Taking A Friend To Tour The Spirit Pagoda

A few minutes after Sheng Feilong and Xiao Yuewu made up, the teacher entered the classroom, marking the beginning of classes. She repreminded Sheng Feilong and Xiao Yuewu for their fight and told them that the academy would notify their parents of their misbehaviour. Not that they didn't already know, but the academy needed to make an example. The warning itself wouldn't have any negative impact on neither of the boys, but further misbehaviour would result in more drastic consequences.

Later that day, Xiao Yuewu joined Sheng Feilong and the others for lunch as Jian Wang suggested. He also apologized to Su Liyun and Jian Shiguan for his behaviour the day before. During lunch, Xiao Yuewu didn't talk much and although he wasn't really friendly, he answered any questions directed at him with at least basic courtesy. However, his attitude made Sheng Feilong suspicious.

'Something isn't right... Even though I apologized, he doesn't seem to be someone to just take a beating and behave afterwards... Shouldn't he at least contempt me a little? Did someone tell him to do so?' Sheng Feilong mused while staring at Xiao Yuewu, earning him the attention of the latter.

"Is something the matter?"

"Ah, no. I was just wondering... You know, I apologized and all, but aren't you the least bit angry about it..?"Sheng Feilong looked at Xiao Yuewu a bit worriedly.

Hearing that, Xiao Yuewu put down his fork and stared at Sheng Feilong, frowning.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I hate you. More than you can imagine. What you did to me was the greatest humiliation I had to experience in my life. However, I am currently no strong enough to take revenge for myself. So what if I openly hate you? Would that help me get stronger? Just know that I'll return that humiliation 10 times over. Don't think you'll get off lightly." With that, Xiao Yuewu stood up, grabbed his plate, turned it in and left the cafeteria.

The mood on the table was ruined. Jian Wang didn't know what to say while Su Liyun and Jian Shiguan hung their heads in silence. Sheng Feilong didn't know it was that bad.

'So he's just playing it off with courtesy..? To not get kicked out of the academy? That's it? ...I get why Master wanted me to apologize... it's way worse than what I thought...'

The day ended without much happening. Sheng Feilong went to the Spirit Pagoda after school, trained, than spent the evening with his father.

A few days went by and nothing much changed. Sheng Feilong went to the academy as per usual and followed his daily routine afterwards. Xiao Yuewu had asked another classmate to change seats with him and he now wasn't seated next to Sheng Feilong any more and also didn't speak much with the latter or his friends.

By now it was Friday and during the first break, Jian Wang approached Sheng Feilong with a kind of a solemn expression. Well, solemn for his circumstances.

"Feilong, you're going to the Spirit Pagoda each day, right?"

Sheng Feilong was surprised by the sudden question.

"Huh? Yeah, what about it?"

Jian Wang continued to look at him with his 'solemn' expression.

"Take me with you today. I feel like I'm close to a breakthrough in my cultivation and I want to look at a few, cool Spirit Souls. I feel like that'll help me be more motivated about cultivation!"

"Oh, so that's why! Sure, you can come with me later! I'll take a look with you, Master won't mind, I guess. But is it okay if you don't go home after school? You parents will be concerned, won't they?" Sheng Feilong asked with a thoughtful expression. Whereas Jian Wang just smiled brightly in response, giving Sheng Feilong a big thumbs up.

"Don't worry, I already let my father know I'd by out with a friend. He won't mind! By the way, we can ride your fathers Purple Mecha, right?"

"Oh, okay. My father always picks me up from school, so I guess we'll use his Mecha." Sheng Feilong answered without much thought, causing Jian Wang's eyes to sparkle.

"Great, we'll go right after school than!"


At the Blacksmith's Association, in one of the private workshops, a certain blacksmith's nose itched for no reason while he got a bad feeling about something concerning today...

"That brat... Why did I think of him so suddenly..? Hah, must be up to no good again. Whatever, gotta focus on work."

With this, he tuned his attention back to the metal on his anvil and started hammering on it again.


