The Sheng Clan's Fate

"Remain calm? What do you mean, father?" Sheng Feilong looked at Sheng Lingtian, clearly confused by the latter's statement. Sheng Lingtian looked at him gravely for a few seconds, before taking a deep breath. "The Sheng Clan... has ceased to exist."

Sheng Feilong was taken aback, but still more confused than anything else. "What you mean? Has Sheng Hentian done something again? And why can't we visit uncle Fengtian and aunt Mei?" Faced with his father's grave expression, Sheng Feilong turned somewhat frantic.

Sheng Lingtian continued to stare at him with the same grave expression as before. Originally, he didn't want to tell Sheng Feilong what happened to the Sheng Clan; At least not until She Meixiao and Song Weihan were certain that he could handle the truth, but he couldn't hold himself back any longer. "...You deserve to know the truth, Feilong..."

"Father, seriously, what are you talking about?" Sheng Feilong was growing irritated, before Sheng Lingitan finally got to the point. "The Sheng Clan has ceased to exist; It's exactly as I'm saying."

Sheng Feilong remained quiet, staring at his father with an questioning expression. Sheng Lingtian's expression was still grave, but he had calmed down by now and was speaking with a steady voice. "After you vanished during Shrek Academy's Year End Examination, the Sheng Clan was attacked. Everything was destroyed."

"Destroyed? Father, stop joking. This isn't funny." Sheng Feilong frowned, getting more irritated by the second as he couldn't believe that Sheng Lingtian was being serious. Still, the latter ignored his commend and continued talking. "A few days after you vanished, Song Weihan was informed by his men that the Sheng Clan had been burned down. No survivors were found and everything was destroyed."

Sheng Feilong opened his mouth again, but before he could say anything, Sheng Lingtian continued while staring at him. "Song Weihan sent some of his best men to investigate this matter, but none of them ever returned. The Sheng Clan didn't have any enemies. The only reason to ever attack them would be our bloodline. And the only ones that know about this bloodline, other than the few us us, were the people of Shrek Academy."

Sheng Feilong stared at Sheng Lingtian with his eyes wide open and an expressionless face. He didn't say anything and waited for Sheng Lingtian to continue. "After you disappeared, we didn't know that an evil Soul Master was involved. You vanished and soon after, the Sheng Clan was erased. However, there was no blood on the scene. Everyone was simply gone."

The atmosphere surrounding Sheng Feilong and Sheng Lingtian grew more tense the mre Sheng Lingtian said. He couldn't guess anything that Sheng Feilong was currently thinking and simply continued to speak. "Everything happened within a single night. No witnesses, no clues to what happened and everything was burned down."

"Was that the reason you and Master attacked Shrek Academy back then?" Sheng Feilong's voice was completely calm, with no trace of any emotion being able to be made out. Sheng Lingtian slowly nodded his head. "Shrek Academy refused any involvement in the matter other than admitting that they failed to observe your exam properly."

Something clicked in Sheng Feilong's head and he calmly nodded. He was eerily calm, something that only happened to him when his anger reached its peak, but the aura radiating off of him told otherwise. Although it wasn't directed at him, just being near Sheng Feilong sent shivers down Sheng Lingtian's spine.

"Father." Sheng Fielong spoke up, still eerily calm with no traces of any emotion in his voice. "I didn't tell you or Master this before, but during our stay on the Star Luo Continent, someone from Shrek Academy tried to kill me."

Sheng Lingtian's eyes widened as Sheng Feilong began recounting his encounter with Gu Yue and the unknown Soul Douluo, as well as the clash between She Meixiao and Elder Cai, also inclding the fact that Elder Cai struck out towards him when Yuanen Yehui joined them.

He began telling the story behind Gu Yue attacking him, what she said the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon was as well as the fact that She Meixiao was heavily injured after going after Gu Yue later. Sheng Lingtian silently listened to everything Sheng Feilong said, his expression turning more and more angry by the minute.

After Sheng Feilong was finished, Sheng Lingtian looked at him, still shocked about what he just heard, as well as Sheng Feilong's eerily calm demeanor. He took another deep breath and tried to speak as calmly as possible. "We need to inform Song Weihan before we do anything else. He and She Meixiao were investigating if Shrek Academy was really involved with the Clan's matters."

