Sheng Feilong Versus Dai Yun'er!

Extra long chapter today! That obnoxious princess finally got her share, lol.

I hope you'll enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it!


After getting to know that his next opponent would Dai Yun'er, Sheng Feilong wet over to a quiet corner, sat down and started fiddling with his Soul Communicator. He started looking up info on Dai Yun'er through the web.

He caught a glimpse on one of her matches before and knew that she had a spiritual type Spirit Essence, but he wanted a bit more info. It didn't take long for him to find all the info he was looking for, including video evidence of her powers.

Sheng Feilong raised an eyebrow when he saw her Spirit Essences. 'The little princess actually has twin Spirit Essences... Spirit Eyes even, how interesting. This Hell Civet should be the same as Wu Sidou's from Shrek? Shouldn't be much of a problem...'

Being as famous as the little princess is surely wasn't just positive. To think that such important information about her could be found all over the web with just a quick search. Still, it really profited Sheng Feilong this time, so he obviously wouldn't complain.

Sheng Feilong continued to snoop around, just to make sure his information was correct, but stopped when Tang Wulin and the others came over after a while. Sheng Feilong still looked as calm as ever, so Tang Wulin asked with a small smile. "Do you think you can win?"

Sheng Feilong shrugged and put his communicator down. "Not a problem. I just looked her up and nearly all of her information is on the web. Guess popularity has it's drawbacks." Tang Wulin raised an eyebrow and looked interested. "So you know what her Spirit Essence is?"

"Spirit Essences, actually, but yeah. It's the Spirit Eyes and the Hell Civet; Twin Spirits." Sheng Feilong said with a light smile. Tang Wulin and the others were surprised. "So that's why the emperor is so fond of her; She's talented."

Before Sheng Feilong could answer, a haughty voice was heard from behind Tang Wulin and the others. "So you know it by now? Scared yet? If you ask nicely, I might go easy on you."

Tang Wulin and the others turned around, although that wasn't even needed to know that it was Dai Yun'er who came to them. Sheng feilong spared her a quick glance before looking back at Tang Wulin. "Anyways, it won't be a problem. But if it's that much, it might be a bit more interesting to fight her than the people before."

Tang Wulin instantly caught on to Sheng Feilong's little act and nodded his head. "I know what you mean. It's been quite boring since I fought that Su Mu. He wasn't bad." Sheng Feilong smiled, while the other members of Shrek could barely contain their laughter. "Hopefully the others won't disappoint."

The faces of the students from Monster Academy turned grave, while Dai Yun'er looked as if she was about to explode. Not only did Sheng Feilong and Tang Wulin dare to ignore her, they even mocked her! Before she could say anything, Dai Yueyan put his hand on her shoulder and looked at Sheng Feilong with a cold expression. "You better remember those words on the arena."

Sheng Feilong playfully looked at him. "Please don't worry, Fourth Prince, unlike others, I don't brag thoughtlessly. And my memory is quite good, as well..." Dai Yueyan didn't say anything and turned around. "Let's go."

When they were out of ear's reach, Xu Xiaoyan and the others couldn't contain their laughter anymore. It took them a while to calm down when Ye Xinglan spoke up with a smile. "You two really know how to infuriate people."

"You got that wrong, we didn't try to infuriate them; It's called mental warfare." Sheng Feilong argumented righteously. They continued to bicker and chatter for a while longer until it was time fr the next matches.

After a few more matches, it was finally Sheng Feilong's turn. He walked out from the waiting area and entered the coliseum. The finals of the solo competition were naturally held on the main arena in the middle of the coliseum, which is also the reason the fights were held one after the other.

With him fighting the little princess of the empire, general assent was naturally against Sheng Feilong; He was greeted with loud booing and other such stuff, but he just ignored it and calmly walked onto the stage. A moment later, Dai Yun'er came out of the waiting arena on the other side of the coliseum and the audience went full throttle with their cheers.

