Titled Douluo's Among Themselves

As She Meixiao and the other Titled Douluos of Daedalus stared at the cocoon created by the Chains of Heaven, the demon summoned by Yuanen Yehui's Gates of Hell carefully slipped away from them. It jumped down into the hole, vanishing into the corridors, trying to escape from the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon by returning to hell.

The black light surrounding the cocoon of chains slowly faded, leaving the area in a calm silence. She Meixiao and the others only observed it for now and after the light had completely vanished, the cocoon simply fell from the sky.

It crashed into the hole, falling and rolling deeper into it until it finally came to a halt upon reaching the bottom of the hole. She Meixiao and the others glanced at each other, then carefully approached it.

Ye Wanxing, Song Weihan and the two Elders were just barely able to stand due to their injuries and dried up Soul Power, leaving only She Meixiao with any combat prowess. Carefully observing the cocoon, Ye Wanxing frowned; If the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon reappeared, they were definitely done for, but She Meixiao seemed to have calmed down after seeing the black chains of unknown origin.

"What are those chains...?" Song Weihan said after looking at the cocoon for a while. Among them, he had the strongest Spirit Power, but even he was utterly unable to understand what those chains were, nor what was going on inside the cocoon. He turned to She Meixiao with a confused expression. "You called them 'the Chains of Heaven'? Do you know what they are?"

"I only have superficial knowledge. They're apparently used to bind the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon and to ban it from running wild. Feilong told me about them once, when we were testing something in regards to demons." She Meixiao replied in a calm voice, though not telling him the whole story as Ye Wanxing and the Elders were still present.

"Ban him from running wild? That obviously didn't work." Ye Wanxing said, frowning deeply. She Meixiao glanced at him, then back at the cocoon and frowned as well. "I also don't quite understand it... So far, the Chains of Heaven have always helped Feilong in suppressing the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon; This is the first time I've seen it appear like this."

"Then, what if he refused the chains' help..?" Song Weihan unconsciously said with a thoughtful expression. He looked at She Meixiao and continued to speak. "What if the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon started rampaging, but Feilong refused to fight it and instead just let it run wild?"

"Why would he do something like tha-..." She Meixiao said, but swallowed her words and showed a conflicted expression. "The story about the Sheng Clan... Sheng Lingtian told him about it..."

Song Weihan nodded his head, but before he could say anything, a clanking sound coming from the chains drew the attention of all of the Titled Doulous in. They tensed up when they saw the chains slowly loosening and pulling back into the middle of the cocoon.

A few moments later, a normal skin tone was revealed, causing them to sigh in relief as it seemed like Sheng Feilong had transformed back into his normal form. Just like they had appeared, the chains slowly vanished back into Sheng Feilong's chest. However, the people present also noticed that there was no wound left on it.

With the chains gone, Sheng Feilong's body was revealed to them. All of his clothes had been destroyed after he transformed, save for a pair of badly tattered pants that remained even now. He looked perfectly fine, with no wounds on his body and even his breathing was normal; It was as if he was only peacefully sleeping.

Ye Wanxing eyed Sheng Feilong, frowning when he saw the old scar across his chest, but nothing of the new injury left and approached him. He had just taken a few steps towards Sheng Feilong when She Meixiao blocked his path. "Ye Wanxing, what do you think you are doing?"

Her voice was calm and she looked at Ye Wanxing in a rather casual way, causing the latter's frown to deepen. "You have seen what happened and still ask that question? Old Li has died because of him, the headquarters were destroyed and all of us have been injured as well. You perfectly understand what has to be done; Don't force me to say it out loud."

"Sheng Feilong is my disciple and none of you will lay a single finger on him. Am I understood, Ye Wanxing, Sima Wugong?" She Meixiao said with a voice that left no room for negotiation. Sima Wugong, the Elder whose chest had been slashed upon, frowned at this and stared at Sheng Feilong with an angry expression. "You want us to just leave it be? Vice-Leader She, that monster has killed Old Li; Don't demand the impossible from me!"

