The Patriarch's Fury

Inside the main building of Sheng Fengtian's courtyard, their little family of 3, plus Sheng Feilong and Sheng Lingtian, gathered around the big dining table. The whole table was filled with meals that Luo Mei had personally prepared. Sheng Feilong was especially ecstatic since he hadn't eaten such good food in years! Although Sheng Lingtian wasn't a bad cook, he was still worlds apart from Luo Mei.

Sheng Lingtian couldn't help but chuckle when he saw his son being so engrossed in the food. Taking a bite of one of the delicacies in front of him, he had to admit that Luo Mei was a grandiose cook. Luo Mei was content on seeing all of them so satisfied with her food.

After their dinner, they moved to the living room and began talking about what happened in the last few years. Sheng Feilong was in a really good mood and talked for over an hour about all the things that happened. He talked a lot about his friends and his Master, shocking Sheng Fengtian and the others to the core when they heard that Song Weihan was a Titled Douluo, though, they were even more shocked about the latter's identity. Sheng Fengtian had naturally heard about the super genius from the Spirit Pagoda who developed a method to create Artificial Soul Bones and even managed to create functioning ones that, reportedly, people could truly fuse with.

Sheng Feilong also told them about how he cultivated and, again, that he was already a rank 23 Soul Grandmaster, causing Sheng Lijing, who didn't know so beforehand, to freeze in her seat with her mouth wide open. Sheng Fengtian and Luo Mei looked at each other and sighed in relief. Thank God they already knew about it. It would have been way to embarrassing to be that shocked in front of their daughter.

After recovering from her initial shock, Sheng Lijing excitedly asked Sheng Feilong about his Soul Skills. She saw him defeat Sheng Henjian with just two moves earlier, but he hadn't even released his Soul Power, much less used any Soul Skills. Sheng Fengtian was curious as well and also encouraged Sheng Feilong to show them.

Sheng Feilong nodded and asked them not to resist his Spirit Power and then used his first Soul Skill on them: Toad Prison. Sheng Fengtian and Luo Mei felt his Spirit Power invade their minds while Sheng Lijing looked confused. Soon after, Sheng Feilong smiled mischievously and created dozens of cauliflowers out of thin air that flew all across the room, much to the distress of Sheng Lijing, who didn't like vegetables to begin with.

After Sheng Feilong dismissed his Soul Skill and the cauliflowers disappeared, he explained how his second Soul Skill worked, but didn't show it to them since it wasn't that practical in normal situations. He then told the others about his newly established training sessions with Song Weihan, Jian Wang and Jian Shiguan. And after a while, he had pretty much told them about everything that had happened since they left the clan.

Sheng Lingtian then proceeded to tell them a bit more relatively normal stuff, before asking how they were faring. Sheng Fengtian and Luo Mei talked about pretty normal stuff at first, but got to the more serious happening after a while. According to Sheng Fengtian, the Sheng Clan had been quite peaceful nothing much changed when compared to before. The only real change concerned the younger generation of the Clan.

After his son awakened the Flame Maned Mountain Lion Spirit Essence, Patriarch Sheng Hentian had changed the amount of resources that was allocated to the younger generation, clearly in favour of nurturing his own son. Of course, everyone else also profited of those changes as they obtained the same increased resources, but Sheng Henjian clearly made the most out of it, since the Patriarch added a special rule, that the strongest of each generation would obtain even more and precious resources that others.

Sheng Fengtian really got into it when he explained the new rules and it was apparent that he really didn't like them. Though, that is to be expected, as Sheng Lijing's talent is better than most of those that are considered the strongest in their age group, but they still obtain more resources than her. At some point, Luo Mei cut him off and told him so finish his rant, causing the other three to slightly chuckle at his misery.

After being reprimanded by his wife, Sheng Fengtian let out a long sigh, before glancing at Sheng Feilong with a dissatisfied expression. He sneered, looked at Sheng Lingtian and began ranting about Sheng Hentian's leadership again.

"Anyways, the real problem is Sheng Hentian. It's obvious that he wants to push his son into the position of the next patriarch. He's always speaking highly of his son while trying to rope in the other Elders for support and covering up his sons shortcomings. I've never told you on the communicator, but he's even gone as far as spreading word that you and your son abandoned the Clan, even after he himself tried all he could to give Feilong the best prospects for his future. Blatant lies, all so that he could put his son on the pedestal."

