What's With Those Cauliflowers?

Sheng Feilong, Tang Wulin and a bunch of over 50 other competitors slowly went out into the open arena. All of them were focused and composed, but that composure of most of them quickly broke when they were greeted by the roaring cheers of thousands of spectators.

Sheng Feilong staggered for half a step before steadily walking to arena number 17, which he was assigned to. He was surprised by the sudden outburst of the crowd, but quickly calmed down again, bowed to the referee who would observe the match and waited for his opponent to arrive.

Just a few moment later, a tall youth with long black hair and toned skin stepped onto the arena. He seemed nervous at first, but when he looked at Sheng Feilong, this nervousness visibly eased. The youth looked to be a few years older than Sheng Feilong, so Sheng Feilong guessed the youth relaxed due to his age.

The youth also bowed to the referee and then stood opposite of Sheng Feilong. They stood about 50 metres apart and the referee asked both of them if they were ready. Sheng Feilong gave a sharp nod while the youth responded with a loud "Yes!" and took a fighting stance.

The referee lifted his left hand above his head and spoke in a clear voice. "First round of the preliminaries; Yuan Zhu School's Lan Zong versus Douluo Continent's Rogue Soul Master, She Feilong." He then swung his arms downwards in one fluid motion. "Begin!"

Lan Zong, the youth opposite of Sheng Feilong, immediately released his Spirit Essence and Soul Rings. As he charged forwards, a long, flaming spear appeared in his hands and four Soul Rings appeared behind his back; Three yellow and one purple.

Sheng Feilong also released his Spirit Essence as soon as the match began and his eyes turned a deeper shade of gold as the red, winged symbol appeared on his forehead again. He silently circulated his Soul Power in a way to activate his first Soul Skill, Toad Prison, without showing his Soul Rings.

His powerful Spirit Power assaulted Lan Zong and the latter staggered in his steps before quickly regaining his balance and continuing his charge. Meanwhile, Sheng Feilong, whose Soul Skill worked perfectly, casually walked a few steps to the right, waiting for Lan Zong to get into position.

As expected, the unsuspecting young man ended his charge with a powerful thrust into 'Sheng Feilong's' chest. His first Soul Ring lit up in the process, showing that he even used a Soul Skill for the assault. He jumped back, his spear held vertically by his side, his body radiating a majestic might.

Lan Zong's complacent smile quickly vanished as soon as the residual fire from his attacked vanished. An audible 'poof!' was heard at the 'Sheng Feilong' in front of him exploded. "Cauliflowers?!" Lan Zong quickly backed off further and got into a combat stance, ready for any incoming attack when he suddenly felt crushing pressure on his neck, accompanied with a sharp pain as he lost consciousness.

Sheng Feilong caught Lan Zong's falling body in his arm, stopping the latter from falling face first onto the arena, and cancelled his Soul Skill. He breathed out lightly, his face just as calm as before the match. The referee was looking at the two contestants with a strange look on his face.

From the start of the match, Sheng Feilong merely walked around the arena like it was his backyard before brutally kicking Lan Zong in the neck as the latter screamed about what seemed to be his dinner. Naturally, the referee still understood that Sheng Feilong was a spiritual type Soul Master and that Lan Zong fell for an illusion of some sort.

He lifted his arm and spoke in a clear voice again. "Contestant Lan Zong is unable to continue the fight. The winner is contestant She Feilong!" Sheng Feilong bowed lightly towards the referee and made his way down from the arena. Lan Zong was still slumped over his shoulder and as soon as he left the arena, a member of the medical team of the colosseum took care of Lan Zong.

Sheng Feilong quickly looked around and saw that Tang Wulin was still fighting his opponent, while he returned back to the waiting area. He returned to the other Shrek students side where Yue Zhengyu cast him a weird look. "What did you do to that guy? And what about cauliflowers?"

The students from the first grade, who already knew Sheng Feilong tendency to use weird illusions giggled while Yuanen Yehui turned to the side, trying not to blush; She had once fallen for the same illusions when Sheng Feilong unceremoniously kicked her off the ring during their Entrance Exam.

