Fight Of The Strongest! (2/2)

Long Yue was thoroughly enraged now. The match had only just begun, but he has been played by Sheng Feilong since the very beginning. Not only the show of dominance with his superior Spirit Power at the beginning, he also effortlessly blocked Long Yue's attacks and know even insulted him, prodding him to show his true strength.

"Do you think you can defeat me so easily?!" Giving a roar of his own, Long Yue's domineering voice echoed through the entire arena. His aura once again surged as pulled out a thick, double-pointed lance from his Spacial Ring.

He instantly sped forwards, the rock pillar below his feet crumbling into pieces. He charged at Sheng Feilong head on and thrust out lance towards Sheng Feilong. Sheng Feilong returned in kind, clawing at Long Yue without hesitation. The two of them heavily crashed into each other, causing a loud explosion to ensue.

Long Yue was sent flying backwards from the impact and crashed into one of the stone spikes on the arena, breaking it and burying himself under the rubble. Sheng Feilong, though still with his feet firmly on the ground, was pushed back nearly ten metres from the impact as well.

A moment later, Long Yue burst out of the rubble, uninjured but with messy clothing, and furiously stared at Sheng Feilong. Just at the right time to see the latter casually speak towards him while walking back to his original spot. "Didn't I tell you? Use your full power, lest you miss the chance entirely."

Long Yue became even more enraged, not only at Sheng Feilong's words themselves, but also about the fact that he had to admit that he was in a dire situation. The clash just now was clearly his loss and it was apparent that Sheng Feilong was superior to him in terms of pure physical strength.

Without a word, his six Soul Rings appeared behind his back again and he charged at Sheng Feilong once more. The fourth Soul Ring, the first of his black ones, lit up and an earthen brown aura spread over Long Yue's whole body.

Seeing this, Sheng Feilong sneered and then also charged at Long Yue. What followed was a melee brawl that shook the whole arena; Sheng Feilong and Long Yue clashed again and again, moving from place to place as they fought while destroying the arena bit by bit. Both of their powers seemed limitless and the blocked, dodged and parried each others attacks again and again.

Even after a few minutes, none of them had hit the other even once, but the arena soon lay in ruins. Long Yue was becoming more and more tense, feeling the pressure from Sheng Feilong increase again and again while his own arms were trembling, screaming from pain with every impact.

He was completely on edge as well; He couldn't allow himself to be hit by Sheng Feilong's claws. Even with his powerful defence, a direct hit was certain to heavily injure him. With every exchange, Long Yue was pushed back further until he was finally forced to break off the melee.

He suddenly bellowed loudly, his aura spiking again as he pushed past Sheng Feilong. But to his dismay, the latter seemed to have anticipated such a move, dodged out of the way brutally kicked Long Yue in the back with a spinning kick!

"Argh!" Long Yue shot out of the melee, directly into the debris that remained of the formerly mountainous landscape. He crashed into it, sliding over the ground for another few metres, but instantly sprung back to his feet. For the first time in the match, blood was actually flowing down the side of Long Yue's face.

Still, he ignored it completely; He had reached his goal and created some distance between Sheng Feilong and himself. Jumping back again, he looked at Sheng Feilong with a grave expression. The latter didn't pursue and only looked at Long Yue with an indifferent but cold expression.

They stared at each other for a few seconds before Long Yue sudden issued a wild, draconic roar as a dark golden light exploded out from his body. It spread over his whole body and in the same moment, a thin, dark golden armour started covering his whole body and had – Long Yue had activated his Battle Armour!

The crowd suddenly grew excited and cheered once more, but suddenly gasps of shock came from them after the golden radiance faded; Long Yue didn't only have a normal Battle Armour with a helmet, he also had a pair of gigantic, dark golden dragon wings sprouting from his back.

Normally, a Battle Armour wouldn't possess any special characteristics like wings, at least not on the lowest tier of Battle Armours. This meant that Long Yue has surpassed this lowest tier of battle Armour; He was a genuine Two Word Battle Armour Master!

The moment he released his Battle Armour, a gush of tremendous pressure descended onto the arena, seemingly fighting against Sheng Feilong's Domain ability. Sheng Feilong frowned lightly. He hadn't expected for Long Yue to be a Two Word Battle Armour Master. He hesitated for a moment, but feeling the aura released by Long Yue, he knew that this was still within the scope he could handle.

Long Yue noticed the change in Sheng Feilong's expression nearly immediately and smirked beneath his helmet. "What's wrong? Didn't you beg me to use my full strength? Now, let's see how you will deal with this!"

without waiting for Sheng Feilong's response, his first Soul Ring once again lit up brightly, and the arena shook. Long Yue raised the double-pointed lance in his hands and once again bellowed loudly. "Mountains!" New rock spikes, hills and pillars emerged all over the arena, free from the veiny green pattern and under Long Yue's complete control.

Sheng Feilong's face fell slightly and he spoke in a cold and displeased tone. "You think you can wrest away control just like this..?" Sheng Feilong's aura spiked once again as he re-released his Netherworld Ascension Domain, covering the whole arena again in a short amount of time, including the newly created structures.

Still, Long Yue was able to control the landscape like he wanted; Albeit not completely, the amplification from his Battle Armour was enough to offset Sheng Feilong's Domain! However, Long Yue's expression quickly distorted when he suddenly felt his control over the area diminish again and Sheng Feilong's aura spiking once more.

