Shocking The High Heavens

Song Weihan and Sheng Lingtian were still in shock about Sheng Feilong's new Spirit Essence. In this transformed state, Sheng Feilong was already taller than any of the both of them, while just the aura that radiated from his body made Sheng Lingtian pale; Just standing next to his son was already the best he could do without mustering his own Soul Power to resist the pressure!

Song Weihan once again spread his Spirit Power out, checking the changes that happened to Sheng Feilong with a solemn expression. After just a short probe, his expression turned slightly sluggish. In this state, Sheng Feilong's physical strength was already on par with a rank 70 Power Attack System Soul Saint! Moreover, there were areas where Song Weihan actually felt his Spirit Power tremble when he probed them; The head of Sheng Feilong as well as the tips of his claws.

Song Weihan couldn't really point a finger at what exactly it is that was hindering him, but when his Spirit Power checked Sheng Feilong's horns, it felt like their presence was burning his Spirit Power away. The same was the case with the greyish green tips of Sheng Feilong's claws.

A moment later, he retracted his Spirit Power with a conflicted expression. This Spirit Essence was undeniably incredibly powerful, but just the fact that it was a demonic Spirit Essence was enough to turn Sheng Feilong into an enemy of humankind... There's no way that the Federational government or any of the righteous factions would accept him like this.

Song Weihan frowned for a moment before looking Sheng Feilong in the eyes. "Feilong this Spirit Essence, hah... It's good that you've only shown it to us. Frankly speaking, if it was someone else that showed my this spirit, I would've probably personally slain them. A demonic Spirit Essence is the worst thing that could've happened to you. Aside from the relatively common dark or evil attributed Spirit Essences that you know off, there are also demonic Spirit Essences like yours."

He paused for a moment, closely observing Sheng Feilong's expression. The latter was considerably calm, but the worry and unease could clearly been seen in his eyes. Song Weihan continued with the same solemn expression as before. "The problem with demonic Spirit Essences is, that every single possessor of such a Spirit has turned to become an evil Soul Master. And every single one of them became one of the leading figures of evil Soul Masters of their generation. If those righteous factions get to know of you, they will probably not spare any effort to hunt you down."

Sheng Feilong's expression changed once again. He already thought that the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon would not be the best thing that happened to him in recent times, but he didn't expect the situation to be so dire. Just the thought of being labeled an enemy of humankind sent shivers down his spine, but just as he wanted to say something, Song Weihan spoke up again. "For now, let's just keep this a secret. You a to never use this Spirit Essence in the future. Even if your life depends on it, never show it to anyone."

Waiting for Sheng Feilong's response, Song Weihan saw the formers face contort slightly. With a quiet voice full of unease, Sheng Feilong spoke up. "Master... this isn't all, yet... There's a few more things..."

Song Weihan frowned even more. Beckoning for Sheng Feilong to go on, the latter showed a conflicted expression before taking two steps back and his Soul Power began to surge. The oppressive aura that radiated from Sheng Feilong suddenly topped over itself, increasing and becoming more and more intense, all the while spreading out for more than 10 metres into every direction; The pressure from it creating a near tangible energy in the air.

Song Weihan's expression contorted into one of shock before it turned slightly sluggish again. He stared at Sheng Feilong with a disbelieving expression and spoke in a shaky voice. "D-Domain... Ability...?"

Sheng Feilong lightly nodded, confirming Song Weihan's guess, before he spoke up with a probing voice. "This ability if called 'Netherworld Ascension – Planes of Decay'... It's the second Innate Ability of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon Spirit Essence other than the transformation..."

Song Weihan continued to stare at Sheng Feilong in utter disbelief. A Domain ability was unfathomably rare; Even he himself as a Titled Douluo does only possess a single one and that's the one he formed himself when his Spirit Power broke through to the Spirit Domain Realm! As for obtaining one from their own Spirit Essence, only the most powerful ones are said to have one. An example would be the Tang Sect's Founder's Tang San's Bluesilver Emperor Domain!

For Sheng Feilong to have one as well; One could only imagine how powerful this Netherworld Putrefaction Demon truly is! After a moment, Song Weihan's disbelieving expression once again contorted, showing a slight amount of dread and even more shock; He felt Sheng Feilong's domain actually attacking him, trying to wrest away the life force from his body!

Next to him, Sheng Lingtian's expression cortorted in nearly the same instant and he instantly released his Soul Power in order to resist the pulling force from Sheng Feilong's domain ability! He, as a powerful Soul Emperor level expert had to use his own Soul Power to resist the ability of a Soul Ancestor, and that's with the latter not even trying to hurt him!

