I Just Need An Answer!

As soon as Sheng Feilong finished, everyone immediately turned to Tang Wulin. They naturally knew about the mental attack and were just as confused about it as Sheng Feilong, but they completely forgot that the princess seemed to target Tang Wulin from the beginning.

Tang Wulin frowned, but still nodded. "I know. I've met her before the ceremony once in town. I was searching for some good metals and ran into her. We had a bit of an argument and it seemed like she still holds that against me."

Sheng Feilong sighed and looked at Tang Wulin with an annoyed expression. "An argument in town, sleeping at an important ceremony that her father organized to show our continent respect and then stepping on her feet on purpose during this banquet... You really are...."

Tang Wulin awkwardly scratched his head with an embarrassed expression when Sheng Feilong laid out his fault so openly and hurriedly tried to avoid the topic. "Yeah, I did that, but if why is she only targetting me? You used your Spirit Power to attack her during the ceremony, embarrassed her in front of all the participants of the ceremony and got off completely scot free."

"I don't know. Maybe she thought it would have been to obvious if she targetted me." He paused for a moment before coming up with a new thought. "Or maybe she plans to do something during the tournament."

The others were a bit surprised and Yue Zhengyu was the first one to speak up. "You'll join the tournament as well?" Sheng Feilong gave a short nod, confirming his question. Xu Xiaoyan happily smiled and skipped around. "That's great! So we'll be able to fight together again?"

Shaking his head lightly, Sheng Feilong spoke up again with a sorry tone. "I'll only join the solo competition. I came here alone with my Master so the two-versus-two competition won't be possible and I doubt Elder Cai would let me join the team competition together with you guys."

"He's probably right." Tang Wulin pitched in at that moment. "Elder Cai said that the competition is a test to see whether we're qualified to join the Inner Court or not. If we're doing well, we'll even get a chance to become this generations Shrek's Seven Monsters."

"We're already eight people that fight for a position among the Seven Monsters, so adding a ninth person shouldn't be too much right?" Xu Lizhi spoke with a carefree expression. "Moreover, Feilong is a member of Shrek Academy as well. And he was originally in the Inner Court, just like Xinglan and I."

"I'm sorry, Lizhi, but I won't be coming back to Shrek for a while. I'll ask my master if she'd allow me to join Shrek Academy's team for the competition and if she agrees, we'll ask Elder Cai." Sheng Feilong shook his head again.

Tang Wulin and the others agreed to his idea and Sheng Feilong suddenly spoke up again while staring at Tang Wulin. "Anyways, shouldn't you go and explain the situation to Gu Yue..? She seemed really angry when she left."

Tang Wulin suddenly froze and hastily turned around towards the exit. "You're right! I gotta hurry! We'll see each other tomorrow, remember to ask your Master! See you!" He then ran out of the banquet hall and vanished from their vision. Yue Zhengyu looked at the exit in awe. "That was quick. I didn't know he was that fast."

The others laughed a bit, including Sheng Feilong. Xie Xie left shortly after, saying he wanted to cultivate tonight, while the others stayed a while longer. They gradually dispersed and returned to the hotel, calling it a day. Sheng Feilong was one of the last ones to return and went straight to bed after cultivating for a little while.

The next morning, Sheng Feilong went to She Meixiao's room and talked about the things that happened yesterday for a while longer. She Meixiao was a bit surprised that the princess would go so far as to set up Tang Wulin for that little bit of trouble, but didn't say anything about it.

A few moment later, though, she raised an eyebrow in surprise. "You want to join the Shrek students in the team competition?" Sheng Feilong nodded and explained himself a bit further. "Yes. I thought it would be appropriate to ask you first before going to Elder Cai. Wulin and the others are my friends, so I wanted to fight together with them."

She Meixiao frowned and stayed silent for a long while. She had talked about the Sheng Clan's disaster with Song Weihan before the journey started and said she'd try to find out about whether or not Shrek Academy was involved. Elder Cai didn't react much to her provocations and it didn't seem like she was involved, but that still didn't cross out all possibilities.

