Spirit Eyes' Second Awakening!

Song Weihan's answer not only shocked Sheng Feilong, but also got Sheng Lingtian's attention and astonishment. Both of them were somewhat familiar with Song Weihan's research and work and knew the differences in the quality of Artificial Soul Bones.

The genetic material used to create an Artificial Soul Bone can vary greatly. From using some of the Soul Beasts skin or blood, to organs, refined blood essence or even their bones; anything could be used, but the material used would greatly influence the Soul Bone's strength and potential for growth. An Artificial Soul Bone made from pieces of Soul Beast skin or ordinary blood would usually be very weak compared to others and most likely not grow stronger than the 100 year level.

So far, the strongest Artificial Soul Bone was made from a near complete skeleton of a 10.000-years-old Titan Giant Ape and it is said to have already reached the 10.000 year level with a lot of potential for growth left; It could easily evolve into a 100.000-years-old Soul Bone with enough nourishment!

Yet, the Artificial Soul Bone Song Weihan gave to Sheng Feilong was made from an actual Skull Soul Bone. According to a theory that Song Weihan once told Sheng Feilong, a Soul Bone such as this would have infinite potential, meaning it could even grow into a 1.000.000-years-old Soul Bone or even further! Moreover, it was the Skull Soul Bone of an actual 100.000-years-old Three-Eyed Golden Lion; just how strong would it become?!

Sheng Feilong could help but shake from excitement. He was already shocked when his Master gave him an Artificial Soul Bone that, until this date, only elders of the Spirit Pagoda had obtained, but he got one that was even more powerful than any other one known. He looked at Song Weihan and didn't know what to say.

"Master, this...An Artificial Soul Bone made from an actual one... Can I really take this..?"

"I've already given it to you and moreover, you have already fused with it. What use is there talking about it?", Song Weihan answered with a smile. He then looked at Sheng Feilong with an amused and teasing expression. "What's more important now is what happened to you. I have to admit, though, those golden eyes are quite the eye-catcher."

Sheng Feilong flinched and turned his head away, not giving Song Weihan the chance to look at his eyes anymore before he began pouting.

"It's not like I wanted them to change colour. It's because of the Soul Bone; it changed my Spirit Eyes and my normal eyes were affected..." As soon as he heard Sheng Feilong, Song Weihan's smile vanished and was replaced with a solemn expression and a frown. He looked at Sheng Feilong and spoke in a commanding tone, that Sheng Feilong rarely heard from him.

"Feilong, turn around and look at me, activate you Spirit Essence. Show me the changes now."

Sheng Feilong turned back to look at Song Weihan with a serious expression. Whenever his Master spoke in that tone to him, it meant that the situation was so serious that even the easygoing Song Weihan couldn't remain calm. He nodded his head and activated his Spirit Eyes. His pale golden eyes turned a more powerful, more vibrant shade of gold and seemed to radiate light of their own, while his pupils turned a light shade of red and a blood red, diamond shaped symbol with two two wings and three more, much smaller diamond shaped symbols beneath it, appeared on his forehead.

Song Weihan's pupils constricted the moment Sheng Feilong used his new Spirit Eyes. His body became tense and he intently stared at the red symbol on Sheng Feilong's forehead. Unconsciously, he muttered a few words, shocking Sheng Feilong and Sheng Lingtian.

"The Eye of Destiny..."

Sheng Lingtian looked at Song Weihan before turning his head back to Sheng Feilong.

"Those are the Eyes of Destiny? The legendary third eye of the Three-Eyed Golden Lions, that only one in 100 can open... It's said to give them unrivalled Spirit Power and strengthen them as a whole. A Three-Eyed Golden Lion who awakened their third eye can go toe to toe with true dragons with their body alone, not to mention their Spirit Power."

Song Weihan calmed down and slowly shook his head after hearing Sheng Lingtian's explanation.

"That not all. The Eye of Destiny is a bit different. 10.000 years ago, the Spirit Ice Douluo, Huo Yuhao, obtained the Eye of Destiny after an encounter with a 10.000-years-old Three-Eyed Golden Lion, the Star Dou Forest's Auspicious Emperor. According to the Spirit Pagoda's information does the Eye of Destiny not only increase its bearers strength and Spirit Power, but also allows them to change the destiny of a person. If a person is destined to die in battle, the Eye of Destiny can change that. That presumably fatal attack will miss and a mortal wound might heal at a speed visible to the naked eye. That's the real strength of the Eye of Destiny; The Judgement of the Light of Destiny. Feilong, do you think you can use it?"

Sheng Feilong closed his eyes and focused on his Spirit Eyes, but couldn't find anything different. He looked at Song Weihan again with a frown.

