The Black Hydra's Evolution

As soon as She Meixiao's energy entered Huang Jialong's body, the latter shook, growing increasingly pale with each passing second. Song Weihan's eyes flashed and he focused his Spirit Power, once again observing Huang Jialong's Spirit Essence.

Before, the Five-Headed Black Hydra was in a semi-dormant state; It didn't really do much and only passively waited for Huang Jialong to access its power, but with She Meixiao's energy invading its host's body, the Five-Headed Black Hydra instantly turned wild, viciously attacking and devouring the foreign energy.

The highly concentrated energy of a Titled Douluo being absorbed by his considerably much weaker Soul Emperor ranked Spirit Essence was an incredibly painful process for Huang Jialong. Not only did he lose control over his own Spirit Essence for the time being, the latter's strength started increasing without his doing, the excess energy running wild within his body.

Still, with both, Song Weihan and She Meixiao, watching over him, he didn't believe they would allow for anything bad to happen, thus gnashed his teeth and endured the pain; If it wasn't for his eyes being closed, he would've probably given up at that moment – Song Weihan and She Meixiao, those two great Masters he put his faith in – were both staring at him with confused and shocked expressions.

Song Weihan's Spirit power was still locked on to Huang Jialong's Spirit Essence and he could clearly tell of every little change and the massive amount of energy that the supposedly weak Spirit Essence should be unable to contain, while She Meixiao felt her own energy been drawn out by Huang Jialong; She had to actively stop her own Spirit Essence from retaliating.

Both of them understood that things were slowly getting out of hand, but still didn't interfere as Huang Jialong was still holding on. Not content with the current situation, Song Weihan focused his attention from only Huang Jialong's Spirit Essence to the latter's body as a whole, observing every little change and whatever miniscule energy flow he could possibly find.

Shocked, he had to discover that Huang Jialong's meridians were already slightly bloated, overwhelmed with the amount of energy flowing through them. A quick look to She Meixiao was all it took for the latter to understand Song Weihan's intention and she gradually lowered the amount of energy she allowed for Huang Jialong's Spirit Essence to absorb from her.

Within a minute, the flow of energy in Huang Jialong's meridians returned to a more bearable level, his expression easing slightly as well, while the Five-Headed Black Hydra continued to greedily absorb whatever energy it could get from She Meixiao. By now, already massive body had become even more pumped up, its shoulders and whole torso growing wider.

Song Weihan could detect an unusual flow of energy within the Spirit Essence itself; Thus far the Spirit Essence channelled all of its energy thorough its body into its five heads, but now, another lump of energy had formed within its body, similar to how the five heads got their energy.

He finally stepped into action, pushing his own Soul Power into Huang Jialong's body. This provoked another violent shudder from Huang Jialong himself as the pain of Song Weihan's energy entering his body was much more severe than when She Meixiao did so; Their energy types were incompatible, but Song Weihan didn't have the leisure to care for that at the moment.

He isolated Huang Jialong's Spirit Essence inside the latter's spiritual consciousness and disconnected it from his body, effectively sealing the Spirit Essence away for the moment. He only left a way for She Meixiao's energy to be absorbed by the Five-Headed Black Hydra, the excess energy being deterred from flowing into Huang Jialong's meridians.

Of course, Huang Jialong felt the connection between himself and his Spirit Essence weaken the moment Song Weihan started this procedure; He was shocked and about to lose his focused when Song Weihan spoke up. "Don't lose your concentration now; Your Spirit Essence is on the verge of mutating. I've isolated it to prevent the energy from bringing any harm to you. There's still too much excess energy within your meridians; Focus on refining it for now. She Meixiao and I will take care of your Spirit Essence."

He barely managed to finish his words before he was forced to focus his attention on the Five-Headed Black Hydra Spirit Essence; It had seemingly absorbed enough energy by now and was growing more and more violent. Its torso had become wide enough to easily fit another head, while the lump of energy circulating within its body had started pushing outwards.

