Yuanen Yehui Versus Shadow King Teng Teng

The fight between Monster Academy's Shadow King, Teng Teng, and Yuanen Yehui continued without pause. The former used his meticulous positioning and movement skills to put immense pressure on Yuanen Yehui and for a while it seemed like she could only hold her ground while remaining her defence.

However, it didn't take long for this opinion to shift. Yuanen Yehui was only waiting for the right moment to counter Teng Teng's assault; She bided her time while observing him closely and gathering her momentum.

Teng Teng suddenly appeared behind Yuanen Yehui's back like a ghost after the latter blocked his clones' attacks and pierced out with his daggers. However, Yuanen Yehui was not only blocking his clones' attacks, but destroyed them at the same time with a powerful destructive force radiating from her body!

Among Soul Beasts and Spirit Essences, there were quite a few special cases where the Beast or Soul Master would be able to tap into the essence of their power and draw out special effects. These special effects were commonly referred to as aura and Yuanen Yehui was making use of exactly that; This destructive force was the essence of her Titan Giant Ape's power!

With this sudden change, Teng Teng had no choice to to draw back from the clash. Using his second Soul Skill, he quickly created distance between Yuanen Yehui and himself while hiding in the shadows on the arena. A short moment later, he reappeared on the arena, now donning a dull, grey suit of battle Armour with silver lining all over; He was now fighting Yuanen Yehui with everything he got!

Two clones of him appeared next to him again and all three Teng Teng's suddenly vanished into the shadows, completely disappearing from sight. Yuanen Yehui didn't waste any time and a partially completed suit of Battle Armour appeared on her body as well. Her Battle Armour wasn't finished yet, but the core component inlaid into the breastplate, was already functional and supplying her with power!

Sheng Feilong was surprised to see her wearing a Battle Armour, mostly because of the fact that she was still a Soul Ancestor of rank 45 and Battle Armour could usually only truly be utilized once a Soul Master reached the Soul King boundary.

Tang Wulin and the others were even more shocked then Sheng Feilong, though more about the fact that Yuanen Yehui finished her Battle Armours core component than about her possessing Battle Armour despite only being a Soul Ancestor.

Teng Teng and Yuanen Yehui continued their fight relatively equally for a while longer, when Yuanen Yehui suddenly changed her tactic. Her body suddenly shrunk in size, back to her normal size and a thick, black smoke radiated from her body, filling the area around her.

Grand, pitch black feathered wings sprouted from her back as her yellowish Battle Armour suddenly turned black in colour. In this form, she couldn't keep her male persona any more and her real appearance surfaced; Her long, crimson hair falling behind her back in stark contrast to the black armour and skirt that reached to her knees, leaving her long legs exposed.

The people in the audience were shocked by this sudden change; They hadn't expected the unremarkable student from Shrek Academy to suddenly turn into a winged, red haired beauty!

A sinister glow shone in Yuanen Yehui's eyes and the black smoke, her Fall Angel Spirit Essence's innate ability, Curtain of Darkness, increased in density. Teng Teng's reaction was to immediately get away as he once again used his Soul Skill to hide in the shadows, but Yuanen Yehui's figure suddenly flashed past him.

Two of her Soul Rings lit up and a two handed, pitch black demonic greatsword appeared in her hands while she fell from the sky with a terrifying aura surrounding her. She once again grew in size, though she remained her appearance, and now stood at two and a half metres tall! Those were her second and third Soul Skills, Shadow Demon Sword and Fallen Angel's Descent!

Teng Teng managed to perfectly dodge that first attack, but the power behind it left him shocked. Frowning deeply, he knew that he didn't have the capabilities to hold back anything. Who would have thought that Yuanen Yehui, who he and the other students of Monster Academy thought to be the weakest of Shrek Academy's group, was actually this powerful!

He brought some distance between himself and Yuanen Yehui again and the fifth Soul Ring behind his back lit up brightly. Dozens of pitch black shadow clones of himself started appearing around him, all of them locked on to Yuanen Yehui.

