Back To Training

Phew... how to start this...

First of all; I'm terribly sorry for the missing chapters. My internet died on Wednesday and I was about to get into a literal fight with my provider as I didn't have any connection for the last few days (Including any connection with my phone, as I've got a mobile contract from the same provider...)

I've now signed a new contract with another provider in my area, so I'll have stable internet again.

I've had problems with the provider before, but it never implicated the chapters before, nor was it ever as bad as the last few days. The whole thing also implicated my work, as I usually work from home, which enables me to write as much as I did before. Since I couldn't work from home, I had to commute to and from work every day (each way being a 1.5 hours trip, meaning I had to get into my car at 6:30 AM and got home at around 6:30 ~ 7:00 PM. Ugh.)

Then, there's also the personal problems I mentioned when I informed you about the missing chapter on Monday. Said problem was a massive fight with my girlfriend, which I thought was already done after Monday... Ya, long story short, I now don't have a girlfriend any more. And she's also moved out from my apartment.

Lastly, I'd hit some kind of writer's block after Tuesday's chapter. I simply couldn't come up with any passable sentences, let alone story development, despite trying for hours (literally. I was awake 'til like 4:00 AM Tuesday...) and all the stress didn't help that.

I originally planned the ending of Chapter 209 to be a joke between the old lion king and Song Weihan, but I couldn't get it to work. Thus, I've rewritten the end of Chapter 209. It's just some minor changes, but I recommend you read it. It's only something like the last two or three paragraphs. If you're reading this notice, I've already updated the previous chapter.

Everything's going uphill now again, and I've overcome the writer's block after taking a day off and tinkering with my notes. My Internet's also back, meaning I can work from home again, which makes many things much easier.

I'll try to catch up with the missing chapters as fast as possible, but I can't promise anything.

Sorry for the inconvenience guys, but there really wasn't anything I could've done. I hope you'll enjoy this chapter and the next few!


Sheng Feilong frowned slightly, not sure why he would be left unconscious for hours. Although the wounds he sustained weren't quite something to scoff at, with his physique and now strengthened regenerative abilities, it shouldn't take much time for him to regenerate.

"Senior, how come I've been unconscious for so long..?" Being asked for his opinion, the lion king simply laid back down. "That human attacked your spirit as well as your body. You were unconscious for so long due to that. If it wasn't for the wounds to your spirit, you could have used my Soul Bone to regenerate within half an hour."

Sheng Feilong nodded his head, with a stern expression. The way Song Weihan defeated his Spirit Body Replicas was strange, to say the least; Song Weihan's physical abilities weren't that great, yet he finished the replicas, which possessed nearly the same bodily strength as Sheng Feilong off with ease. Sheng Feilong was about to ask more, but he felt the presence of someone outside of his spiritual consciousness. The lion king had sensed it as well, mentioning for Sheng Feilong to return.

Outside, Sheng Feilong slowly opened his eyes, looking at the person who stood next to him. Song Weihan had come to check up on him and was surprised to find the pill bottle had been opened. He understood that Sheng Feilong had used one of the pills with a single look and was looking at him when the latter opened his eyes.

Song Weihan showed a surprised expression, but kept his calm. "You're awake now, Feilong?" Considering his own strength, Song Weihan expected Sheng Feilong to be out cold for a much longer time. 'It seems I've underestimated his Spirit Power... He is close to the Spirit Domain Realm, after all.'

Not knowing what Song Weihan was thinking about, Sheng Feilong simply nodded his head, wincing slightly due to the pain in his body. Song Weihan smirked for a moment, quickly putting on a serious expression again. "Rest for a bit longer. Your injuries aren't light..."

"I will, Master..." Sheng Feilong smiled wryly, knowing for sure that Song Weihan's words were meant to spite him; He was definitely still angry that Sheng Feilong had challenged his authority before. In turn, the latter just nodded and glanced at the pill bottle on the bedside table. "You already took one of the pills?"

He only mumbled lightly, focusing on Sheng Feilong's body. Feeling the potent medicinal energy flowing through the latter, Song Weihan turned around, leaving the hospital room with his hands behind his back, speaking in a cynical tone. "Come back to the training room once you've healed up. It shouldn't take long thanks to your powerful Soul Bone..."

Sheng Feilong could only force himself to laugh dryly, forcing himself to sit up. He suppressed his pain for a moment, positioning himself in a manner to make it easier to meditate then calmed down. Taking a few deep breaths, he once again activated the 177.000-years-old Three-Eyed Golden Lion's Soul Bone, using its regeneration ability. Combined with the medical properties of the pills Song Weihan left him, his wounds were healed in less than 20 minutes, surprising even the old lion king.

"So, all that stopped me from regenerating really were these wounds to my spirit?" Sheng Feilong stood up from the bed, stretching his back and neck, inspecting his whole body for any wounds he may have missed. Not finding any, he sighed, then walked out of the hospital room.

He went through a quick check-up with the doctor in charge, then went back to the training room as Song Weihan had ordered. There, Sheng Feilong met his Master meditating in the middle of the room. Sheng Feilong didn't disturb him, waiting a few minutes for Song Weihan to open his eyes. "You're healed already?"

The surprise in Song Weihan's voice couldn't be hidden, though Sheng Feilong only nodded in response, not explaining himself. This caused Song Weihan to scoff at him once again. "It seems I've still underestimated your powers; You really do have the capital to be arrogant."