Dai Yun'er would not let this difference slide. She looked at Sheng Feilong with a cynical expression. "You don't seem to be too popular, are you?" Sheng Feilong remained quiet for a moment. Dai Yun'er face changed again and she was about to speak up when Sheng Feilong suddenly turned to the referee. "Senior, can we begin the fight? I'd like to get this over with."

The referee was a bit surprised and looked at Dai Yun'er. The latter was seething, but didn't say anything else and just stared at Sheng Feilong. The referee looked back at Sheng Feilong and nodded before lifting his hand. "The match between competitors Sheng Feilond and Her Highness, Dai Yun'er, will begin shortly. Both competitors; On your marks!"

Sheng Feilong and Dai Yun'er looked at each other; one with hatred, the other with indifference. The referee swung his hand down in one fluid motion. "Begin!"

Dai Yun'er didn't waste any time; Her eyes light up in a sky blue colour and four bright Soul Rings appeared behind her back – three purple and one black. The air around her seemed to ripple as the third purple Soul Ring behind her back lit up. A powerful and invisible mental attack was sent flying over to Sheng Feilong with a powerful intent behind it.

Sheng Feilong didn't move; He took the attack head on with the same indifferent expression as before. The attack hit him perfectly and seemed to directly invade his spiritual consciousness. Dai Yun'er smirked proudly, but her face quickly changed when she felt like her mental attack fell into a bottomless abyss. She was shocked for a moment before she snapped out of it thanks to Sheng Feilong's indifferent voice. "If that's all the Spirit Power you have, then you should change tactics. Child's play like that won't work on me."

He still stood in his place, casually without any fighting stance, no Spirit Essence or Soul Rings active and looked at Dai Yun'er. His indifferent expression slightly diminished and instead, he looked bored! Dai Yun'er gnashed her teeth and her fourth, black Soul Ring suddenly lit up.

Another, even more powerful mental attack was sent towards Sheng Feilong, but the latter just rose an eyebrow with an annoyed expression. The mental attack burst apart before it could even reach Sheng Feilong. "I just told you that this kind of child's play is useless. Are you deaf?"

On the rostrum outside the arena, a few people's faces changed. The powerful nobles sat there, and were even accompanied by the emperor himself, who sat in the first row. Beside the emperor sat an old, unremarkable man with expensive looking cloths. The man let out an astonished gasp before speaking in a low voice. "Spirit Power at the Spiritual Abyss Realm..."

A bit away from the emperor and the old man sat Elder Cai. She looked gobsmacked at Sheng Feilong before turning her head to her side where She Meixiao sat. The latter just smiled lightly and said nothing, but it was obvious that Elder Cai's and the various nobles reactions pleased her.

Dai Yun'er stood still on the arena. She also understood that Sheng Feilong's Spirit Power is incomparably stronger than her own, though she didn't understand that he already reached the Spiritual Abyss Realm. She looked at Sheng Feilong and her haughty expression completely vanished; She now had a grave face and knew that she had underestimated Sheng Feilong.

The blue light in her eyes vanished and she changed her active Spirit Essence in a flash. Black, glove like fur covered her hands and forearms as long claws grew from her fingers; She transformed into the Hell Civet, just like Wu Sidou did!

A different pair of Soul Rings appeared behind her back, but the colours were still the same; Three purple and a single black ring! The first Soul Ring behind her back suddenly lit up and she flashed towards Sheng Feilong.

The latter still stood without moving, but his pale golden eyes suddenly turned a darker shade of gold and a red, winged symbol appeared on his forehead. Five Soul Rings rose behind his back; three purple and two black! The faces of the nobles on the rostrum changed again at this display and the audience gawked, completely taken aback. Even the commentator suddenly paused.

