Purple Forest Witch's Spirit Soul

Sheng Feilong was surprised when he heard Song Weihan's explanation. He understood why the picture of the Purple Forest Witch made him feel so uncomfortable. With an ability like mind corrosion, it was practically the natural enemy of any Soul Master, even more so for Spiritual Type Soul Masters. Still, if its poison really works like that, than if he could obtain its abilities from its Spirit Soul and combine it with his illusions...

"Master, how do the Purple Forest Witch's abilities usually work out for Soul Masters?"

Song Weihan smiled lightly. It seemed like he had persuaded his disciple once again.

"There weren't many Soul Masters who fused with Purple Forest Witches in history; Mainly due to their rarity and specifics. Most Plant Type Soul Master who could actually use its poison attribute to their advantage can't fuse with it because all plants reject it. Even a Bluesilver Emperor would be unable to accept it, so most people who chose with it were special Poison Soul Masters. And all of them got its powerful poison as their ability."

He paused for a moment and looked at Sheng Feilong with a contemplative expression.

"Your Spirit Eyes would usually not be able to fuse with it due to the repulsive effect of the corrosive elements, but yours aren't normal Spirit Eyes. As an evolution incited by the bloodline of a Three-Eyed Golden Lion, you should be able to fuse with it."

Sheng Feilong stayed silent while Song Weihan explained the Purple Forest Witch's characteristics, earnestly listening to the latter. Afterwards, he once again fell back into his own thoughts, neither Sheng Lingtian nor Song Weihan disrupting him, until he raised his head again, looking at Song Weihan with a serious expression.

"All right, I want to try it. Master, please give me the Purple Forest Witch's Spirit Soul to fuse with!"

Song Weihan smiled lightly, trying his best to hide the smugness of having persuaded Sheng Feilong to take his offer as he lead them to a restricted area on the Spirit Pagoda's third floor. Unlike the normal room where one would get their Spirit Souls, the one Song Weihan lead them to was much smaller. Moreover, it actually required Song Weihan's personal ID-card to enter. A similar machine to the one in the main room stood in this smaller one. Like the other, it also seemed to contain a multitude of Spirit Souls of all kinds.

Song Weihan moved to a terminal and typed a few codes, passwords and the likes in while Sheng Feilong and Sheng Lingtian waited at the side. The huge machine began to power up and work for a while before a round metal ball was ejected at the opening in the middle a few moments later. Song Weihan walked over, grabbed the ball and checked it before returning to Sheng Feilong's side.

"12.706-years-old Poison Type Soul Beast, Purple Forest Witch's, Spirit Soul. Nurtured in my personal Spirit Soul storage and considerably more docile compared to normal Purple Forest Witches. Just for reference; this little treasure is is worth around 1.2 billion Federational Coins. Not that I'd charge my own disciple, though."

Sheng Feilong was thrilled when he saw the metal ball at first. It's been a long while since he last saw one, much less fused with an Spirit Soul, and he felt slightly nostalgic, but when Song Weihan mentioned its normal price, he froze in shock. He had heard that Spirit Souls were expensive, but 1.2 billion Federational Coins? That was enough money to buy the land to create a medium sized village!

He hesitated to grab the metal ball for a moment; although Song Weihan had only mentioned the price to tease him, he still felt the money weigh down on him when he stood in front of it. Song Weihan smiled when he saw Sheng Feilong's hesitation and took a step forward before pushing the metal ball into his embrace and spoke with a teasing voice.

"What are you waiting for, take it already! I'll show you a safe room where you can fuse with it. We don't have the time to just stand around here; I'm a busy man, you know? You don't need to be concerned about that small bit of change."

This time even Sheng Lingtian couldn't help but awkwardly clear his throat. He had remained calm, or at least tried to, when Song Weihan spoke of the Spirit Soul's price, but to think he would refer to 1.2 billion Federational Coins as 'small change'... Rich and successful people were really unfathomable not to mention Titled Douluo's. To them, money really is just a number, it seems.

