Good Intentions And Convenient Lies

A short silence filled Sheng Feilong's room. Yuanen Yehui was lost in thoughts for a moment, silently contemplating something, while Sheng Feilong had already said everything he knew. A few moments later, Yuanen Yehui looked up to him with a complicated expression. "Are you really sure it was Shrek Academy..?"

"No." Sheng Feilong decisively shook his head. "But who else has that much power? Here on the Star Luo Continent, the strongest person is the emperor's right hand man, En Ci, who's supposedly a rank 98 Hyper Douluo. I doubt he has a Four Word Battle Armour, as the only Divine Blacksmith is from the Douluo Continent, so he wouldn't be able to beat my Master to this degree."

Yuanen Yehui remained silent for a moment again, but before she could speak, Sheng Feilong looked at her and opened his mouth. "I know that the strongest person that came with the delegation to the Star Luo Continent is Elder Cai. But that's only what we have been told. Who can ascertain that it's the truth?"

Sheng Feilong sighed lightly and scratched his cheek. "Listen, I don't want to badmouth Shrek Academy; It's the most prestigious academy in the world and a pillar of the Douluo Continent, but everything points at them... I really don't know who else could do something like that."

Silence filled the room again and Yuanen Yehui took a deep breath, then looked at Sheng Feilong with a solemn expression. "...Do you hate Shrek Academy? For what you had to endure because of them? For that they supposedly send people to kill you? And for what they supposedly did to Senior She?"

With a complicated expression, Sheng Feilong stayed silent for a long while. "I don't know... I don't want to hate them, but... everything that's happened... t really feels like everything is their fault. And they never gave me a reason not to think bad about them."

Yuanen Yehui nodded lightly and both of them stayed silent for a while longer. Yuanen Yehui was the one to break the silence first. "Hey." She looked at Sheng Feilong with a serious expression. "Can you take me to your Master? I'd like to talk to Senior She..."

"Sure." Sheng Feilong stood up from his seat and lead Yuanen Yehui over to She Meixiao room. He knocked lightly on the door and they were invited in.

She Meixiao smiled at them and waited for them to enter. Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui bowed lightly, expressing their greetings, which She Meixiao acknowledged with a friendly nod. "What brings the two of you here?"

"Master, Yuanen Yehui wanted to talk to you." Sheng Feilong said with a small, friendly smile. She Meixiao focused her gaze on Yuanen Yehui. Who nodded in response before opening her mouth. "I'm sorry to disturb you, Senior She. Would it be possible to talk to you in private for a moment?"

She Meixiao expressed a slight surprise at the request, but happily complied. "Feilong, let us alone for a moment please. I'll call you over later." Sheng Feilong didn't mind this. He knew that Yuanen Yehui had her secrets and She Meixiao had already told him that he'd know about them if need be.

He left the room without any hard feelings and returned to his own. As soon as he was outside, She Meixiao used her Soul Power to create a sound isolating barrier and smiled at Yuanen Yehui. "There, now we can talk without anyone interrupting."

Yuanen Yehui nodded, then sat down in the seat that She Meixiao was offering her. "Senior She, Feilong had told me about what had happened between him and Gu Yue... He told me that he suspects Shrek Academy. Do you think the same..?"

She Meixiao's smile slowly vanished and her expression become more serious. She smirked inwardly about the question, then answered Yuanen Yehui. "Yes, that's also my impression. I understand that it is hard to believe, but Shrek Academy had never been the glorious symbol of righteousness that people believe it to be. Everything in this world has its dark sides and Shrek Academy is no exception."

Yuanen Yehui remained silent, only clutching her fists. She Meixiao saw this and spoke up once again. "I also didn't expect that they would have people other than Cai Yue'er watch over you kids, but it seems that I was wrong. First the Soul Douluo, that went after Sheng Feilong and then later another Titled Douluo. They really hid it well; I doubt that even the political delegation is aware of these circumstances."

Again, Yuanen Yehui clutched her fists tighter, but she didn't stay silent this time. She bowed her head to She Meixiao and spoke in a resolute voice. "I'm sorry, Senior She. But I cannot join Daedalus."

