Evolution Complete

Wong Wushuang was distressed. He had only looked at Sheng Feilong for a moment before the latter turned away from him, but his back was already drenched in cold sweat. The pressure Sheng Feilong gave off wasn't normal. Wong Wushuang had seen many strong people, even Soul Emperors that fully released their Soul Power, but the pressure he felt from them was weaker then Sheng Feilong's.

Jian Wang saw Sheng Feilong nodding towards Wong Wushuang, who instantly tensed up, and was wondering what's wrong. He looked at Sheng Feilong, who also happened to turn towards Jian Wang, and he tensed up as well. If he wasn't certain that it was Sheng Feilong who sat in front of him, Jian Wang would've already summoned his Mountain Splitting Axe. The presence Sheng Feilong gave off felt as if he wasn't human, but a powerful Soul Beast!

Xiao Yuewu was made aware of the uncomfortable feeling Wong Wushuang and Jian Wang had. He furrowed his brows and looked at Sheng Feilong before using his Spirit Power to inspect the latter. He couldn't feel anything special other then the fact that Sheng Feilong had become noticeably more powerful. His Spirit Power and, more importantly, the small toad in his left hand felt incredibly powerful.

Su Liyun didn't seem to notice anything and casually walked over to Sheng Feilong before asking a question with an expectant expression.

"Brother Feilong, how was it? Did you manage to evolve you little Toad Spirit? Is it a 1.000-years-old Spi-" Before she could finish her questions, Su Liyun froze. Sheng Feilong had turned towards her and looked into her eyes. She felt the same as Jian Wang; as if she was faced with a powerful Soul Beast instead of her friend! Her face paled and she took a step back before stammering a few words.

"Br-brother Feilong, w-what's wrong? Why are looking at me like that..?"

Sheng Feilong was perplexed at first and looked at Su Liyun strangely. He was just looking at someone who asked him a question, how is that considered looking at someone 'like that'? It's common sense to look at people you talk too, isn't it? He was about to say something when he saw her frightened expression and suddenly realized, that he was leaking out Spirit Power and that the Ancient Hypnotic Toad was somehow amplifying that Spirit Power with its unique beast's aura.

He quickly retracted his Spirit Power and Spirit Soul and awkwardly scratched his head.

"Sorry Sister Liyun, I was releasing my Spirit Power unconsciously. What was the last thing you wanted to ask?"

Jian Wang and Su Liyun heaved a sigh of relief, but Wong Wushuang was non the less shocked. Sheng Feilong was at least 2 years younger then him, but that suffocating pressure he released was just his Spirit Power? His teacher praised Wong Wushuang for his strong Spirit power, reaching more than 140 at his young age, so how powerful was Sheng Feilong to give him such a dreadful feeling? He was lost in his own thoughts for a second, but still spoke before Su Liyun with an incredulous expression.

"That pressure was just you leaking Spirit Power unconsciously? How can your Spirit Power be that strong?"

Everyone looked at him before turning back to Sheng Feilong with questioning gazes. Jian Wang and the others knew about Sheng Feilong's enormous Spirit Power, Spirit Eyes and Spirit Soul as well as the fact that he didn't like telling other people about it. Sheng Feilong merely smiled and nodded at them before turning towards Wong Wushuang again.

"Senior Brother Wushuang, you should know that I'm a Spiritual Type Soul Master by now. My Spirit Power is my greatest strength and Master always focused my training on it." Sheng Feilong closed his eyes for a moment, trying to feel his own Spirit Power before opening his eyes again with a slightly puzzled expression. "Though it seems that it increased a bit when the Ancient Hypnotic Toad evolved to the 1.000 year level. I guess it's kind of a side effect since it's a Spiritual Type Spirit Soul?"

Wong Wushuang nodded with a thoughtful expression, while Su Liyun's eyes lit up at the mention of the 1.000 year level. She happily skipped over to Sheng Feilong and looked at him with sparkling eyes.

"So you really evolved it! How is it? Did you get any new abilities? How much stronger are you now?"

Sheng Feilong and the others chuckled before the former smiled and looked at Su Liyun.

"Calm down, will you? It's hard to tell how much stronger evolving the Ancient Hypnotic Toad made me. I'd have to try on Soul Beasts to get a precise measure, but I certainly feel a lot stronger." He then turned to look at the whole group with an impatient expression.

"Shall we go hunting for a bit more?"