Classes had ended and Sheng Feilong and Jian Wang made their way to the Academy's entrance with the former still being confused about what happened at lunch. Jian Wang told Su Liyun and Jian Shiguan about his plans with Sheng Feilong today and Jian Shiguan frowned and stared at him, causing him to shut his mounth and quickly avert her gaze. Even after being questioned by Sheng Feilong, Jian Wang still refused to answer why he did so, so the former quickly gave up and paid it no more attention.

They quickly met up with Sheng Lingtian, who was a bit surprised to see his son come out with a friend in tow. After explaining the situation, Sheng Feilong and other two entered the Purple Mecha, causing Jian Wang to shake with excitement. When Sheng Feilong asked him about it, Jian Wang told him that he always loved Mechas and wanted to one day built his own, which is why he already started learning blacksmithing from his father even though he was just a kid.

Sheng Lingtian was happy to see someone so interested in Mechas and kindly explained a few of the Mechas controls and functions to Jian Wang, whose excitement seemed to increase with each word he heard. Sheng Feilong was also very interested in Mechas, though not as much as Jian Wang. It didn't take long before the three reached the Spirit Pagoda. Sheng Lingtian seperated from the other two and returned to his work, while Sheng Feilong and Jian Wang entered the Spirit Pagoda. Greeting a few staff members he was familiar with, Sheng Feilong lead Jian Wang to the third floor where he would usually meet up with his Master. On the way there, he sternly warned Jian Wang about one matter.

"Brother Wang, there's one thing you have to remember. Never, and I mean never, make fun of my master's hair. It's fine to laugh as long as you compliment him afterwards, but never make jokes of it, got it?"

Jian Wang was surprised but seeing Sheng Feilong's stern expression, he quickly nodded and made a mental note to be careful about it. The soon reached Song Weihan's office and entered it after Sheng Feilong knocked on the door. Inside, they found Song Weihan currently reading a few documents, which he put away when he saw Sheng Feilong and the unknown young boy before him.

Sheng Feilong took two steps forward while Jian Wang remained behind him. He than bowed lightly to Song Weihan. "Feilong greets Master!"

Song Weihan just nodded, acknowledging the greeting before tuning his attention to Jian Wang.

"Feilong, you brought a friend with you today?"

"Yes, Master. This is Jian Wang, a classmate and friend of mine. He's close to breaking through to Rank 10 in Soul Power and asked if I could take him with me to the Spirit Pagoda. He wanted to ask if he could take a look at a few Spirit Souls to motivate himself to cultivate even more."

Sheng Feilong formally introduced Jian Wang to Song Weihan.

While Jian Wang seemed quite stiff, he also shook a little bit, just like before. Song Weihan didn't seem to mind, though.

"Hello Jian Wang. I'm Song Weihan, Feilong's Master. Nice to meet you."

Accompanying his introduction, Song Weihan smiled lightly and tilted his a bit, causing his hair to sway in the same direction.

After Sheng Feilong mentioned his Master's hair, he already prepared himself mentally, however, seeing the real thing was too much for him. The giant, 15 cm high, vibrantly pink mohawk caused him to stiffen and it took his all just to not to be rude. However, seeing the hair sway from the sudden tilt to the right, Jian Wang could no longer hold it in and he burst out laughing.

"Feilong, what is this, ha, ha, ha! You told me not to make fun of his hair, but this is too much! He... He looks like a chicken! Ha, ha, ha! This is too funny!"

Jian Wang's sudden outburst caused both, Sheng Feilong and Song Weihan to stiffen. Sheng Feilong's face went pale and his back was instantly drenched in cold sweat. His friend had just called a extremely powerful Soul Master, who could break through to become a Titled Douluo at any time he wanted to, that his hair made him look like a chicken. Moreover, that powerful Soul Master was his own Master...

Song Weihan smiled brightly after his initial stiffness, and took a few steps forward towards Sheng Feilong and Jian Wang. As a powerful Soul Master, his patience and bearing were naturally more refined than that of ordinary people. However, who knew his Master better than Sheng Feilong? That amicable smile of Song Weihan... looked like the smile of the devil... He was about to say something but he was cut off by Song Weihan's voice.

"So, Jian Wang, was it? You have a sense of humour. You like my hair? Ha, ha, you like chicken as well?"