Waging War

After coming out of the conference room, Song Weihan returned to the 84th floor and informed his team about everything that happened. Instead of focusing on their normal work, they starting transfering all of the data from the computer systems to external sources before giving those to Song Weihan. All of the data had been cleared out by the time Elder Thosun's staff came the next day. After doing what was asked of them, they left Elder Thosun's staff in the room while Song Weihan deleted all of their access to the research centre and gave full control over to Elder Thosun.

The next day, Song Weihan and his team, as well as Sheng Lingtian, left the Spirit Pagoda while Elder Sun and Elder Thosun had come to wish them farewell. Sheng Lingtian and many of the staff members had already contacted their landlords, cancelling their rental contracts and they followed Song Weihan to the south that very day.

After a two hours journey, they came to a moderately big town and settled down with the help of Song Weihan. As it turned out, this was actually the town Song Weihan grew up in and with the help of the latter's status as a Titled Douluo, everyone quickly found themselves and their families a new home. Song Weihan also bought an old apartment complex in the outskirts of the town where their new laboratory would be located. While this new laboratory didn't meet the standard of their old one at the Spirit Pagoda, all of them were experts and geniuses of their own and they quickly got to the point where they could continue their own work, albeit without being able to do experiments.

Song Weihan sat in his new office, going through a few procedures to find a way to begin with the production of Artificial Soul Bones again as soon as possible, while more and more documents were stacked on his desk as time passed by. They had only settled down in this new laboratory, but the dozens of Clan,s institutions and even the federal government had send word that they intend to cooperate with Song Weihan and his team, some offering staggering benefits.

Although he didn't agree to any of them yet, Song Weihan took every single of those offers serious and reviewed them in detail while also telling his subordinates to find out more about those that offered generous benefits. Luckily for them, Song Weihan's information network still functioned perfectly as he had never relied on the Spirit Pagoda for this in the first place. If this wasn't the case, they would have a substantial problem with just their small team.

The next day continued like the first ended and everyone continued with accustoming themselves to their new daily lives. A few hours into the day, Song Weihan stood in the laboratory, talking about the possibilities their laboratory has with a few senior members of the team, when one of his assistants, who's also one of the direct contacts to Song Weihan's burst into the room with a grave expression. He ran over to Song Weihan before taking a few deep breaths and finally speaking up to Song Weihan in a anxious tone. "Boss Song, we have a problem!" Quickly looking around and seeing everyone stare at him, he continued in a hushed and embarrassed tone. "Should we go to your office, Boss?"

Song Weihan nodded and the both of them entered the office, closing the doors behind them while the rest of the crowd looked in their direction with curious expressions. Song Weihan looked at the anxious informant with a calm expression. "So, tell me now. What it is that made you rush in like that just now?"

"The Clan of you personal disciple, Sheng Feilong, and his father, Mister Sheng, has been... been eliminated last night. According to our connections, the whole Clan estate was razed to the ground and burned down, while no survivors were found until now. In- in fact, no corpses and not even the slightest drop of blood could be found, as it their Clan had voluntarily abandoned the estate.", te informant reported. With each word, his voice became smaller and smaller and by the end of his report, they were but a slight whisper as his body shook in place, locked down by Song Weihan's Soul Power.

"Is this information reliable? If there's even the slightest bit of falsehood in your words, you will die without a grave.", Song Weihan replied, still locking the informant down with his Soul Power. The latter shuddered, but still forcefully nodded his head repeatedly. Less than a minute had passed since they entered, but the whole laboratory shook under Song Weihan's Soul Power and everyone could clearly feel the killing intent coming from him. They had just turned their heads back over in surprise when the door to the office burst open and a furious Song Weihan looked into their direction, bellowing out commands with a terrifying tone. "Gather everyone in the main hall and ready all of the soul engineered weapons and equipment! We are going to war!"


A few hours later, a piece of news shocked the world. According to a few intelligence agencies, the Spirit Flamingo Douluo, Song Weihan and his group of experts, armed with soul engineered weaponry and equipment, had come to Shrek City, standing in the air above the Sea God's Pavilion, and declared war on Shrek Academy!

The first to notice this were naturally the Sea God Pavilion's Elders in the middle of Shrek Academy. As soon as Song Weihan, Sheng Lingtian and their group appeared, all of them felt it and assembled in the air above the academy as well, standing opposite of Song Weihan and Sheng Lingtian. At first, most of them didn't think much of this as Song Weihan was the only Titled Douluo amongst them and much weaker compared to the Sea God's Pavilion's Elders, but their looks quickly changed when they saw the equipment Song Weihan and his team were wearing.

