Yuanen Yehui's Fate


This chapter contains spoilers for future chapters of "The Legend of the Dragon King" that haven't been officially translated, yet.

Please read at your own discretion.


Sheng Feilong smiled faintly. Yuanen Yehui's voice was meek and barely more than a whisper and he noticed her body shaking ever so slightly. Despite being young, Yuanen Yehui had a strong heart and rarely backed down, trying to hide her emotions even now, in this situation.

Still, she couldn't hide it for long; Finding out that Shrek Academy, the people who were supposed to help her, had planned to seal her cultivation before she reached the Titled Douluo boundary and were even involved in the disappearance of Tang Wulin, one of the few people she called a friend, were just too much.

She had to deal with this on her own for all this time after leaving her Clan, without having anyone to rely on, but now, there were She Meixiao and Sheng Feilong; Two people who genuinely want to help her and even dare to go up against a colossus like Shrek Academy for her sake.

She Meixiao mentioned for Huang Jialong to leave them alone for a while and turned back to Yuanen Yehui. Huang Jialong walked outside and saw Wu Zhangkong and the Shrek Academy students standing there, so he himself stopped, blocking the door with his hands behind his back while calmly looking at Wu Zhangkong.

Inside the room, She Meixiao checked the sound isolating barrier again and softly looked at Yuanen Yehui. "There's no need to hold back. There's no outsiders here and no one will speak of anything that happens."

With those words, Yuanen Yehui's body once again shook and she was finally unable to hold herself back any longer. This was the first time Sheng Feilong saw her display so much emotions, stunning him; So much so, that his heart fell as he quietly watched Yuanen Yehui cry and sob for minutes without stop.

No one said anything, nor did She Meixiao or Sheng Feilong try to console or stop her from crying. The just silently waited for her to calm down again with empathetic expressions on their faces. Yuanen Yehui ignored them completely, only wiping her tears with her hands continuously.

She didn't calm down for a long while, but began talking about what happened to her after getting a hold of herself. She Meixiao knew about many things from her father, but hearing it first hand from Yuanen Yehui was something different.

Yuanen Yehui's grandfather, Yuanen Chen, is the patriarch and founder of her Clan. He created the Clan after he became a Limit Douluo for his family to have a place to settle down. His firstborn son, Yuanen Tian, was hailed by her grandfather as being even more talented than Yuanen Chen himself.

After growing up and receiving his father's and Clan's fostering, Yuanen Tian left the Clan to roam the world when he became a Soul Douluo. No one heard for him in a long time, but when he returned, he had a woman with him; Ye Hui.

Naturally, Yuenen Chen was elated to see his own son bring a wife home and was also very fond of Ye Hui. However, peace only lasted so long. One day, the Yuanen Clan was attacked by a demon; One that wasn't too powerful and could be subdued by Yuanen Chen, but before the latter could eliminate it, Yuanen Tian stopped him.

The demon reverted back to Ye Hui, a possessor of the Fallen Angel Spirit Essence. When Yuanen Tian became a Titled Douluo, he married Ye Hui and soon later, the two of them had a child: Yuanen Yehui.

Yuanen Yehui's father, Yuanen Tian, became a Hyper Douluo at a young age and her mother, Ye Hui, was also close to reaching the Titled Douluo boundary. After her mother's breakthrough, the Fallen Angel Spirit Essence fully awakened and a portal to hell opened.

Thousands of demons emerged from within and killed many people, including Yuanen Tian's own sister, Yuanen Yehui's aunt before the portal was finally closed by the joined effort of Yuanen Chen and the Sea God Pavilion's pavilion Master, Atlas Douluo Yun Ming.

After this, the Sea God Pavilion's members, the Yuanen Clan and even Daedalus' Leader, She Tianhao, She Meixiao's father, gathered together to find a solution to this as Ye Hui was unable to control her Spirit Essence now that it had awakened.

Together, they worked out that the solution is to destroy Ye Hui's Spirit Essence as even Limit Douluo's were unable to completely seal it away. Yuanen Tian and Ye Hui refused to abide to this solution as their own daughter, Yuanen Yehui, had the same Spirit Essences as both of them; The Titan Giant Ape and the Fallen Angel. Destroying one meant crippling both of them and they didn't want that to happen.

