The Eighth Trial

Sheng Feilong and student number two stood opposite on the arena while waiting for Teacher Shen to allow them to begin their battle. Both of them looked eerily calm, but as soon as Teacher Shen gave the signal, the situation changed. Student number two madly charged at Sheng Feilong who didn't move a muscle and stood rooted in his position; neither of them using their Spirit Essences yet!

Student number two continued to charge at Sheng Feilong and when just ten meters separated the two of them, his body began to suddenly inflate madly! Three Soul Rings sprung into existence behind his back; 2 yellow and one purple and the purple one suddenly lit up, inflate student number two's body even further. Brown fur covered his arms, neck and chest as his cloths burst apart, leaving him with only his highly elastic underwear.

Sheng Feilong flinched when student number two's cloths burst apart and looked slightly awkward, missing the perfect timing to release his Spirit Essence. Regaining his focus, he quickly released his Spirit Essence; his eyes turning a deeper shade of gold and the diamond shaped, winged, red pattern appeared on his forehead. Behind his back, three deep purple coloured Soul Rings sprung into existence and the first one quickly lit up, together with his eyes!

Sheng Feilong then quickly jumped to the right, just a moment before student number two's fist hit the ground where he just stood. Now, Sheng Feilong was able to get a better glance at student number two's body. It had swelled to over 4 meters in size with the arms, torso, neck and even legs covered in thick, dark brown fur. While student number two's form what still humanoid, he looked closer to a massive gorilla!

Sheng Feilong had a bad feeling and his mind quickly spun into overdrive. Just now, he had successfully trapped student number two in the Toad Prison's illusions, but how was he supposed to deal with a four meters tall, massively muscular gorilla?! With his current physical condition, he'd be able to kick a normal human out of the stage, but student number two's form was just too sturdy!

While thinking about that, the illusionary form of himself, had already dodged student number two's first attack to the left. Student number two quickly hurried after the illusion, trying to strike it again, while everyone else saw him suddenly charging away from Sheng Feilong, who stood in his spot with his brows furrowed. Jian Wang looked conflicted when he saw that. He knew, that Sheng Feilong used his first Soul Skill, but so what? He couldn't kick a gorilla away!

"This is bad. He's trapped."

Xu Xiaoyan looked at Jian Wang with a confused expression. She didn't know why student number two suddenly charged away from Sheng Feilong while the latter's Soul Skill, which clearly activated, seemed to have done nothing.

"Trapped? What do you mean?"

Before Jian Wang could speak up, Gu Yue answered Xu Xiaoyan and the other's question while still looking at Sheng Feilong.

"It's an illusion. Sheng Feilong trapped that student number two in an illusion. But he's too weak to beat student number two, even if the latter is trapped."

Xu Xiaoyan and the others looked at Jian Wang for confirmation, who nodded and quickly explained the situation a bit more.

"Feilong's Spirit Essenceis related to his Spirit Power and illusions. While his body's quite strong, he's currently in a bad condition and can't defeat student number-" Before he finished his sentence, Jian Wang suddenly stopped and stared a Sheng Feilong. He could see a mischievous smile on the latter's face and Jian Wang instantly relaxed after seeing it.

"Well, scratch that, he already has a plan now."

The others were still confused and even Gu Yue frowned slightly, not understanding Jian Wang's meaning. But just moments after, they understood. On the arena, student number two was currently chasing and punching out at the illusion of Sheng Feilong, while occasionally taking a blocking stance. Teacher Shen and the other Shrek Students couldn't quite understand what was going on, but then student number two struck out another time in the direction of the trial challengers and snorted soon after, seemingly looking down on someone in their midst.

Sheng Feilong was now walking over to the edge of the arena where the other Shrek students stood and was waiting for student number two. The latter returned to his human form after letting out another disdainful sneer, new cloths tightly fitting around his slender body again, as he lightly bowed towards Teacher Shen before returning to the other Shrek students. A step away from the edge, just past Sheng Feilong, student number two suddenly lost balance and fell of the arena!

The other Shrek students nearly had their eyes popping out of their heads! Sheng Feilong had just kicked student number two in the back, sending him flying down from the arena. By now, Sheng Feilong broke the illusion and student number two saw him standing on the edge of the arena with a slight smile, awkwardly scratching his head at the same time. He looked at Sheng Feilong speechlessly, not knowing what just happened, before hearing Sheng Feilong speaking in a loud voice while he slightly bowed in apology.

"I didn't know how to deal with you other then like this. I'm really sorry, Senior Sister!"