The clones began walking forwards, but surprisingly, they didn't target Yuanen Yehui but instead merged together with Teng Teng's body. Unbeknownst to the Shrek students, this was Teng Teng's strongest ability. Each of these dozens of clones had about 5 percent of his true strength and by merging all of them into his own body, he could increase his own strength, speed and other abilities by multiple times.

When all of the clones finished merging into his body, Teng Teng's first Soul Ring lit up as well. The two exact copies of him that Yuanen Yehui destroyed before suddenly reappeared next to Teng Teng. Surpsingly, those two clones also marched forward, right towards the real Teng Teng and started to merge into him.

Teng Teng's body bulged slightly from the excess power and blue veins started appearing on his arms, neck and face. It was apparent that this combination of Soul Skills placed a huge burden on his body, but he still kept a completely cold but calm face. The two daggers in his hands vanished and he exchanged them to other weapons from his Spacial Ring; Two longer, curved daggers with crooked tips.

Yuanen Yehui frowned at this display. Teng Teng's power was way higher then what she had expected. Using her Fallen Angel Spirit Essence, she could tie with him despite his superior Soul Power, but now that he was in this strange, overloaded state where his abilities had multiplied, she couldn't compare.

It was clear that this was Teng Teng's trumph card and it wasn't known how long he could remain in this state. Yuanen Yehui took a defensive posture and Teng Teng frowned; Apparently Yuanen Yehui planned to stall him out and finish him once he had run out of steam!

Seeing this as a provocation, as well as knowing that his Soul Skills put a huge burden on himself, Teng Teng suddenly shot forward. He wasn't using any other Soul Skills or advanced strategies, but only the most basic of charges, but Yuanen Yehui's pupils constricted; Teng Teng was many times faster then when he used his movement Soul Skill before!

The two of them exchanged a few blows, with Yuanen Yehui barely being able to take them head on, much less keep up with his speed. She was forced to take a few hits while trying to minimize the damage she took. Luckily, her Battle Armour was protecting her further, but even the black armaments slowly lost their power and were getting torn up after a number of attacks.

It didn't take long for Yuanen Yehui to fall into the absolute disadvantage. She accumulated more and more injuries and her Soul Power was depleted at an alarming speed. Even while using the Tang Sect's techniques, she could barely keep up with Teng Teng.

The latter didn't seem to be faced by any problems. He was continuously attacking with a cold face. His muscles were still bulging with the blue veins running all over his body, but his state hadn't changed since he first entered it; It seemed like he could keep this up for quite a while longer and, at this rate, Yuanen Yehui was sure to lose!

Frowning, but with no other choice left, Yuanen Yehui chose her only, last remaining option. The fourth Soul Ring behind her back suddenly lit up in a flash and Yuanen Yehui distanced herself from Teng Teng. The latter wanted to pursue her, but suddenly stopped in his tracks as a ominous premonition struck him. He backed off, alarmed by the tremendous, dark purple gate that suddenly appeared right behind Yuanen Yehui.

This was Yuanen Yehui's fourth Soul Skill! Not to mention Teng Teng or the audience, not even Sheng Feilong or the students from Shrek had seen her use this ability before. Sheng Feilong were a strange tug in his mind when he laid his eyes on the purple gate.

There were indistinguishable complex patterns above ad all over the gate and those patterns seemed to be moving, constantly squirmishing around without coming to a halt. The insides of the gate suddenly changed as Yuanen Yehui put her hand on the side of the gate. The purple aura surrounding the gate spread out to cover Yuanen Yehui as a the insides of the gate turned into a fluid like, black curtain.

Shrill wails arose one after another from within the gate. Suddenly, a slender leg stepped out from inside. Without delay, a slender figure stepped out of the gate completely; A figure that looked exactly like Yuanen Yehui, the only difference being her dark purple hair colour and two, bright red horn protruding from her head.

Inside the waiting area, Sheng Feilong's eyes constricted when he saw the figure step out of the strange gate. He froze in his seat and his mind violently trembled. An incredibly terrifying aura suddenly surged throughout his spiritual consciousness, bringing with it a dreadful pressure as a otherworldly, horrendous scream ran echoed in his head.

>Demonic scion! Eradicate the abominable vermin!<