She Tianhao backed them up, claiming that, since the Fallen Angel Spirit Essence is a demon, there must be a way to subdue it. However, at the time, neither he personally, not Daedalus as an organisation had the means of doing this.

After discussing it for a long time, Ye Hui begged everyone to find another solution, to which, however, only She Tianhao uprightly agreed, while everyone else further tried to persuade her. Finally, she managed to get Yun Ming and Yuanen Chen to promise to do their utmost to find another solution and to promise not to do anything to Yuanen Yehui until she reached the Titled Douluo boundary.

After that, Yuanen Yehui's mother, Ye Hui, took her own life.

Yuanen Chen stopped his son from following in his wife's footsteps, but Yuanen Tian was torn apart by the loneliness of having lost his wife, attempting to take his life again by destroying his own cultivation and Spirit Essence soon after.

Yuanen Chen sealed his son's Spirit Essence so he couldn't destroy it himself, only being able to calm the latter down by telling him that Yuanen Yehui would need his help in the future. However, Yuanen Tian couldn't look at his own daughter, as she reminded him of her mother too much.

Yuanen Yehui had no further contact with any of the people from Shrek Academy, nor from Daedalus, but found out about the happenings and her mother's fate by herself. She confronted her grandfather, only for the latter to say her she was never supposed to find this out this early.

A few years later, Yuanen Yehui went to Shrek Academy, becoming a working student there without having to take the entrance exam. Ever since then, she remained in Shrek Academy on her own, but also never heard of She Tianhao again.

The only thing she knew, was that Daedalus, and their leader, She Tianhao, had promised her mother to find a solution, but never once had someone from Daedalus contacted her. That is, until Sheng Feilong and She Meixiao came and promised her to help.

This whole time She Meixiao and Sheng Feilong remained quiet, only listening to Yuanen Yehui's story. She Meixiao was rather calm, as she truly knew most of it already other than the parts from Yuanen Yehui's very own perspective, but those were minor details comapred to the whole situation.

Sheng Feilong on the other hand, was completely shaken and stared at Yuanen Yehui with wide eyes. "The Fallen Angel Spirit Essence... is a demon that summons thousands of other demons to our world..?"

Yuanen Yehui nodded and Sheng Feilong stared back and forth between She Meixiao and Yuanen Yehui, before suddenly fixating his gaze on the latter again. "Then, that 'Demon King' Master mentioned in the conversation a few months ago..."

"It's the instigator behind this whole ploy. My father found out that it was the one who is responsible is the Demon King than stepped out of the portal back then." She Meixiao blandly admitted, then looked at Yuanen Yehui, who had the same expression as Sheng Feilong. "Moreover, it seems tightly connected to the Holy Angel Clan. That is the reason they hunt down the Fallen Angel Spirit Essence possessors so mercilessly; They don't know about it's origins, but see it as a stain on their Clan and dignity."

Yuanen Yehui and Sheng Feilong nodded. The former remembered how adamant Yue Zhengyu was about her being an Evil Soul Master when they first met, while Sheng Feilong had also heard that story before. However, Sheng Feilong frowned soon after. "But doesn't that make it even more dangerous? Yuanen Yehui is not the only one facing this fate... What if the Holy Angel Clan fails to control the other possessors?"

She Meixiao spoke with a solemn voice. "I assume that Yuanen Yehui's Fallen Angel Spirit essence is somewhat different." She looked at Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui for a moment. "Throughout history, there have been a few cases of Fallen Angel Soul Masters reaching high levels, some even the Titled Douluo rank, however, none of them summoned an army of demons to our world."

"So, they are different? Or more precisely, Yuanen Yehui and her late mother are special?" Sheng Feilong asked with a concerned expression. She Meixiao nodded her head in response. "Most likely. Moreover, from what we've investigated, none of the Fallen Angel Soul Masters ever possessed the Gates of Hell Soul Skill. It could related to that."

Sheng Feilong nodded his head, then smiled and looked at Yuanen Yehui. "For now, let's forget about this. We still have time until it becomes really important." The latter smiled back; though still with reddened eyes, she had calmed down again, but froze when she heard Sheng Feilong's next words. "Don't worry. I'll protect you."

Yuanen Yehui's eyes widened and her cheeks blushed, but before she could say anything, the attention of all three of them was suddenly drawn to the door. From the outside, a thick killing intent was permeating into the room, together with an all too familiar voice. "Out of my way."