This was the first time Sheng Feilong showed his Spirit Rings since the beginning of the competition – And their quality was superb! Moreover, he was obviously a Soul King, despite being barely fifteen years old! Before anyone could further react, the second, purple Soul Ring behind Sheng Feilong lit up and he suddenly swiped his arm out, clutching down with his hand, right besides his neck.

Dai Yun'er looked at Sheng Feilong, completely shocked from what just happened; She teleported directly in front of him using her first Soul Skill, Hell Rush, and attacked his neck, but the latter just caught her arm with apparent ease!

She swung her head around, staring into Sheng Feilong's cold, golden eyes and her body suddenly shook. His face was completely expressionless; even the annoyance and boredom gone. Instead he looked completely indifferent again – stone cold with complete disregard for her!

"Is that it, princess?" Sheng Feilong spoke with a completely detached voice as he stared down at the slightly shorter Dai Yun'er in front of him, still holding her arm in place. The latter shook again and suddenly jumped away from Sheng Feilong in a flash, the latter letting go of her arm in the process.

Sheng Feilon still didn't move from his place, he just stared at Dai Yun'er with his eyes flickering with a golden light, while the Soul Rings silently floated behind his back, the second purple one still brightly lit.

Dai Yun'er suddenly flushed red from anger and embarrassment and another Soul Ring behind her lit up. She vanished again, flashing towards Sheng Feilong at an incredible speed. The latter didn't seem to react and still stared at the spot where Dai Yun'er stood before. She falshed in front of him again, this time in a ducked position as she clawed at his chest.

But Sheng Feilong's eyes suddenly changed their focus back on her, just as cold and indifferent as before. Dai Yun'er felt a shudder run down her back and before she could react, a searing pain came from her abdomen. Sheng Feilong suddenly seemed to distance himself from her and it took dai Yun'er a long time until she finally realized what happened.

She crashed into the ground holding her spasming abdomen, crying out from the pain, while the audience turned dead silent. Sheng Feilong hadn't moved from his previous spot, but slowly lowered his right leg; He had brutally kicked Dai Yun'er in the abdomen, sending her flying backwards for more than 10 metres where she crashed into the ground!

"Are you done playing around yet?" Sheng Feilong's indifferent voice sounded out throughout the arena once again. Dai Yun'er's face contorted and she stared back at him, slowly crawling up from the ground while trying to ignore the pain.

Seeing Sheng Feilong's indifferent expression, she began shaking from anger and she suddenly screamed out in a shrill voice. "Sheng Feilong, I'll kill you!"

The black Soul Ring behind her back lit up brightly as Dai Yun'er madly charged at Sheng Feilong again. His look didn't change in the slightest as Dai Yun'er appeared before him again. Her body suddenly flashed again and she reappeared behind Sheng Feilong, aiming to pierce his heart from the back!

Before she could react, she saw Sheng Feilong's eyes, once again staring at her with cold indifference, her heart shook and her vision suddenly burred. The next thing she knew, she was lying on the ground again, an incredible pain coming from the right side of her face.

The audience didn't even dare to breath at this moment and the referee was shocked frozen as well; Sheng Feilong had turned around incredibly fast and gave their empire's princess a ruthless, powerful backhand slap right to the face, sending her flying over 10 metres once again!

Dai Yun'er held her face, staring at Sheng Feilong in disbelief. He was still staring at her with his cold, indifferent golden eyes; No trace of emotion could be seen on his face. Dai Yun'er slowly lost control over herself. Her Spirit Essence retracted and the Soul Rings disappeared, while her eyes slowly teared up.

She just sat on the ground, staring at Sheng Feilong and before anyone else could react, a majestic voice echoed through the coliseum. "I think this is enough. The winner of this match is Sheng Feilong."

Sheng Feilong turned around and looked straight at the emperor. The latter's eyes were ice cold and it was obvious that was holding back from killing Sheng Feilong on the spot. Sheng Feilong's eyes returned to normal as he retracted his Spirit Essence and he left the arena without sparing Dai Yun'er another glance, nor saying a single word.