Returning To The Douluo Continent

Together with She Meixiao, Huang Jialonga and Yuanen Yehui, Sheng Feilong spent months travelling all over the Star Luo Continent. During this time, Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui sparred with the members of the different Daedalus branches day after day, gaining more and more combat experience.

Huang Jialong followed along with She Meixiao during the inspections of the branches and slowly but surely learned everything he needed to one day lead these inspections himself; During the later stages of the year long journey, She Meixiao even let him do the inspections himself, spectating from the side to see how well he does his work.

Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui had been informed why She Meixiao takes Huang Jialong along with her every time instead of letting him stay with them. She had also told them why she didn't take Sheng Feilong or Yuanen Yehui with her and only Huang Jialong.

Remembering that She Meixiao said that she wanted Shaeng Feilong to accompany her to some day take over her position before they even left for the Star Luo Continent, Sheng Feilong was somewhat confused, but understood the situation; She Meixiao mentioned that what Huang Jialong was learning were only the responsibilities of a Vice-Leader.

There weren't that many branches of Daedalus on the Star Luo Continent, but due to the continent's sheer size, they oftentimes spent days travelling from one branch to another. In addition to that, there were times where they had to spent multiple days at a single branch because some of them didn't pass She Meixiao's inspection.

Huang Jialong's cultivation speed somewhat dropped as he didn't have as much time to cultivate as before, but he still managed to break through to become a Soul Emperor after a few months. The group took a break for a few days after his breakthrough, which gave Huang Jialong time to consolidate his cultivation, reaching rank 61 without a problem.

With the constant and repeated battles against all types of Soul Master, Yuanen Yehui's experience also skyrocketed, which was mirrored by her increasing cultivation speed. Although she still couldn't quite keep up with Huang Jialong and Sheng Feilong, she was miles ahead when compared to her cultivation speed at Shrek Academy.

As no one feared or frowned upon her Fallen Angel Spirit Essence, nor her Titan Giant Ape Spirit Essence, she was able to fully take advantage of the many powerful Soul Masters that gladly gave tips and advice to anyone that would listen.

By the time Huang Jialong broke through to the Soul Emperor boundary, she was already close to becoming a Soul King and reached rank 50 just a few days after Huang Jialong consolidates his cultivation rank.

Luckily for her, the group was currently at another branch of Daedalus where she could focus without worry and perfectly broke through within a few short hours. Due to some problems occurring during the inspection, they also had to remain at the branch for a few more days, giving Yuanen Yehui the extra time she needed to consolidate her cultivation.

Sheng Feilong's cultivation speed fell somewhat behind when compared to back home, mainly du to the reason that She Meixiao wanted for him to cultivate using the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon Spirit Essence instead of his Radiant Emperor's Phantasmagoric Eyes.

All of the Daedalus bases were build in areas with naturally high amounts of dark and negative energy, making them very good cultivation grounds for every member of the organisation. Sheng Feilong's Radiant Emperor's Phantasmagoric Eyes were a Spirit essence that was being restricted somewhat by that dark energy, thus slowing his cultivation.

Still, She Meixiao wasn't comfortable with letting him cultivate using the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon Spirit Essence casually and always told him to only cultivate it under her supervision. Surprisingly, it's cultivation speed wasn't much faster than Sheng Feilong's normal cultivation speed, even though the Spirit was much stronger than the Radiant Emperor's Phantasmagoric Eyes and having the support of the high concentration of dark energy.

Sheng Feilong even said that he felt burdened by cultivating using the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon inside the branches, causing She Meixiao to frown. The most common occurrence for such a feeling was an unsuitable cultivation environment, like cultivating a water Spirit Essence on the edge of a volcano.

This caused Sheng Feilong some confusion, but She Meixiao guessed that it was due to one of the more uncommon reasons; A difference in quality of his Soul Power. She guessed that the Soul Power refined through the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon was much denser of higher quality than what Sheng Feilong's body was accustomed to, thus resulting in the burdening feeling.