What they did not know, though, was that Song Weihan, who was leading the way over to the aforementioned safe room, had a pained expression on his face; 1.2 billion Federational Coins were a huge amount of money, even for him! Luckily, neither Sheng Feilong nor Sheng Lingtian could see his face as they were walking behind him. Arriving at the room, Sheng Lingtian and Song Weihan remained outside to let Sheng Feilong freely focus on his task.

Sitting down in the middle of the room, Sheng Feilong adjusted his mind and body before slowly pouring a bit of Soul Power into the metal ball in his hands. It radiated a bit of purple and black light as it opened up and revealed a small, purple figure with short hair and round face. This figure stood on a big black ring of energy and expressionlessly stared at Sheng Feilong.

The latter couldn't help but swallow some saliva. Not only was the Purple Forest witch radiating the intimidating pressure of a 10.000-years-old Soul Beast, its gaze actually lightly made his mind shake. Sheng Feilong took a deep breath, adjusting his state of mind once again and slowly began to pull the Spirit Souls power to himself, trying to absorb the Spirit Soul.

Although the repulsive effect of the mind corroding poison attribute of the Purple Forest Witch and his own spiritual element was significant, with the Three-Eyed Golden Lion's bloodline lightly acting up, the repulsive feeling vanished in an instant. Like this, Sheng Feilong was able to fully fuse with the Spirit Soul in about two and a half hours time!

Sheng Feilong slowly opened his eyes, taking another deep breath before he looked behind himself. Having just finished fusing with the Spirit Soul, he had directly gained his fourth Soul Ring. Now, there were 3 deep purple and a single black Soul Ring hovering behind his back. He had officially stepped into the realm of Soul Ancestors!

He smiled to himself for a few seconds before turned his head back to the front and closing his eyes again. He didn't cultivate, though; This time, he entered his own spiritual consciousness. A pure white world was once again extending into all directions around him as he saw his Spirit Essence, Spirit Souls and the Three-Eyed Golden Lion's Skull Bone hover silently in the air.

The silhouette of his Spirit Eyes had changed compared to how it looked when he first entered here. It as still a hollow, lightly outlined figure, but it's eyes weren't blue anymore. Instead, they had taken on a deep shade of gold with a golden aura surrounding figure's whole head like a lion's mane. Etched into its forehead was the same winged diamond shaped symbol that appeared when Sheng Feilong activated his Spirit Essence.

The Three-Eyed Golden Lion's Skull Bone had come closer to the silhouette and a wobbling strand of golden light was continuously connecting the two of them. The Ancient Hypnotic Toad's Spirit Soul on the other hand still looked the same as always, only that it was sleeping while occasionally croaking as if it was snoring. Must be pretty nice to have such a lax life. Originally, the toad was always fearful, stammering something about 'frightful presence' and 'getting stronger' but after a few years since its evolution to the 1.000 year level, it had calmed down and was nearly always sleeping if Sheng Feilong didn't need it in battle. It was a 100 percent reliable, but just as lazy if it didn't have to do anything.

The newcomer to his spiritual consciousness, the Purple Forest Witch's Spirit Soul, stood still in his place, calmly observing Sheng Feilong with stoic eyes, not looking away for even a second. As the two of them had completely fused, the uncomfortable feeling that radiated from it as well as the 10.000-years-old Soul Beast's pressure had completely disappeared; they were totally comfortable around each other.

Sheng Feilong sat down near it and started transmitting his thoughts. As a 10.000-years-old Spirit Soul, the Purple Forest Witch's intelligence and ability to communicate with Sheng Feilong was much higher. He tried out some easy conversation first, starting with a simple 'hello'. The Purple Forest Witch continued to stare at him and just as Sheng Feilong wanted to communicate something else, he heard a high pitched, childish voice in his head, asking where it was!