Sheng Feilong kept silent for a moment, averting Song Weihan's gaze, while the latter just stared at him. A short while later, Sheng Feilong bowed with his head held low. "I'm sorry to have disrespected you, Master. I've grown complacent with the sudden increase in my strength."

Though secretly smiling about it smugly, Song Weihan kept an emotionless expression on his face, not giving Sheng Feilong to read his thoughts before he spoke again. "There's no need for you to apologize. As I said, you really do have the capital to be arrogant. The old lion king already told me that you acted like this because it incited you to do so."

"The old lion king..?" Sheng Feilong was taken aback, and rightfully so, while Song Weihan simply nodded his head. "After you lost consciousness, the lion king appeared next to you. I have to admit, I was really surprised for it to appear, though I assume that's just one more particularity of Soul Beasts that willingly became Spirit Souls."

Though still surprised, Sheng Feilong didn't ask anything else; Song Weihan didn't knew anything else, while the lion king was already sleeping again. Song Weihan also didn't seem to care as he changed the matter with a single sentence. "Well, now that you're here, let's continue our training. You've passed the first part by integrating with the Soul Bone and we already tested its strength out."

He paused for a moment, pulling out a few documents from his Spacial Ring, then, surprisingly, a table and two chairs, positioned on opposite sides of said table. Song Weihan sat down on one of the chairs, laying the documents out in front of him and mentioned for Sheng Feilong, who stared at the strange display, to sit down on the other chair.

"The second part, as we've said this morning, is to create your Spirit Essence's True Avatar." Song Weihan started speaking as soon as Sheng Feilong sat down and pushed the first document over to Sheng Feilong. "Let's start with the basics; A Spirit Essence's True Avatar is, as the name implies, a manifestation of the Spirit Essence in the real world. Every Soul Master is able to fuse with their own Spirit Essences, bringing about effects that allow them to increase their combat strength ad use Soul Skills, of course; The True Avatar, at its core, is the same, though much more advanced of a technique."

Sheng Feilong nodded while glancing at the document in front of him. It was the same introduction to True Avatars that Song Weihan gave him, written out in more detail. Song Weihan acknowledged the nod and continued to speak. "True Avatars are usually a technique only Soul saints and above use, though that is a misinterpretation made by most Soul Masters; Theoretically, you can create your own True Avatar much earlier."

"Earlier? How? Isn't the True Avatar a special ability of high ranked Soul Masters?" Sheng Feilong asked, causing Song Weihan to shrug. "I said 'theoretically'; The True Avatar isn't a special ability of Soul saints, instead, its one every Soul Master possesses, but it requires a few things. Firstly, an immense control over ones Soul Power, a high grade of familiarity with ones Spirit Essence and, lastly, large amounts of highly concentrated Soul Power."

He paused for a moment after that, causing Sheng Feilong to frown lightly before he muttered a few words, lost in thought. "...So, it requires everything.. a Soul Core stands for..?" Song Weihan chuckled, pulling Sheng Feilong out of his thoughts. "Correct. Possessing a Soul Core is the basic requirement. This is also why people generally think its an ability unique to Soul Saints. Well, there's a few geniuses that create their Soul Core much earlier. They could, in theory, create their own True Avatar. Though I've also never met someone who did that."

Nodding his head once more, Sheng Feilong read the last parts of the document in his hand before putting it down, causing Song Weihan to hand him three other pieces of paper. "True Avatars are completely unique to each Soul Master, though they can be sorted into different kinds; Tool Spirit Essences usually result in a manifestation of the Spirit essence as a powerful weapon or tool, identical to the normal activation of the Spirit Essence, but much, much more powerful and often larger in size."

This was also the content of the first document, causing Sheng Feilong to simply nod, while taking the second from Song Weihan, to which the latter started the next introduction. "Beast type Spirit essence usually result in one of two types of True Avatar's; A Transformation Type and a Summon Type. She Meixiao, for example, uses the latter type, while a Transformation Type usually transforms the Soul Master into the Soul Beast their Spirit Essence originates from."

"So people could turn into a Dragon, for example?" Sheng Feilong raised an eyebrow at the thought, to which Song Weihan replied in his usual, calm tone. "Correct. Once they transform, their combat strength rises exponentially and it is often thought to be the strongest type of True Avatar, as the Soul Master's abilities are often increased ten fold while still retaining their full combat techniques such as Soul Skills and even fighting techniques, if they are specialized for their transformation."

Song Weihan paused, chucking a bit when he saw Sheng Feilong eagerly read through the document. "...For example, I possess this type of True Avatar. And I can even combine it with my Battle Armour." Sheng Feilong's head shot up and he stared at Song Weihan weirdly. "...The Spirit Endowed Flamingo's True Avatar is a transformation ability...?"

"Yes." Song Weihan nodded his head, smiling smugly, while Sheng Feilong continued to stare at him weirdly. "So, once you activate it, you'll turn into a... giant, pink flamingo, Master..?"

Still not understanding Sheng Feilong's weird looks, Song Weihan simply nodded his head again. "Un. My combat power increases exceptionally, while my Spirit Power also increases greatly, allowing me to use up to five Soul Skills at the same time. Once fused with my Battle Armour, I can then even match the strength of rank 97 Hyper Douluos."