Sheng Feilong scratched his head with a faint smile and answered Yue Zhengyu. "Well, it's an illusion." The latter looked at Sheng Feilong, just as confused as before. "I know you're a spiritual type Soul Master and that you use illusions, but what's that about cauliflowers?" Yue Zhengyu looked around to see the others giggling and turned back to Sheng Feilong. "They all seem to know..?"

"Well, uhm... I've been using cauliflowers in my illusions for ever since I started..." Sheng Feilong admitted with a slightly embarrassed expression. He really didn't have a real answer for that question; He just always did it that way and it worked, so he never had the intention to change it. "It does what it's supposed to do and it's more effective than just turning into air in front of the opponent. I mean, the enemy you just hit with all your strength suddenly bursts into a pile of cauliflowers; That would stun everyone the first time they see it."

Yue Zhengyu still stared at Sheng Feilong, seemingly not satisfied with the vague answer and waiting for another explanation, but Sheng Feilong just awkwardly scratched his head again and turned around to look at Tang Wulin's fight. "Anyways, Wulin seems to have really bad luck, huh? His first opponent in the preliminaries is already a rank 50 Soul King with a full set of Battle Armour."

Suprisingly, Gu Yue answered to this with a quick nod before speaking up. "It's unfortunate for his opponent, though; He could've gone quite far. There's no way Wulin would lose." Xu Xiaoyan was the next to chime while giggling. "Yeah, there's no way Captain would lose in the first round. He'd be too embarrassed to even come back otherwise!"

Sheng Feilong looked at the fight, especially Tang Wulin's opponent. It was a youth with a weird, big saber that had nine golden rings attached to it. Together with his Battle Armour, his strength was certainly high and he used his saber in a very proficient manner. Sheng Feilong himself wouldn't face much of a problem with such an opponent, but Tang Wulin just broke through rank 40 not long ago; The disparity between the two was huge.

"Well, it's good that you believe in him like that, but you shouldn't put your hopes to high. His opponent is really strong." Sheng Feilong said with a frown, worried about Tang Wulin. Ye Xinglan glanced at him before returning her gaze to the match. "Wulin will win. We're not just blindly believing in him. We saw his opponent's strength and know Wulin's strength; We know for a fact that he's stronger."

Sheng Feilong remained silent and continued to watch the match. A few moments passed before Tang Wulin started his counter attack. A distinct dragon's roar echoed out from Tang Wulin's body as his fourth Soul Ring lit up and huge, dark blue vines shot out from around him. They quickly entangled his opponent, while the golden scales on Tang Wulin's body grew more lustrous. Sheng Feilong's lip twitched when he saw Tang Wulin then simply pummel his opponent into the ground with a flurry of blows.

The match ended just like that and the referee announced the result. Unlike Sheng Feilong, Tang Wulin left his opponent lying on the ground as the medical team rushed up the arena while he just returned to the waiting area.

Sheng Feilong then continued chatting among themselves, waiting for the first round to come to an end. Soon after, the two-versus-two matches started and the Shrek students went out in pairs one after the other. As he didn't participate in the team matches, Sheng Feilong just continued hanging around and biding his time.

Unsurprisingly, every single team from Shrek passed the first round with overwhelming victories and returned shortly after. Then, it was time for the group competitions. Sheng Feilong also didn't participate in these, but he was way more expectant of the matches. They were seven-versus-seven matches, just like the group matches he knew, but the Star Luo Empire put more empathises on single combat, while the group competition was the main attraction on the Douluo Continent.

The Shrek team had to wait quite a while, but Long Yue's team from the Star Luo Empire's Monster Academy went out in the match just before them. Tang Wulin and the others watched their match with grave faces, surprised about Monster Academy's strength. All of them were rank 50 Soul Kings with powerful Soul Rings and their teamwork was superb.

Surprisingly, Long Yue didn't show his Spirit Essence nor his Soul Rings. This obviously wasn't because he was weak, but because he didn't need to; He just crushed his opponent with raw physical strength. He, as well as Dai Yueyan who had the same Soul Ring configuration as Sheng Feilong, were the only ones Sheng Feilong was a bit vary of.

The rest of them were significantly weaker and the only one who came close to those the, the little princess, Dai Yun'er, only had a four ringed cultivation base. Moreover, she had a spiritual type Spirit Essence, so Sheng Feilong completely ignored her existence; She couldn't threaten him in the least!