hand. Thankfully all the gashes were superficial at most.

This body of mine was in real bad shape, I'd have to be careful about what I did with it for the time being. I needed to slowly nourish it and stave off the malnourishment, at the least, I would make it so that my growth wasn't impeded by the lack of food.

My body was quite small for that of the Beast Kin. I was probably half the size of those my same age.

It was a shame that this poor girl had lived as she did, even though she was the one that would inherit all of the Morninghelm family. It would appear that I would indeed need to teach this family a lesson in manners.

Looking around, I find the dresser and make my way to it. Pulling the dresser doors open, I'm greeted by ragged clothing. Reaching in I grab a dress and begin to shred it; which took a great deal of effort.

I was weak. Far too weak. I needed a shield to stave off the assault of my family for the time being. The only person that came to mind was my Grandfather, however, I rarely saw him.

However, from the interaction that he had with Cloud in the past, he dearly cared for her. She was his only granddaughter, all of my aunts' children were boys. At this point, I had no choice but to seek him out and gain his help.

Wrapping the strips of shred dress around my injured hand, I fasten a knot. This would do for the time being.

Nodding my head, I stand and fish out a jacket from the closet. It was winter and I was dressed in a rag of a dress that barely kept the chill from sinking into my bones. At the rate that I was going, I'd die too.

I had no desire to die again, after being just reborn.

Licking my lips, I pull out a patched jacket. I was the young miss of the notorious Morninghelm family and yet all my clothes were patched or rags.

Interesting, I thought to myself as I wrap the jacket around my shoulder.

It would seem that I should try and find my Grandfather.

Walking to my door, I grasp the knob and twist the handle. Standing directly outside of my door was a maid. It wasn't just any maid either, it was Marissa, she was my aunt Mora maid. Just what was she doing outside of my door?

Her round brown eyes dilated as she makes eye contact with me, I felt my face twitch, I wanted to smile. But I controlled myself, it would seem that she wasn't expecting me to walk out of the door.

"Young Miss, what are you doing out of your room?" Her voice was coated in surprise. She wasn't doing a very good job of hiding her intentions.

However, I suppose before she could act anyway and the original Young Miss wouldn't notice. That wasn't the case with me though.

"Why can't I come and go from my own as I please?" I ask her innocently as I turn my head up and give her a confused look.

"Are you trying to order me around?" I ask her wide-eyed, her own eyes widen, and she hastily coughs into her hand.

"I would never assume that I'm above you Young Miss," she made her voice tremble just the right amount. If any unwanted ears were listening, she was playing her part perfectly.

I grinned inwardly, these fools had a new partner to tango with, one that wasn't a young child.

"Of course, you wouldn't Marissa, I was just joking," her muscles visible loosens.

I'd allow her to keep her head, for now, I thought to myself ruefully.

Rolling my shoulders slightly, I padded forward closer to her and grab onto her dress. Which was of better quality than my own clothes. This was laughable, the Young Miss that would inherit this whole clan was dressed in clothes worse than that of a servant.

No matter, I thought idly to myself. This was all bound to change under my hand.

She looks down at me with a mixture of disgust, the rabbit's ears on her head twitched ever so slightly as she glanced down at me. There was unmasked disgust displayed on her face.

"Marissa," I gave her a warm smile," take me to my Grandfather. I really want to see Grandfather," the superior look on her face evaporated. She looks away from me and towards the right.

I glance that way, but I don't see anyone.

As far as memory serves, I'd been isolated from my Grandfather. The original owner had thought that her Grandfather hated her. As such whenever she'd run into him, she quickly turns tail and runs away. Causing an even bigger misunderstanding with her own Grandfather, which the aunts had used to isolate her.

My Grandfather was the pillar of the Morninghelm family, he was my Father's Father. Meaning that he undoubtedly supported my claim to become the next heir to the family, he didn't seem bothered by the fact that I was a half-born.

My aunts believed that this was a great shame on the family.

"Young Miss, your Grandfather is in an important meeting, and we're not to disturb him," she says trying to place a hand on my back and guide me into my room.

I half step away from her hand and look up at her.

"Marissa," I say her name ever so softly. A thick stench of blood began to rise off of my body. I could hear her voice catch and her hand that was outstretch began to tremble faintly. The mere fact that she thought she could touch me…disgusted me.

"Are you telling me…as a mere servant that I'm not allowed to see my Grandfather?! I as his only Granddaughter…that I can't see him?" I ask as dark smile sliding onto my lips.

She lowers her hand back to her sides and took a small step forward, tripping on the lip of the rug.

All her mind could tell her is that she needed to get away from this small child. A strong sense of fear permeated her body, it felt as if a predator had locked onto her. Her throat was closed tighter than a greedy merchant purse string.

The small child that she'd bully, felt larger than life in front of her. Tears threatened to fall from her eyes, and she dipped her head down and her ears flatted backward.

It appears that even if I couldn't utilize magic, I still had my bloodlust.

'I helped with that!' The sultry voice of my teacher rang in my ears.

I roll my eyes at her and step forward towards the woman on the ground.

"Now that we've established who's in control. Lead the way to my Grandfather!" I say softly retracting the thick stench of bloodlust back into my body.