With the Spirit Essence practically sealed away, Song Weihan's Soul Power once again rose, his nine brilliant Soul Rings appearing behind his back as the sixth among them lit up. His Spirit Power obtained another boost, an ominous, pinkish-white glow appearing within Huang Jialong's spiritual consciousness. The power appeared as a silhouette of Song Weihan, charging towards the Five-Headed Black Hydra and cutting open the base of its neck, directly above the weird lump of energy.

This was one of the most frightening aspects of a true master of Spirit Power and spiritual cultivation; The ability to attack an opponents mind and spiritual consciousness directly, potentially even destroying their Spirit Essence and Spirit Source at their base – Yet, Song Weihan used this terrifying ability now to help Huang Jialong's Spirit Essence to finish its evolution.

No blood splattered as the Spirit Essence was cut open; Instead, the wound revealed a fiendish black light beneath its shiny black scales and thick, leathery skin. The five heads of the hydra howled loudly before another, sixth howl echoed together with them just a moment later. From within the Five-Headed Black Hydra's body, another sixth head shot up, breaking from the wounds Song Weihan had created before.

All six heads howled in union, the hydra's powerful energy bursting out into all directions, filing up the sealed space Song Weihan had created and funnelling outwards through the only opening. Despite the difference in cultivation, She Meixiao was still heavily affected by the hydra's aura; Her body shook while her own Spirit Essence was shaken even more violently as she backed away, removing her hand from Huang Jialong's back.

Song Weihan used that opportunity to completely seal the Six-Headed Black Hydra Spirit Essence up, letting it thrash around and waiting for it to calm down. A few minutes later, the rampaging energy of the Spirit Essence finally died down while the hydra seemed to regain its cool as well.

By now, Huang Jialong had refined all of the excess energy that flooded into his body; Using it to create finally create his own Soul Core. She Meixiao's and Song Weihan's expressions changed; They were too focused on the Spirit Essence to notice what Huang Jialong was doing with the energy. "...To form a Soul Core without his Spirit Essence being present, this..."

She Meixiao muttered, while Song Weihan informed Huang Jialong to be careful with a mental note, then loosed the seal around the Six-Headed Black Hydra; Luckily, Huang Jialong hadn't yet completely finished creating his Soul Core, there was still time for him to incorporate his Spirit essence into it.

Finally being able to understand what was going on around it, the now Six-Headed Black Hydra toured through Huang Jialong's spiritual consciousness for a few moments before noticing what the latter was up to. Then, like a predator finding its perfect prey, it charged at the newly formed Soul Core, a part of it breaking into the core through the side without a care in the world.

Huang Jialong's body once again, but he managed to regain his composure, continuing to create his Soul Core, now even with his Spirit Essence fused into it. The process progressed smoothly as the Six-Headed Black Hydra was readily cooperating with Huang Jialong. Not even half an hour later, Huang Jialong finally finished creating his Soul Core; A perfect, half-transparent black sphere with the silhouette of a Six-Headed Black Hydra flowing within.

After a while, Song Weihan and She Meixiao finally calmed down upon seeing Huang Jialong complete his Soul Core and smiled again. Huang Jialong himself was still silently cultivating, slowly getting used to his Soul Core, while the two Titled Douluo kept watch over him, though much more relaxed then before.

Another while later, Huang Jialong's body shook violently once and he began sucking in a massive amount of origin energy from the surroundings. Song Weihan and She Meixiao raised an eyebrow, the smile on the latter's face widening. "He's just completed his Soul Core, yet he's already breaking through to become a Soul Saint. He's really gotten impatient ever since Feilong overtook him."

The scene of Huang Jialong continued for a long time, causing Song Weihan to frown. "He's absorbing so much origin energy..." His words slowly trailed off as he once again used his Spirit Power to pry into Huang Jialong's Dantian and spiritual consciousness. The newly formed Soul Core was hurriedly rotating, busily absorbing the origin energy from the surrounding while Huang Jialong made his breakthrough.

Still, Song Weihan frowned as he noticed about 70 percent of that energy being absorbed by the Six-Headed Black Hydra; It was busily circulating the energy within itself again, causing Song Weihan to once again pry deeper, only now noticing that another weird lump of flowing energy appeared in its torso. He brows once again arched up and he unconsciously blurted out a few words. "It's trying to create another head now?!"