Sheng Feilong himself stared at the two of them with the same complicated expression as before and when he saw their shock and reactions to the domain's effects, his expression soured a bit more. He spoke up again, pulling Song Weihan and Sheng Lingtian out of their stupor. "That's still not all... Do you remember when I mentioned the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon killing the Doomstinger Dragonfly..? It.. It actually devoured the Beasts Soul Ring, turning... turning it into my own..."

With his speech, his Soul Power surged again, and the pressure radiating from him instantly became even more oppressive and overbearing as the Netherworld Ascension Domain spread out further, reaching a radius of 30 metres, now covering more than half of the huge training hall and a blood red Soul Ring with grey, corroded looking outer layers appeared behind his back!

Sheng Lingtian's expresison changed again and he circulated his Soul Power even fiercer; His hair and beard suddenly becoming thicker, while his arms were being covered by brown fur and 6 Soul Rings appeared behind his back. The power of Sheng Feilong's domain became ever more powerful when he released his Soul Ring, forcing Sheng Lingtian to do the same in order to resist the pulling force on his life force!

Song Weihan's expression paled as well as he stared at the gigantic Soul Ring behind Sheng Feilong's back. Now, even he had to let his Soul Power surge in order to be unaffected by Sheng Feilong's domain, but he didn't pay any mind to it; His eyes were completely fixated on Sheng Feilong's Soul Ring!

Red! A real, 100.000-years-old Red Soul Ring taken from a true 100.000-years-old Soul Beast! Moreover, it even had a different colour at the outside! But what in the world was a grey-red Soul Ring?! Song Weihan had naturally heard of differently coloured Soul Rings that were first made known by the Spirit ice Douluo, Huo Yuhao 10.000 years ago, but the latter only mentioned orange Soul Rings, signifying a Soul Beast's ago of over 200.000 years; Never was there anything said about grey ones!

Still, the shock didn't stop there as Sheng Feilong slowly knelt down on the ground. He now had a serious expression on his face as he slowly raised his arm. His Soul Power surged one again and the grey-red Soul Ring behind his back lit up! Immediately, the aura surrounding Sheng Feilong changed once again and a greyish, muddy green vapour was emitted by his raised right arm. Using this arm, Sheng Feilong than stabbed his fingertips into the concrete ground and a low hissing sound could be heard.

Only seconds later, the ground around Sheng Feilong's fingertip began bubbling as the same greyish, muddy green vapour rose from the ground. The concrete was slowly melting away, corroded by the strange vapour and a terrifying pit appeared where Sheng Feilong had stabbed into the ground; 50 centimetres in diameter, it's edges still giving off the strange vapour!

Sheng Feilong stood up again and faced Song weihan and Sheng Lingtian. The grey-red Soul Ring behind his back dimmed down before slowly vanishing, while Sheng Feilong also retracted the netherworld Ascension Domain and his body slowly returned to normal proportions. After everything returned to normal, Sheng Feilong once again opened his mouth. "This was my first Soul Skill, the Putrefaction Devil Claw. It coats my body into a powerful corrosive vapour, that I can freely control, etching away anything it touches, be that concrete, Soul Power or... or even human flesh..."

Sheng Lingtian was now slightly shaking in his place. These abilities Sheng Feilong had shown were just too terrifying! He had never fought an evil Soul Master before, but he would bet anything that they weren't as monstrous and dreadful as Sheng Feilong's Netherworld Putrefaction Demon Spirit Essence! Next to him, Song Weihan wasn't faring much better. Although he was still much more composed than Sheng Lingtian, his breathing was slightly haggard and his eyes were shaking as he stared at Sheng Feilong.

It wasn't known if it was intentional or if Sheng Feilong just didn't notice their plight, but he decided to release another bomb into their heads. Lightly breathing out before closing his eyes, Sheng Feilong focused on his own body, beckoning the Doomstinger Dragonfly's External Soul Bone to appear. Just an instant later, his tailbone began growing out and a demonic looking, 5 metres long tail grew out from his lower back! Sheng Feilong willed it to lightly swirl around his body and took the end of this tail into his hand, revealing a over 40 centimetres long, sword-like stinger at the end!

He looked at his father and Master; the latter had already fallen to the ground from shock, staring at Sheng Feilong with a lifeless expresison, while the latter was heavily shaking in his place, his knees looking like they would give out any second know. "This is the last thing... I... I also obtained the 100.000-years-old Doomstinger Dragonfly's Soul Bone; A 100.000-years-old tail type External Soul Bone."