"I do feel stronger and my Spirit Eyes and Spirit Power have become more powerful as well, but I can't feel anything different." He then touched the symbol on his forehead with one hand, trying to find anything strange. "And this symbol doesn't seem to have any power at all. I know it's there, but maybe it's just a visual representation of my Spirit Eyes? The third eye is like a symbol for the Three-Eyed Golden Lion, after all, and since it's Soul Bone changed my eyes, I wouldn't be surprised about something like that."

Song Weihan seemed lost in thought for a while. He was certain that the symbol on Sheng Feilong's forehead is the Eye of Destiny, as he had read the depictions of Huo Yuhao's Eye of Destiny before and they were nearly identical. But, Sheng Feilong himself says it doesn't have any powers? He suddenly looked up with an uncertain expression, deciding to simply ask Sheng Feilong about it.

"Since it's your own Spirit Essence, you would naturally know best, And you're certain the symbol doesn't have any powers?" Sheng Feilong nodded his head without hesitation, causing Song Weihan to stay silent again. 'So it's just a symbol? Still, a Spirit Mutation induced by the Soul Bone of A Three-Eyed Golden Lion. Considering his bloodline, it was most probably even a Second awakening and not a mutation. That alone is enough to bring endless trouble, not to mention the Sheng Clan's history...'

Song Weihan looked at Sheng Feilong and Sheng Lingtian before speaking up again.

"Both of you, listen up. For now, no matter what, everything we talked about in here must never be told to a fourth person. Not your friends and neither your family. The Sheng Clan's bloodline and the Second Awakening of Feilong's Spirit Essence are much too sensible information. I will send people to the Sheng Clan to obtain information on your lineage and history under a false pretense and we'll investigate afterwards."

Sheng Feilong nodded his head but still couldn't help but feel a tinge of pity for the Sheng Clan. None of them knew about this and the probably wouldn't get to know it in the near future. A Clan related to the Three-Eyed Golden Lion is much too dangerous, even if their bloodlines are diluted. While thinking about this, he suddenly felt an aching pain in his head and couldn't help but groan because of it. He recalled his Spirit Eyes and saw Song Weihan worriedly look at him.

"What's wrong, Feilong?" Sheng Feilong simply smiled lightly. "Nothing. Just a little headache."

Song Weihan frowned. Although Sheng Feilong tried to play it down, this 'little headache' was enough to make him groan from pain and force him to retract his Spirit Essence with a pale face.

"We'll go back down to the lower floors immediately. We'll make a complete check-up on you. After the Second Awakening, we need to know how much has changed. Your body is not accustomed to the new Spirit Essence and I think this headache might come from that."

Following his sentence, Song Weihan went to Yelu Hanbing to make sure he and his team would remain quiet about what happened with Sheng Feilong during the process of fusing with the Artificial Soul Bone before heading down to the lower floors with Sheng Feilong and Sheng Lingtian.

The went through all the test and the results were frightening! Sheng Feilong's strength, endure and other physical qualities had increased significantly, nearly reaching twice his strength from before, but that wasn't even the frightening result; His Spirit Power had increased to 4.735! A 13 year old young boy with a body stronger then most adult men and a Spirit Power of way over 4.000 – just what kind of concept was that?! After they let the shock sink in for two days, Song Weihan made a new training plan for Sheng Feilong, this time without including Jian Wang and Jian Shiguan. He also sent out two of his most trusted subordinates to inquire about the history of the Sheng Clan in secret.


In another part of the Spirit Pagoda, an employee was quickly making his way to an office at the end of the hallway. He gently knocked on the door and entered after being invited in. Standing a few feet away from the desk, he bowed to the scrawny old man sitting behind it.

"Greeting, Elder Thosun." The scrawny old man nodded at him with an indifferent expression. "It's rare for you to come to my office without an assignment. Do you have something important to report?"

"Yes, sir. It about Song Weihan." The employee respectfully replied. Elder Thosun's eyebrows lifted up and he looked interested. "Oh? What is it?"

"3 day ago, Song Weihan brought his personal disciple, Sheng Feilong, to the 84th floor. They remained inside for more than 24 hours. We assume Sheng Feilong fused with the Artificial Soul Bone. After that, Song Weihan took him to go through a complete check-up and kept absolute secrecy over the results. Even the computer's data were deleted. Today, Song Weihan sent two of his subordinates out of the city. According to our information, the Clan of his disciple lies about 3 hours outside the city, in the same direction Song Weihan's subordinates went." The employee spoke all that in less than 5 breaths, and Elder Thosun nodded and spoke with an indifferent expression again.

"Keep tabs on Song Weihan's subordinates. Find out where they are going and what they are trying to find out. Get all the information and report it to me. Use force if necessary."

The employee nodded and left the room. After a few seconds, Elder Thosun stood up and walked towards the window. He smiled lightly, but failed to hide the clear mocking and sinister intention.

"That is an interesting report... Ha, ha, oh, little Song, what kind of secret are you keeping now..."