After testing this a few days, She Meixiao adjusted the training to using both of Sheng Feilong's Spirit Essence to cultivate, using the Radiant Emperor's Phantasmagoric Eyes for half of the usual time, just to see how well that worked out for Sheng Feilong.

Surprisingly, the Radiant Emperor's Phantasmagoric Eyes weren't restricted by the negative energy in the vicinity and cultivating using them worked perfectly for Sheng Feilong. With time, the burden he felt while cultivating using the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon also lessened more and more until he was able to use it normally.

As there were never any flare ups from the Demon Spirit during his cultivation, She Meixiao allowed Sheng Feilong to cultivate freely whenever he saw fit without her supervision. After that, his cultivation speed once again soared as he focused mostly on cultivation other than the regular spars against Daedalus' members.

After their group of four had been together for about a year, Sheng Feilong was already close to reaching the Soul Emperor boundary after recently reaching rank 59. He talked to She Meixiao for a while who ultimately recommended for him to wait a while longer and just strengthen his foundation on rank 59.

Abiding her word, Sheng Feilong only broke through to the Soul Emperor boundary a few weeks later, long after Huang Jialong and Yuanen Yehui had finished their breakthroughs; Yuanen Yehui had already reached rank 52 by the time, while Huang Jialong was close to rank 63.

Still, out of the three of them, the latter felt the most pressure. When they met Sheng Feilong was still only rank 54, while he was already at rank 59, but now there were barely even two ranks separating them.

A few more weeks had passed since then and Sheng Feilong and the others were currently seated in a train towards the port city from which they had originally stepped foot on the Star Luo Continent; They had finished inspecting every single branch of Daedalus on the continent after one year and four months and were now about to return to the Douluo Continent.

Huang Jialong and She Meixiao were sitting on one side of their booth inside the train, while Sheng Feilong and Yuanen Yehui shared the other; They had grown closer during the year of seeing and spending time with each other nearly every single day.

However, that wasn't what was on Sheng Feilong's mind. Currently, his thoughts were focused on the Douluo Continent. He hadn't been in contact with his father or Master, Song Weihan, for a year and a half by now. And there were still two more months of travelling back to the Douluo Continent by ship left.

They had already booked tickets for the journey back and everyone entered their assigned cabins after boarding. This time, the ship was much more quiet as the political delegation had already left months ago; There weren't any banquets or parties planned and it was a quiet journey back, one that might even be called boring.

Time passed by again, peacefully and without any mishaps, and they were scheduled to reach the Douluo Continent the very next day when Sheng Feilong stood on deck of the ship. Yuanen Yehui wandered over the ship when she noticed him staring into the distance with a blank expression. "Are you okay?"

"Hm?" Sheng Feilong turned around, facing her and soon smiled. "Oh, yeah, don't worry. I was just thinking about what to say to my father and Master." Yuanen Yehui smiled back at him and shrugged. "Maybe something like 'I'm back' and that you've missed them?"

"I haven't seen them in a year and 8 months. It's not like I'm returning from a day long trip." Sheng Feilong rolled his eyes, but still smiled. "Well, then what do you want to do?"

Sheng Feilong paused for a while, thinking about it, before speaking up with a calm expression. "Maybe I'll fight my father..." Yuanen Yehui looked at him like he was an idiot. "What? What kind of greeting is that after not seeing them for years?"

"Well, my father likes strength. And I think I'm already stronger than him. He'd be super happy and proud." Sheng Feilong replied with a straight face, to which Yuanen Yehui just sighed. "Still, that's not how you should greet him, or anyone for that matter. At least wait until later before you start bragging."

"I guess you're right..." Sheng Feilong said, then suddenly started smirking and looked at Yuanen Yehui. "Well, then maybe I should introduce you to him. He'd love to see me with a girlfriend." Yuanen Yehui flinched before her head turned bright red. Her face contorted in anger before stomping away. "Idiot!"

Sheng Feilong laughed at her before casually jogging after her. "Wait for me!"