Another gush of powerful energy descended onto the arena as a ominous, black light exploded out of Sheng Feilong's body. The audience once more cried out in shock as they saw a Sheng Feilong's body being covered with a smooth, pitch black set of armour!

(A/N: There was once a question about the looks of Sheng Feilong's Battle Armour in the comments. I think I never answered that question... sorry! Imagine it like a Sci-Fi version of Albedo's Armour from Overlord: )

Long Yue's heart tightened when he felt this change. He was already shocked to see that Ye Xinglan had a full set of One Word battle Armour, but now Sheng Feilong had one as well? And his seemed to be even more powerful than Ye Xinglan's! Moreover, it was perfectly complementing his powers, even going as far as strengthening his Domain ability!

The muddy green veins on the ground suddenly lit up brightly and the dreadful power that filled the air drastically increased in intensity. Sheng Feilong looked at the shocked Long Yue with the same expression as always, coldly speaking. "Trying to escape my control? Dream on."

Sheng Feilong flashed away from his spot, the ground where he just stood exploding into hundreds of small pebbles. In but an instant, he was already in front of Long Yue. The latter barely had any time to block Sheng Feilong strike and was mercilessly flung through the air, only stopping when he crashed into the arena's barrier!

The barrier furiously shook, sending ripples over the whole side's surface as Long Yue coughed out a mouthful of blood and fell down to the ground, unhamperedly crashing into the ground head first. With just a single punch, his powerful Battle Armour had deep cracks running all over his chest; Smaller pieces and splinters of it falling off as Long Yue slowly stood up again.

He furiously bellowed, charging at Sheng Feilong like a madman again, without any form or combat technique, only to be pummelled to the ground once more. This time, the shoulder of his Battle Armour cracked under Sheng Feilong strength. He was flung back tens of metres by a single kick from Sheng Feilong, but he stood up again, relentlessly charging at Sheng Feilong again and again!

Sheng Feilong continued to pummel Long Yue through the whole arena without a care in the world. Regularly throwing, punching or kicking him through the various rock formations, burying under the debris. The whole audience was deathly silent, no one uttering a single sound; Only Long Yue's bestial roars were heard again and again before being interrupted by being crashed into the ground every time.

The referee was frowning deeply, but he couldn't end the match, as Long Yue was standing up again, charging at Sheng Feilong every time he did so; The losing party was obviously the aggressor, so he couldn't end the match directly – only His Majesty, the emperor, had the right to do so, but the latter was silent, just like the rest of the audience.

After dozens of failed attempts to attack Sheng Feilong, Long Yue was barely able to stand. His whole Battle Armour was nothing but broken scrap metals, with blood oozing out between the gaps. Whenever he stood up, he would be violently shaking in his spot, but never the less charge at Sheng Feilong again with a roar.

After being flung into the arena ground once more, Long Yue struggled for a long time to stand up. Just as he managed to do so, his body swayed once more and one of his legs finally gave in, leaving him in a half kneeling position. He lifted his head, still trying to stand up.

Sheng Feilong moved over to him with a blank expression, his aura still as steady and overbearing as at the beginning, with no obvious reserves being spent. Looking at the roaring Long Yue in disgust, he suddenly grabbed the latter by the throat, shutting him up and lifting him off the ground without any effort.

Long Yue clawed at Sheng Feilong's arms, trying to get the latter's hand away, but to no avail. Sheng Feilong removed his Battle Armour's helmet. He stared at Long Yue, then spoke up in a clear voice, fueled by his Soul Power for everyone to hear. "Admit defeat already. This is getting ridiculous."

The whole audience was still silent, waiting for Long Yue to answer, but after a few moments, the only thing the heard was a loud thudding noise. Instead of giving up, Long Yue powerlessly started kicking against Sheng Feilong's side with his leg.

Sheng Feilong ignored it for a moment before making a knife hand and pulling his arm back. "... Let's end this farce."

His aura spiked again in a terrifying manner, sending the surrounding rubble flying outwards as a mixture of blood red and deathly grey colour suddenly bathed the whole arena. The audience and even the high nobles and masters of the Star Luo Empire gasped in shock, utterly dumbfounded at what they were seeing.

Behing Sheng Feilong's back, a single, colossal, grey-red Soul Ring was suspended in the air, lighting up the whole arena with it's sheen. In the midst of the crimson-grey light, a muddy green light and a massive amount of greyish vapour, condensed around Sheng Feilong's hand.

Then, suddenly, a cold glint flashed in Sheng Feilong's eyes and he abruptly thrust his hand forward, piercing the remains of Long Yue's Battle Armour, all of his natural defenses and right into his sternum. "Putrefying Devil Claw." In an eerily calm voice, Sheng Feilong slowly spoke his Soul Skill's name. Long Yue's body stiffened for a moment before spasming shortly after, and then returning to being still.

A terrifying pressure fell onto the whole coliseum and Sheng Feilong suddenly threw Long Yue down to the ground before crossing his arms in front of his chest. A blinding golden light suddenly crashed into him, blasting him all the way to the other side of the arena and against the barrier as he spat out a large mouthful of blood. "Bastard! You dare to hurt my disciple in front of me?!"