The Power Of His Brethrens' Eyes

A few minutes passed quietly inside the cavern's chamber. Within this short time, Sheng Feilong managed to completely fuse the lion king to become his Spirit Soul. For now, nothing had changed; Sheng Feilong's bloodline was still normal, nor did anything else change with the exception of the full-sized manifestation of the lion king standing inside of Sheng Feilong's spiritual consciousness.

Unlike before, the Three-Eyed Golden Lion King inside of Sheng Feilong's spiritual consciousness wasn't its old, withered self; Rather, it was a manifestation of the lion king in his prime – his towering figure packed with powerful, well toned muscles, lush golden fur and an awe-inspiring aura surrounding it.

Sheng Feilong concentrated for a moment, appearing inside his spiritual consciousness as well and slowly opening his eyes. The lion king stood surrounded by the other entities inside his spiritual consciousness; The Radiant Empeeror's Phantasmagoric Eyes Spirit Essence, the Artificial Soul Bone as well as Sheng Feilong's two other Spirit Souls.

The Ancient Hypnotic Toad calmly sat at the sight, croaking lowly while watching the lion king. Sheng Feilong took a moment to spot the Purple Forest Witch, but couldn't help but grimace when he saw her; She was sitting on the lion king's back, holding on to its fur with a gleeful expression, laughing merrily.

While the lion king didn't seem to mind her, Sheng Feilong thought it to be his responsibility to stop her and ran over to them. "Purple Forest Witch, you mustn't sit on Senior's back! Be good and come down, will you..?" His voice sounded more like a plea, hoping the lion king won't be offended by her actions.

"But I wanna play with the big kitty!" The Purple Forest Witch replied in its childish voice, anxiously staring at Sheng Feilong before burying her head in the lion king's fur. Sheng Feilong was about to jump up there to get her down himself, but the lion king stopped him. "Worry not about her, Sheng Feilong. More importantly... That is what you called the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon?"

The lion king wasn't looking at Sheng Feilong, but instead staring into the distance where the pure lands of his spiritual consciousness clashed with the desolate wasteland where the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon resides. Sheng Feilong became more serious, looking towards it as well. "...Yes. It resides within a ruined castle in the midst of a wasteland on the other side of my spiritual consciousness."

"I see... its aura is truly baleful; Even this far from it, I can clearly feel its strength. Yet, it seems... harmless?" The lion king scrunched, its voice replaying its confusion. Sheng Feilong nodded in agreement, looking back at the lion king. "Its in a quasi-inactive state. Within the ruins, its bound to a black throne by something called the Chains of Heaven."

Sheng Feilong explained what he heard from Gu Yue back then as well as what happened after he lost control the last time and his own insights into how it all worked together. The lion king listened quietly, ignoring the far away Netherworld Putrefaction Demon for the time being. "I see. Then, you wish to acquire greater power not only for my dear brother's sake, but also to suppress this demon."

"Yes, Senior. I apologize for not telling you the whole truth before." Sheng Feilong lowered his head with a slightly conflicted expression, though the lion king didn't seem to mind at all. "It is normal for one to have secrets they cannot speak about. That is true for you, as well as for I and my dear brother, too."

With a small smile on his face, Sheng Feilong remained silent, thankful for the lion king to be so understanding. The lion king turned its head back to the direction of the Netherworld Putrefaction Demon for a moment. "Sheng Feilong, I think we should proceed with the awakening of your bloodline."

His words instantly got Sheng Feilongs attention, the latter putting on a serious expression. "What should I do, Senior?" The lion king's expression become more solemn as well. "Your physical state is already perfect; Return your spirit back to your body and calm your mind. Focus on circulating and controlling your energy and let it flow into every part of you body; I will take care of the rest."

Sheng Feilong nodded his head, vanishing from his spot in the spiritual consciousness and did as the lion king told him. The latter observed the whole process, turning his head around halfway to face the Purple Forest Witch still snuggling on its back. "Little fairy, let go of me for a while, yes? I have to help Sheng Feilong for the time being; We'll play together later."


