Power Of The 100.000-Years-Old External Soul Bone!

She Meixiao stared at Sheng Feilong. Just like Sheng Lingtian and Song Weihan, she needed a long time to regain her calm; Even longer, in fact, than the other two as she didn't even know about the Three-Eyed Golden Lion bloodline of the Sheng Clan.

Even though Soul Beast bloodlines weren't unheard of, they were still incredibly rare throughout history. Not only did the require a 100.000-years-old Soul Beast to take human form, which was already rarely seen as most Soul Beasts loath humans for hunting them down, the transformed Soul Beast even had to fall in love with a human.

Even after that, love alone wasn't enough for a Soul Beast-Human hybrid bloodline to get started. Humans and Soul Beasts in human form, although looking alike and having similar physiques, were still different species, making conceiving a child all the more difficult.

Not to mention that the Sheng Clan's ancestor, Sheng Wuyong, was a Three-Eyed Golden Lion, one of the beasts at the top of the world; For them to unite with humans was close to unthinkable! Normally, it would be expected that humans would hunt the transformed Soul Beast down as long as it was still weak; Obtaining a 100.000-years-old Soul Ring was simply too stimulating for their greed.

She Meixiao really couldn't believe it at first, but remembering what Sheng Feilong sowed her before – The Three-Eyed Golden Lion's Soul Bone, as well as his bloodline power – she had to admit that all of this was truly unusual.

She turned around, looking at Song Weihan and Sheng Lingtian, then back at Sheng Feilong, not sure what to think. "Feilong... are you really sure that it's a Three-Eyed Golden Lion..?"

Sheng Feilong nodded without hesitation. "When I fused with the Artificial Soul Bone, the remnant spirit inside of it roused my bloodline and 'awakened' it; Normally, it would be way too diluted to give the Sheng Clan's members any real power. But not only did my bloodline awake, I also saw some memories or something similar from the time Ancestor Wuyong first transformed into a human..."

Sheng Feilong proceeded to tell She Meixiao about what he saw back than in detail. Including everything Sheng Wuyong said, as well as the 'memories' he saw from the Artificial Soul Bone's remnant spirit. He also told her about how diluted the Sheng Clan's bloodline really was: To the point were they could only awaken weak Spirit Essences that were related to lions, not the Three-Eyed Golden Lion and that even reaching the Soul Saint stage was incredibly rare for them.

When all was said and done, She Meixiao had completely calmed down, deciding to not question any further for the moment as it seemed as if Sheng Feilong really didn't know anything else. Still, she managed to notice Sheng Lingtian's ugly expression and Song Weihan's complicated one when they talked about the Clan's bloodline.

"Feilong, let's not muse about the Sheng Clan's bloodline anymore for now. I'm actually more interested in your two Soul Bones... Would you mind if we did some private tests to see just how powerful they really are?" While speaking, She Meixiao also glanced at Song Weihan, who stealthily gave her a nod to indicate his agreement.

Sheng Feilong nodded quickly; he was also interested to see how powerful his two Soul Bones really were and the group made their way over to another training facility. On the way there, She Meixiao quickly made the training hall free for use again while also asking someone to prepare a room where they could measure Sheng Feilong's strength in private.

This time, they didn't have to wait at all as the testing facilities were mostly empty unless any special events took place and Sheng Feilong soon got to work. She Meixiao told him to attack a specially made pillar to measure the brute strength of his Doomstiger Dragonfly's tail type Soul Bone.

Standing in front of it, the strength measuring pillar was literally a thick pillar made to be hit. A few devices were attached to it to measure the force of the impact which was then projected onto a monitor at the side and given a number in kilograms.

Sheng Feilong sumoned the Doomstinger Dragonfly's Soul Bone, which quickly grew out from his tailbone, and roused his own Soul Power – He was going to attack the pillar with his full strength! On She Meixiao's commando, Sheng Feilong shot the stinger forward, viciously attacking the pillar!

Though, unlike what one would have expected, there wasn't any loud booming sound. Instead, the sword like stinger at the end of the tail firmly embedded itself into the pillar with nearly no sound whatsoever. A light sizzling sound could be heard afterwards as the corrosive energy from the tail began slowly melting the pillar.