Jian Wang and the other laughed at his sudden spike in confidence. Wasn't it Sheng Feilong who said they'd have to hurry since it'll get dark soon when they hunted for the Screaming Ghost Squirrels before? Wong Wushuang shook his head while speaking to Sheng Feilong.

"Look around you, it's already getting dark. Once the sun sets, it'll be way too dangerous for us to go hunting. You should know that, Junior Brother."

Sheng Feilong was taken aback. 'Now that he's saying it, it was indeed approaching night time... but it's bright as day, isn't it?'

Sheng Feilong pondered for a moment, before releasing his Spirit Essence. His eyes became a deeper, piercing blue colour with a fog like hue around them as he looked around. Focusing on a tree some distance away, he could clearly see the structure of the bark with all its curves and bumps. Moreover, he could see it as bright as day and wasn't bothered by the dusk. He smiled and turned to Su Liyun.

"It seems I've got a new ability after all."

Everyone looked at him a bit perplexed, while Su Liyun looked at him with sparkling eyes again and asked what he meant. Sheng Feilong still smiled, but got a better idea.

"Hold on. I'll try something."

After he said that, his soul Power surged and his second Soul Ring lit up; he activated his second Soul Skill, Mental Detection. To the surprise of everyone, though, the Soul Rings behind his back weren't the usual yellow colour. When his Spirit Soul evolved, the Soul Rings did so as well. They were 1.000-year-old Soul Ring and now of a bright purple colour!

Sheng Feilong tried a few things while maintaining the Mental Detection status. He lowered the abilities and Soul Power and Spirit Power cost as much as possible before he contently smiled. He looked at Su Liyun and used Mental Detection on her as well. After a moment, her eyes widened and she let out a sharp yelp before looking around. After a moment she stared at Sheng Feilong.

"You're kidding, right?" Sheng Feilong just smiled, so Su Liyun continued with her questions.

"How long can you keep this up?"

"If I don't share any other abilities, then sharing with everyone here isn't too troublesome. I should be able to keep it up for a few hours." Sheng Feilong smiled at her. At this point, Wong Wushuang, who didn't know of Sheng Feilong's Mental Detection, nor his new 'ability', couldn't help but ask.

"What are you two talking about?"

Sheng Feilong shared his Mental Detection with him and gave him the same abilities as Su Liyun. Wong Wushuang froze and stared at Sheng Feilong in disbelief, while the latter continued to smile like an idiot. "We should be able to hunt with this, right?" Wong Wushuang mechanically nodded his head, not knowing what to say.

An hour later, when the sun had already set, a group of shadows could be seen flickering through the simulated Star Dou Forest. No sound was heard from them while they run between the trees at breakneck speed. Soon, they appeared near a group of wolf like Soul Beasts and two of the shadows dashed out from the group to attack the wolves. No sound was made, but all of the wolves lost their lives in a matter of seconds while peacefully sleeping.

One of the shadows sat down in the middle of the wolves while the others kept watch. About an hour later, a powerful pressure, accompanied by a strong gale swept through the surroundings as the shadow stood up, while the wolves had long since turned to dust. Another shadow, one with strangely glowing blue eyes, approached the first one with a smile.

"Congratulations, Senior Brother Wushuang. You broke through to the 1.000 year level, right?"

The other shadows approached as well, while the first shadow, Wong Wushuang, laughed at the question of the second.

"Indeed. Thank you very much, Junior Brother Sheng! Without this night vision ability of yours, we'd have a much harder time. My Soul Power is near breaking through to level 30 as well, ha, ha!"

The second shadow, Sheng Feilong, as well of the rest of the team quietly smiled, before Sheng Feilong made another suggestion.

"Well, since we've already reached our goals for the visit of the Spirit Ascension Platform, should we leave for now? The Spirit Pagoda can't keep it open forever."

All of them nodded and pressed the special exit button on the back of their hands, as their surrounding turned from a forest to pitch black. Outside the Spirit ascension Platform, in the preparation room of the Spirit Pagoda, Sheng Feilong slowly opened his eyes. He still laid in the same capsule he entered this morning. He opened the lit and crawled out of it, nearly at the same time as the rest of his team. At the other end of the room, Wong Wushuang and his companions also crawled out of their capsules.

They nodded at each other with a smile before turning around to look for the rest of their classmates and the teachers, only to see a shocked crowd before their eyes.