Energy was slowly circulating through every part of Sheng Feilong's body. He had entered a completely calm, trance like state; Carefully guiding his energy in its every move. He could feel the lion king inside his spiritual consciousness; Its energy slowly rising and mixing with Sheng Feilong's own.

Sheng Feilong accepted the energy from the lion king, carefully continuing the circulations for a few times. After a while, he could feel an ever so slight tug at his energy as the lion king carefully directed all the energy into Sheng Feilong's blood instead of his body as a whole.

Moments later, the energy Sheng Feilong had amassed started to flow through his veins, following the paths of his blood vessels and even passing through his heart. With every circulation, his heart beat become more powerful, eventually causing Sheng Feilong's whole physical body to quake with each beat.

'Prepare yourself, Sheng Feilong; The next step will bring an amount of pain you have never thought to be possible.' The lion king's voice sounded out in his head, dignified and solemn like never before, but also tense and filled with care. Sheng Feilong braced himself, letting the lion king alone control all the energy in his body.

The moment Sheng Feilong took a deep breath, all the energy in his blood exploded into action; The complete mass shooting through his veins and crashing into his heart. Sheng Feilong's eyes shot open, bloodshot while his face was devoid of any colour. "Argh-" An agonized gasp escaped his mouth only to abruptly get stuck in his throat.

He felt as if his whole body was on fire; Exploding from within his heart, which in itself felt like it was being cut by millions upon millions of rusty knives at the same time. His eyes momentarily rolled back into his head and his seated body swayed backwards. Sheng Feilong just barely managed to remain conscious through the shocking pain, catching himself and stopping his fall.

His body shook for a short moment before an incredible power coursed through all parts of his body. All of the pain was gone in but an instant and Sheng Feilong looked up in surprise. He quickly closed his eyes again, returning to meditating to guide the influx of energy so nothing troublesome happens.

The first thing he noticed was his own blood; Unlike before, it was now of a fluorescent, scarlet colour and contained a strange, soothing aura as if it was something holy. Sheng Feilong was mesmerized by this change for a long time, only snapping out of it upon hearing the lion king's voice. "It truly is... our brethren's true, awakened bloodline. Ha, ha, it really never was just a fluke that my dear brother was the strongest of us siblings."

"Senior?" Sheng Feilong noticed that the lion king's voice sounded somewhat unusual; While he was clearly overjoyed, there also seemed to be a hint of regret in his voice. Some time passed in silence before the lion king spoke up again, now with a genuinely joyous voice. "It's nothing; Just some old memories. Anyways, congratulations, Sheng Feilong."

A smile crept onto Sheng Feilong's face and he concentrated on the changes to his own body again. Strangely enough, though, he couldn't find anything different other than the change of his blood itself. "Senior... what effect does it have to have awakened my blood? I don't feel different from before?"

"Awaken from your meditative state first, then focus on your eyes. You should be able to tell a difference; Don't use your Spirit Essence, just your regular eyes." The lion king spoke calmly. Thankfully, Sheng Feilong had it as a Spirit Soul now; Without its knowledge, he probably wouldn't understand what was happening.

Sheng Feilong stood up and looked through the cave for a moment before focusing on his eyes. He could feel his energy rushing to his eyes in an unfamiliar way, along with his blood circulation speeding up a tiny bit. Shortly after, a faint, reddish hue started to appear in the air around him, causing Sheng Feilong to frown and look around with a stumped expression. "This is... origin energy..?"

The reddish hue in front of his eyes swayed around the room, silently flowing in the same way as the origin energy he could feel in his surroundings. A low chuckle came from the lion king, clearly amused by Sheng Feilong's discovery. "So you are able to see it now? The legendary eyes of our brethren are said to see any and all that is true in this world. How could a bit of origin energy avoid their gaze?"

Sheng Feilong was once again stumped, but quickly thought of a strange idea; He concentrated on his eyes again, looking at his own arms and started circulating his Soul Power. Moments later, he could see a two flows of energy run through his arms and body; One scarlet red and the other a translucent blue. "...I can even see the energy flow in living beings?"