She Meixiao stared at this display in shock and only regained her wits when she heard the sizzling sound. "Feilong, quickly pull the stinger out! Don't destroy the pillar!"

Sheng Feilong quickly pulled the stinger out, but still too late as the pillar had already started melting. Now, there was a deep, fist sized hole left in the pillar. With a slightly pained expression, She Meixiao stared at the hole; Although the corrosive attribute of the External Tail Bone wasn't unknown to her, she hadn't expected it to be so powerful as to leave such a big hole in the pillar in such a short time!

(A/N: Is it just me or does that paragraph above sound... weird..? Maybe my mind is just dirty. Yeah, that's probably it.)

Sheng Feilong's awkwardly scratched his head when he saw She Meixiao's expression. The latter quickly hid her expression and instead turned around to face Sheng Feilong with a nonchalant one. "This time, try attacking it without piercing into it. We want to see just how powerful the tail really is."

Sheng Feilong nodded again and got into position, while She Meixiao got back to stand besides Song Weihan. They glaced at each other, both of them shocked about the force of the stinger. It had to be known that the strength measuring pillars were made from a special material that's incredible resistant to any kind of force or impact. For Sheng Feilong's Soul Bone to pierce into it and even corrode it so easily, it's power could be imagined.

As She Meixiao wanted, Sheng Feilong attacked the pillar again, this time with a dull hit instead of the stinger. A loud impact was heard as the pillar shook and Sheng Feilong took a step back. All of them looked at the monitor and Song Weihan's voice sounded out first. "29.000 kilograms of force... Incredible. This kind of power is already beyond what would be imagined from a mid level Power Attack Type Soul Saint. That combined with the power of the stinger at the end really makes for a lethal weapon..."

She Meixiao nodded. "Indeed. The power of the tail itself is really incredible. As for the stinger... A lethal weapon might be an understatement. Being able to pierce into the strength measuring pillar with ease is truly terrifying. I assume it would be able to pierce the defence of a high level Defence Type Soul Douluo, as well."

Both of them agreed that it was best for Sheng Feilong to never show this External Soul Bone for the time being. She Meixiao liked Song Weihan's to call it an experimental Artificial External Soul Bone once their research had advanced far enough. Like this, they wouldn't have to fear people trying trying to rob Sheng Feilong.

At the end of the day, Sheng Feilong and Sheng Lingtian returned to their respective quarters, leaving Song Weihan and She Meixiao alone. Usually, the former would have returned as well, but he was stopped by She Meixiao.

Inside She Meixiao's office, both of them casually sat down and She Meixiao looked at Song Weihan with a light frown. "You said that the secrets you would tell me today would be related to your attack on Shrek Academy. How so? From your expression earlier, I assume it had to do with Feilong's and his father's bloodline?"

The aura around Song Weihan quickly grew cold and he frowned deeply as well. "You are right. Not long after the train incident, the Sheng Clan... was annihilated. Not a single person could be found and the whole estate was razed to the ground. And the only people outside of Sheng Feilong, Brother Lingtian and I, were the higher ups of Shrek Academy."

She Meixiao's eyes widened. "Shrek Academy... attacked the Sheng Clan? For their bloodline? Why would they do something like that; Aren't they supposed to be just? They never moved against anyone who didn't do them harm."

"We don't know. We have no clues about their motive. All I know is that not a single speck of blood could be found in the Sheng Clan estate. They weren't killed, but most likely abducted." Song weihan said through gritted teeth. She Meixiao's aura grew cold as well. "They were captured to be experimented on..? No wonder you would attack them, then... Still, what about Feilong..? He..."

"He doesn't know yet. It happened when he was unconscious and we haven't found the right time to tell him. His state of mind is still affected by the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon and we don't know how he – or it – would react to this news.", Song Weihan said with a sigh.

Both he and She Meixiao fell silent for a while until the latter broke this silence. "For now, let's keep it secret. At least until I bring Feilong back from the Star Luo Continent. There's still two more months until the journey begins and we'll stay there for around half a year. That should be more than enough time for Feilong's state of mind to return to normal."