Everyone stiffened. The Shrek students looked at student number two cautiously. He was by far the strongest of them; their class president, who's Spirit Essence was the top-ranked Soul Beast, the Titan Giant Ape, but he was just kicked off the arena and called a woman by some random examinee! Surprisingly for them, student number two didn't immediately flare up in anger, but instead looked at Sheng Feilong in shock.

Unfortunately for him, before he could speak up, Teacher Shen's voice resounded through the room.

"Student number two has left the arena. The winner is Sheng Feilong. He gets full marks on the eighth trial. You may return to your side now."

Sheng Feilong lightly bowed to student number two and Teacher Shen again before returning to Jian Wang's side. Tang Wulin and his friends were looking at him incredulously while Jian Wang smiled teasingly with his thumbs raised.

"You really are vicious enough, you know? Not only toying with the guy like that, letting him think he won before you kick him down the arena, you even add insult to injury by calling him a woman!" Everyone else seemed to agree and slightly looked down at Sheng Feilong after his insulting actions, but Sheng Feilong simply frowned at the tease.

"What do mean insulting? I don't know why she's wearing the boy's cloths, but she really is a woman!"

Jian Wang's eyes widened and he looked at student number two, who had already regained their composure and silently stood near the other Shrek students who seemed slightly distressed, not daring to speak to student number two. Sure, student number two had a slender frame and may even look a bit feminine, but their were clearly a boy! Jian Wang then looked at Sheng Feilong again.

"Are you sure..?"

Just then, Teacher Shen's voice sounded through the hall again, calling for the next of them to step onto the arena. This time, Tang Wulin stepped up and chose his opponent; a female student who had the number 10. Tang Wulin's Spirit Essence was surprisingly the Bluesilver Grass, the same as Jian Shiguan's and he also was a Control Type Soul Master. Even so, he easily defeated student number ten, though he hasn't done so directly. Instead, he played around with her for nearly the whole time, wasting his own Soul Power in the process before ending the fight with a single punch. Sheng Feilong didn't know if Tang Wulin was simply a pervert who liked to play with woman like that or if he had some other motive, but it sure worked out for him in the end...

After Tang Wulin, Xie Xie walked onto the arena, choosing a Power Attack Type Soul Master among the remaining students. Using his advantage as an Agility Type Soul Master, he quickly defeated his opponent. What shocked Sheng Feilong, though, was the fact, that xie Xie actually had Twin Spirit Essences; two daggers, one light golden and the other shadowy and nearly invisible. Both of them adorned with the carvings of dragons.

After that, Gu Yue walked on the stage and challenged student number one; a boy looking ordinary beyond belief. He was practically indistinguishably from any ordinary stranger on the streets! Their battle was really short, but just as bizarre. Student number one used his Soul Skills to give his Lion Mastiff Spirit Soul a physical form and had it attack Gu Yue, however, the latter simply formed an ice ball in her hands, shot it into the Lion's mouth, where it exploded into a huge amount of ice spears and turned the Lion Mastiff into a giant needle cushion! After that, she enhanced herself with the wind element, charged at student number one and held an ice spear to his throat!

Lastly, Xu Xiaoyan went up. This time, Sheng Feilong really didn't know what to saw. Her Spirit Essence was the Ice Staff, and she was a dual Control and Long Ranged Attack System Soul Master. Still, her performance was even more unique; She didn't just use her Spirit Essence to conjure attacks, but instead held a heavy, jet black hammer in her hand. It's weight was obvious as she had to balance herself out with her Ice Staff. She then made an Ice Wheel and duct-taped the hammer onto it which then flew slowly to student number six, who began using his own attacks.

Xu Xiaoyan somehow stopped his attacks, but then her Ice Staff suddenly changed. She dropped her clumsy act and used a new Soul Skill which she called Starwheel. A golden symbol appeared under student number six and chains shot out of it, restraining his movements completely while the Icewheel-hammer combination still flew towards him. With no other option left, he admitted defeat as he couldn't allow the hammer to hit him, but also couldn't dodge.

Sheng Feilong was shocked again. Tang Wulin and his team were simply to weird. The captain was a Control Type Soul Master, whose greatest strength is his punching ability, an Agility Type Soul Master with Twin Spirit Essences, an Long Range Attack System Soul Master with dual elemental control and another Control-Long Range Attack Dual System Soul Master, who was acting like a weak little girl...

Sheng Feilong couldn't help sighing to himself with an bewildered expression.

'Shrek Academy really doesn't accept ordinary people...!'