Sheng Feilong nodded his head and slowly stood up. "I'll go back to my room then. We'll talk to Master tomorrow... I'm tired." Sheng Lingtian knew that Sheng Feilong was in a bad condition, especially mentally, but he didn't know what to say. Instead, he blankly nodded his head, letting Sheng Feilong leave.

Returning to his room, Sheng Feilong carefully closed the door behind him. He just stood inside the room for a few seconds before his body started shaking lightly. His expressionless facade cracked and two rows of hot tears started trickling down his cheeks. He fell backwards, onto the ground and leaned against the door with his back.

"Lijing, Uncle Fengtian, Aunt Mei.... This can't be true...." Finally, everything caught up to him and Sheng Feilong broke down, silently crying to himself while hugging his knees, all just to not worry his father too much...


The next morning Sheng Lingitan went over to Sheng Feilong's room first after waking up. He stayed there for a moment after knocking on the door, but didn't hear any sounds from the inside. He didn't think much about it and simply went for the dining hall for breakfast, as usual.

She Meixiao, Huang Jialong, Song Weihan and even Yuanen Yehui were already there, but Sheng Feilong was nowhere to be seen. Sheng Lingtian sat down with them, but Song Weihan soon noticed that he wasn't quite himself. "Brother Lingtian, is everything alright? You don't look good."

Sheng Lingtian stopped what he was doing, his hand stopping midway to his mouth before he lowered it and looked at Song Weihan with a tired expression. "I've had a talk with Feilong yesterday... One thing lead to another and it wasn't quite pleasant..."

"What do you mean? Did you get into a fight?" She Meixiao chimed in with a calm expression. Sheng Lingtian shook his head. "We were talking about his mother." She Meixiao and Song Weihan paused. They didn't know the details, but were aware that Sheng Feilong's mother, Sheng Lingtian's wife, had died when the former was still little. "...I've also told him about the clan."

Song Weihan's and She Meixiao's expressions changed drastically and the former jumped to his feet near instantly, startling Huang Jialong and Yuanen Yehui greatly. "You did what?! Didn't we have an agreement?! That we wouldn't tell him until we were certain that it wouldn't have bad consequences?!"

Sheng Lingtian didn't answer and only sighed instead, causing She Meixiao to frown. "How did he take it..?" Sheng Lingtian also frowned lightly. "..He was eerily calm about it." Song Weihan expected Sheng Feilong to go ballistic when he heard about the Sheng Clan's fate and was confused, while She Meixiao got a bad feeling. "Where is he?"

"Probably still in his room. I didn't see him leave." Sheng Lingtian replied, to which She Meixiao also stood up and looked at Song Weihan. "We better go and look after him."

Huang Jialong and Yuanen Yehui looked at each other with equally confused expression, but judging from how tense She Meixiao and Song Weihan seemed, they understood that something serious was going on.

Song Weihan and She Meixiao directly went for Sheng Feilong's room, followed by Sheng Lingtian, Huang Jialong and Yuanen Yehui. She Meixiao knocked on the door to no avail, causing her and Song Weihan to frown even more.

They entered the room, but what they saw shocked them even more. Sheng Feilong was lying curled up on the floor with a blank expression, but his whole body was lightly shaking. Bits of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's signature ash grey miasma flaring up around him from time to time. "Feilong?!"

Song Weihan stormed over to his side and grabbed his shoulder only to pull back his hand with a burning feeling; Just touching Sheng Feilong lead to the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's corrosive gas to flare up immediately. The others also stormed into the room with shocked expressions, Sheng Lingtian and Yuanen Yehui also reaching out to grab Sheng Feilong, causing Song Weihan to snap at them. "Don't touch him!"

"It's his Spirit Essence's corrosive gas. You'll only hurt yourselves." He turned back to Sheng Feilong, whose eyes were still opened, though unfocused, and tried to talk to him. "Feilong, can you hear me?" He tried getting Sheng Feilong's attention again and again without success. The other's pitched in as well, calling out to him repeatedly, though with the same result as Song Weihan.

Sheng Feilong was completely unable to hear them, nor could he feel Song Weihan grabbing his shoulder before. Although he was conscious, he wasn't able to interact with them and was instead trapped in his own spiritual consciousness. The only thing he could hear was the otherworldly voice of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon's spirit inside his head.