Letting Sheng Feilong join the competition under Elder Cai's supervision could lead to some problems, but She Meixiao believed that she would be able to handle the situation since Elder Cai didn't have Shrek Academy's backing here on the Star Luo Continent. She looked at Sheng Feilong and nodded her head. "Alright. If you want to join, then I won't stop you if Elder Cai allows it."

Sheng Feilong smiled brightly and thanked She Meixiao. He then quickly sent Tang Wulin a message with his Soul Communicator and they compromised with meeting up at the arena's registration. He and She Meixiao spent a bit more time together and eventually got a cab to bring them to the arena.

They got there shortly after and met up with Tang Wulin and the others. Elder cai and Wu Zhangkong were with them as well, and the former frowned again when she saw She Meixiao. Tang Wulin smiled and greeted Sheng Feilong and She Meixiao, while Elder Cai looked at Tang Wulin with a frown. "Is that why you wanted us to wait?"

"Yes, Elder Cai. We were talking about this yesterday in the evening among ourselves. And now we wanted to ask you about it before we registered." Tang Wulin explained promptly, while Elder Cai frowned once more. "Ask about what? Get to the point."

"We wanted to ask you to let Sheng Feilong join our team." All eyes were now on Elder Cai. She frowned and looked at Sheng Feilong, who calmly looked at her, then at She Meixiao. The latter just shrugged her shoulders ever so slightly, signalling that it would be Elder Cai's decision and remained silent.

Elder Cai looked at the other students, all of which, other than Xie Xie, looked back at her with eager expressions. She then looked at Sheng Feilong again and, annoyed by his calm expression, sneered. "You fail to show up at the academy for nearly half a year, then coincidentally come to the Star Luo Continent as well and now want to bask in Shrek Academy's glory?"

The atmosphere suddenly turned tense and Tang Wulin and the others looked over to Sheng Feilong. The latter just looked at Elder Cai, just as calm and indifferent as before. The two had a stare off for a few seconds before Sheng Feilong finally opened his mouth. "I have no need, nor interest to justify myself to you; I just need an answer. Will you allow me to join the Shrek Academy's group for the team competition: Yes or no?"

Elder Cai's face sunk. It has been quite a while since a junior dared to be this disrespectful towards her, but seeing She Meixiao stand behind Sheng Feilong, she reigned herself in. Her face turned ice cold as she stared at Sheng Feilong. "The answer is no. Now get lost."

The moment she said 'no', Sheng Feilong lost all interest. Without even acknowledging her answer, he just went past her and headed to the registration counter. She Meixiao smiled and followed behind him, not forgetting to nod towards Elder Cai as a form of fake apology.

Tang Wulin wanted to say something, but seeing Elder Cai's face, he tactfully chose to remain silent. Elder Cai turned to the students and told them about her decisions for the two-versus-two competitions while Sheng Feilong moved to the counter and registered himself for the solo competition. He made sure that the employee knew that he was from the Douluo Continent, just so he could rub it into the Star Luo Empire's face later.

"Gu Yue! Wait!" He had just finished and turned around to see Tang Wulin running after Gu Yue who was leaving the arena. Judging from Elder Cai's face that seemed even more angered than before, Gu Yue must have disagreed with her decisions.

He ignored it for the time being as he knew that Tang Wulin would be able to deal with Gu Yue's temper and went into the arena to take a look around with She Meixiao. The registration for the competition was actually already closed, but with the permission of the emperor, the members of the Douluo Continent's delegation were allowed to register, so it was pretty empty.

The arena was actually a huge colloseum with an elevated platform that was used as the arena in the middle. Heavy stone slated that were laid out in a 100x100 metres field marked the boundaries of the main arena. Around that main arena were a few more, smaller arenas on each, the south and north sides, so that multiple fights could be hosted at once. Apparently, the main arena would remain unused until the rounds of 32 of each of the competitions.

Thousands of seats were placed on the rostrum around the arenas for people to watch and a special platform was located in the middle of the eastern side. Sheng Feilong guessed that this platform was for special guests, the royal family and other influential people to use.

After a while, She Meixiao looked at Sheng Feilong and smiled lightly. "Let's go back. You don't need to feel nervous about the competition at all; You'll enter the final rounds easily tomorrow."