She Meixiao looked at her with a calm expression, inwardly smirking again, then let out a light sigh. "Yuanen Yehui, what do you really know about the Fallen Angel Spirit Essence?" Yuanen Yehui flinched and abruptly looked at She Meixiao with a confused expression.

The latter continued with a sad look in her eyes. "The Fallen Angel Spirit Essence isn't just any ordinary Spirit Essence; It's a seed planted by demons as a means to invade our world. I'm sure you already know that, as well as what happened to your mother."

Yuanen Yehui clenched her fists even tighter and her face turned slightly red, but she still remained silent, only nodding her head. Then, She Meixiao continued. "Back what you mother met her end, Shrek Academy was present. And later, Daedalus was informed of what happened as well. Then both parties, as well as your Clan, found out about your Spirit Essence. You already know of the 'solution' that Shrek Academy found. What you probably don't know is, that the leader of Daedalus, my father, personally paid a visit to your Clan in order to help."

She Meixiao paused for a moment as she saw how confused Yuanen Yehui looked, then continued with a calm expression. "My father came up with a plan to fight against the invading demons and a plan to ensure your safety, so that that tragedy of your mother would not repeat itself. Back than, both, your Clan and Shrek Academy, refused to listen to his idea because Daedalus was missing the required key to ensure success: A Soul Master that could ensure that the demons would be exterminated in full."

She paused again and looked at Yuanen Yehui`'s expression. The latter was obviously shocked and probably already guessed where She Meixiao was going. Inwardly, She Meixiao smirked again, thanking Yuanen Yehui for being such a smart young lady, then she continued. "I have managed to find that key; Sheng Feilong. With his Spirit Essence – as long as he becomes strong enough – success is almost fully guaranteed."

She Meixiao took another deep breath and looked at Yuanen Yehui with a sincere expression. "You're one of the most talented Soul Masters of your generation; A genius with top-tier twin Spirit Essences, great willpower and dedication. You have a bright future ahead of yourself; Don't let yourself suffer only because Shrek Academy refuses to take this chance. That is the reason why I wish to invite you for a second time; Please join Daedalus. Please allow us to help you."

Though the beginning had lies mixed into it to entice Yuanen Yehui to join, She Meixiao spoke the last few sentences with utmost sincerity. She truly believed that Sheng Feilong and Daedalus would be able to help Yuanen Yehui and that the latter was too talented to let her suffer the fate Shrek Academy forced unto her.

Yuanen Yehui was able to feel She Meixiao sincerity and her body shook slightly. She took a deep breath and looked down, not daring to meet She Meixiao's eyes. "I'm sorry, Senior. I... I'll have to think about it..."

She Meixiao's expression saddened ever so slightly, but she quickly smiled at Yuanen Yehui and accepted her answer. Yuanen Yehui stood up, bowed once more and left the room, with her feelings in disarray. After she was gone, She Meixiao smiled faintly once more and spoke to herself in a low voice. "Well, that should be enough for now..."

She stretched her shoulders and asked Sheng Feilong to come soon after. When he arrived, the first thing he asked about what she was talking about with Yuanen Yehui and why the latter had already left. She Meixiao told him about it, leaving the details about Yuanen Yehui's situation out once again, and proceeded to tell Sheng Feilong to give her some time.

Later that day, Sheng Feilong, She Meixiao, the group of Shrek Academy lead by Elder Cai and the Douluo Continent's political delegation left Star Luo City and made their way to the next city. The journey was a quiet once without much excitement and Sheng Feilong spent most of the time cultivating.

When they arrived, the Douluo Continent's huge group split up, with the political delegation going on their way, the group from Shrek Academy touring the city and Sheng Feilong and She Meixiao leaving to check up on another branch of Daedalus a few miles outside of the city.

So far, no one in the Shrek Academy group knew of the second conversation between She Meixiao and Yuanen Yehui; They only noticed that Yuanen Yehui seemed to have a bad day, as she didn't talk much for the whole journey and seemed to be lost in her own thoughts.