Massive cannons, diverse, battle-ready Mechas with heavy artillery and other powerful weapons were just the beginning. Even if they didn't have much strong Soul Masters, their weaponry alone could raze the whole Shrek City to the ground and even the powerful Elders would be unable to stop most of it. The Sea God's Pavilion's master, Atlas Douluo Yun Ming, stood at the front of the Shrek Academy's side and looked at the furious Song Weihan with a grave expression. "Song Weihan, what is the meaning of this? I admit that the accident concerning Sheng Feilong is a clear negligence on Shrek Academy's part and we will take full responsibility for this, but why are you bringing such a deployment with you? Do you intend to involve the whole Shrek City in this?!"

Song Weihan stared at Yun Ming with a furious expression as his killing intent flared even higher. "Yun Ming, you still try to play the innocent?! Other than myself and his father, the only ones to know about his bloodline are you and Shrek Academy! Promising you three Artificial Soul Bones wasn't enough, so you had to orchestrate the attack on the Soul Train to take him! And you damned bastard didn't stop there! After taking my disciple, you go out and erase the whole Sheng Clan as well! And for what?! To use them as guinea pigs to experiment on?!"

Yun Ming was stunned for a moment before the frown on his face deepened. "What are you talking about? Shrek Academy would never orchestrate something like an attack on a civil Soul Train. And I assure you that we have absolutely nothing to do with the Sheng Clan! After making the contract for the three Artificial Soul Bones, we have never stuck our noses into any of this!"

By now, Sheng Lingtian, who stood next to Song Weihan, couldn't keep his calm any longer and charged forward in his Mecha, furiously bellowing at Yun Ming!

"You are still denying it! After taking the life of my son and erasing my whole Clan, you still want us to believe this is all a coincidence?! Bastard, I want your life!" Just after he said this, a resplendent light burst forth from Song Weihan's body and enveloped him whole, only to fade away in but a second. Song Weihan's appearance changed in this time; a silvery white armour clad his whole body while a oversized, long helmet obscured his head. His Soul Power surged, further being amplified by his Battle Armour, and 9 Soul Ring's shot forth behind his back! Hollering a command at his companions, he charged at Yun Ming. "Attack!"

Faced with the attacks of Song Weihan and all of the men behind him, the Sea God pavilion's Elders didn't dare to hold back any longer. Their Soul Powers surged as their Soul Ring's appeared behind them, some even having light burst out of them as then donned their own Battle Armours. The sheer energy released by all those top experts sent hurricanes rioting through Shrek Academy. Soul engineered weaponry and Soul Skills crashed into each other; Even the commoners in Shrek City were now able to feels the raging winds as the earth shook and explosions filled the sky, hundreds of metres above the ground! Fear painted the faces of those that saw this apocalyptic scene in the sky, while all of them hid in their homes or other buildings as fast as possible.

Yun Ming lead the charge at Shrek Academy's side, clashing with Sheng Lingtian's Mecha and blocking the latter's charge with relative ease, but he was then met with Song Weihan's attack. Without having his Atlas Spear summoned, Yun Ming had to retreat, dodging Song Weihan's attack, before the spear appeared in his hand and he charged at the two of them again. He suddenly felt his mind shake, as he furiously spurted his Spirit Power into action to resist Song Weihan's spiritual attack; The sheer force of their spirits sending tangible shockwaves through the air.

Their fight continued for hours, while the explosions in the sky wore the buildings of Shrek Academy down, slowly but surely. All of the students had long since been escorted to an underground bunker by the teachers and, fortunately, no one was injured yet. One by one, the people that Song Weihan brought began to fall, as he himself and Sheng Lingtian were restricted by Yun Ming. They could only gnash their teeth as they knew that they were at the mercy of the latter; Even though Yun Ming faced both of them at the same time, they knew he could kill them whenever he pleased, but decided to let them fight for this whole time!


In the evening of the same day, another piece of news spread over the whole continent; After a earth shaking battle, that continued for over half a day, the Spirit Flamingo Douluo and the men he brought to Shrek Academy for vengeance returned in total defeat; all of them were heavily injured and they could do nothing else but miserably flee for their lives!