Sheng Lingtian's expression darkened tremendously while Sheng Feilong's became somewhat sour. He had already heard about that from Sheng Henjian and even beat up the latter for it, though that was not known be neither his father nor his uncle. Sheng Lingtian clenched his fists, nearly jumping to his feet from anger.

"That Sheng Hentian! I already told him that Feilong and I wouldn't have anything to do with the Sheng Clan in future, and he still dares to talk about us behind our backs?"

Luo Mei sighed and tried to pacify both Sheng Fengtian and Sheng Lingtian.

"Calm down, you two. While Sheng Hentian is definitely in the wrong, just raging about it won't change anything." Her calm expression suddenly turned into a scheming smile. "That right, isn't the annual competition of the younger generation held at the end of the week? I doubt they'd let Feilong participate, but as conceited as Sheng Hentian is, he'll most likely get his son and Feilong to fight each other. Sheng Henjian beating Feilong in a fight is the only method to get the rumours to stop."

Sheng Lingtian and Sheng Fengtian were stunned by Luo Mei's idea for a moment but soon had similar scheming smiles on their faces and looked at Sheng Feilong. Sheng Feilong sat there with his arms crossed in front of his chest and a light frown. He looked at his family and simply told them about the fight at the training grounds.

"I already fought Sheng Henjian today. He provoked me when I picked up Lijing and insulted father, so I beat him with a dozen or so other children watching."

Sheng Fengtian looked at Sheng Feilong as if he'd seen a ghost, before holding his head with one hand and laughing.

"You brat... you're not even back for half a day and have already caused such a scene?!"

Sheng Lingtian's expression brightened and he also couldn't stop himself from bursting out laughing.

"Ha, ha, ha! That's my son! Serves that brat right. But tell me, how was his strength?"

Luo Mei and Sheng Lijing just watched the three of them. Luo Mei was speechless as Sheng Fengtian and Sheng Lingtian didn't seem to realize how serious the situation is, while Sheng Lijing also didn't think her father and uncle would laugh loudly instead of reprimanding him. Sheng Feilong on the other hand just scoffed at his father's question and frowned a bit more.

"He's a weakling! Seriously, he's barely around rank 16 or 17, but even more conceited than Xiao Yuewu and he just charged straight at me like a lunatic. I didn't even need to use any Soul Power, he basically run head first into my fist!"

Sheng Lingtian and Sheng Fengtian laughed even more vigorously after hearing him, while the others were still a bit speechless. They than continued talking about Luo Mei's plan to pay back Sheng Hentian, as Sheng Feilong assumed Sheng Henjian would be to proud to admit that he was beaten by Sheng Feilong. In the end, they decided to go and watch the competition and to make sure Sheng Hentian knew they were there.


At the Patrairch's Mansion, Sheng Hentian had already heard about his son getting hurt at the training grounds and was on his way to Sheng Henjian's room. Inside, Sheng Henjian sat with bandages wrapped around his thorax and head, which were smeared with oozy looking ointments. He lies on his bad and his injuries looked worse than what Sheng Hentian had heard. Anger seething up to his head, he stormed to his son's side and questioned him with a cold but anxious voice.

"Jian'er, what happened? Who did this to you?!"

Sheng Henjian looked nervous and slightly averted his eyes in oder to not meet his father's gaze. He then spoke with a weak and shaky voice.

"Father, calm down. It looks worse than it actually is. Your son will be fine with a day of rest, don't worry! But father, that Sheng Feilong has gone to far! He insulted father, blatantly lying and saying you forced him and the former Sixth Elder out of the clan and said you weren't worthy of his respect! I couldn't let that slip and challenged him to a fair duel, but he used underhanded tricks, utilizing hidden Soul Weapon's to defeat me!"

By now, Sheng Henjian was gnashing his teeth, seemingly even convincing himself of his own lies about the duel! Patriarch Sheng Hentian's face was beet red from anger and he turned his head towards the sky, screaming on top of his lungs.

"Sheng Feilong, you miserable rat, this Patriarch will personally slaughter you!"