Sima Wugong and the late Elder Li had been friends for dozens of years, going as far as calling each other brothers in their youth. They have fought on numerous battlefields side by side, forging a friendship where one would lay down their life for the other, yet She Meixiao wanted him to step down his old friend's murderer was already right in front of him.

She Meixiao's expression grew somewhat softer, but her tone was still just as stern as before. "Elder Sima; There will be no second warning." Sima Wugong gnashed his teeth, but ultimately backed down after seeing She Meixiao's expression. Still, Ye Wanxing hadn't stepped down and was still staring at She Meixiao with a frown. "She Meixiao, you want to let a traitor such as him alive?"

His words were sharp, especially emphasizing the word traitor, but She Meixiao just remained as resolute as before. "Ye Wanxing, you're badly injured, your Battle Armour has been destroyed and you've completely run out of Soul Power. Don't force my hand into bullying a weak old man."

The two of them stared at each other for a long time, neither backing down in the slightest. Ye Wanxing's expression became more grave by the minute with his frown deepening more and more, while She Meixiao remained calm. "Vice-Leader Ye, I think you should tend to your wounds. It would be a tragedy if Daedalus lost an asset as valuable as you as well."

Ye Wanxing harrumphed loudly before turning around and leaving without sparing any of them another glance. Sima Wugong looked at She Meixiao and Sheng Feilong again with a stoic expression before following Ye Wanxing.

Elder Jing looked at the two of them leaving before sighing lightly and addressing She Meixiao with a thoughtful expression. "Vice-Leader, was that really the best course of action?" She Meixiao glanced at him with a calm expression. "Should I have rather sacrificed my personal disciple, then?"

"That's not what I meant, Vice-Leader." Elder Jing didn't take her unfriendly tone to heart and just shrugged lightly. His actions made She Meixiao aware of the extent of his injuries and she looked at him with a sorry expression. "Elder Jing, I'm sorry... Your arm is..."

Elder Jing smiled lightly again and shrugged once more. "Vice-Leader, I'm already old. I have no chance to break though to the next rank and become a Hyper Douluo and my Spirit Essence doesn't require for me to be physically strong; Losing a limb or two is not that great of a problem considering that it means you and Sir Song are relatively well."

As Elder Jing had already sealed the injury up with his Soul Power, making it impossible to reattach his arm, She Meixiao understood that he was being honest about not minding this loss. She was about to apologize to him again, but Elder Jing already turned around before she had the chance to. "I'll notify the other Elders and members of the headquarters. Vice-Leader, take good care of your disciple for now."

"Elder Jing..." She Meixiao sighed. Unlike Ye Wanxing or Sima Wugong, Elder Jing has been by her father's side for a long time. He has already been an Elder when her father became the Leader of Daedalus and he was an incredibly loyal man.

By now, Song Weihan had already scooped Sheng Feilong up after carefully examining the latter's body. He was completely fine, physically, and even his Soul Power was calm. He couldn't find any abnormalities, causing him to sigh in relief, but the same couldn't be said about Sheng Feilong's mental state; Even Song Weihan had no way of determining it with the person in question being out cold.

Song Weihan stood up and looked into a certain direction. The fight had taken place above the barracks, quite far away from his laboratory, but he couldn't be sure that nothing had been affected. His subordinates should be safe as none of them were inside it when he left today and they should've safely escaped to the bunker.

"Miss She, I'll take Feilong to the city. With the barracks destroyed, there's no reason to leave him here." He said before taking a few steps forward. She Meixiao knew that Sheng Feilong was physically fine, thus she didn't insist on him remaining at Daedalus and instead went to inform Sheng Lingtian and Yuanen Yehui about the situation.

After seeing her nod, Song Weihan directly flew into the air with Sheng Feilong in his arms. Thanks to being at the rear end of their formation during the fight against the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon, he was the least injured and the boundless energy and recovery powers of a Titled Douluo were enough for him to already be able to fly again.