Three-Eyed Golden Lion Blood Core!

Sorry for the late upload!

Some real-life stuff came up, urgently.

Enjoy the chapter!


The moment he felt his blood's energy rush towards his Dantian, Sheng Feilong's face changed. In that split second, he had already guessed that this was exactly what he wanted; The third eye had split off a part of itself and become his Bloodline Essence, which would now fuse into his Blood Core.

However, there is a problem; Sheng Feilong hadn't even started condensing his Blood Core yet – It was all still just a Blood Energy Vortex! It was oversaturated with energy and just a bit more would destabilize it, yet all of the energy remaining in his blood was rushing for his Dantian to fuse into his Blood Energy Vortex.

'This is bad!' Sheng Feilong's body shook, his skin becoming pale from the sudden loss of energy in his blood while his thoughts spun crazily. 'What do I do?! If all that energy enters my Dantian – enters the vortex now, then-! I have to stop it-No, I have to create the Blood Core right now!'

His spirit entered his Dantian, focusing on the Blood Energy Vortex and forcing it to rotate faster with al his might, while he condensed it further and further. With all of the energy fusing into it, Sheng Feilong didn't have the chance to pay attention to anything else as he needed to somehow stop the vortex from collapsing. 'Fast! Spin faster! If its fast enough, it'll stabilize itself...!'

In the training hall, Mu Ye frowned when he saw Sheng Feilong's energy reacting to something, yet before he could do or say anything, the third eye on Sheng Feilong's forehead opened, the spiritual pressure bursting out and pressing down on Mu Ye.

His pupils constricted, his face turning pale while his body shook slightly. His own Spirit Power was too weak to resist Sheng Feilong's uncontrolled outburst and he had to focus on himself to not get overwhelmed.

Just a few moments, the pressure suddenly vanished and Mu Ye heaven a strained sigh of relief, staring at Sheng Feilong in shock. "What's going on? The third eye- No, his energy is out f control?!"

Mu Ye jumped to his feet; He cultivated the Innate Secret Technique himself and, as the Body Sect's Sect Master, he was highly sensitive to the energy contained within other people. He could clearly tell tat Sheng Feilong lost control over his own energy, which caused the outburst, yet that wasn't all; The next moment, his face suddenly lost all colour, while his blood's energy was still rioting.

"It's.. rushing for his Dantian? That third eye is the Bloodline Essence!" Mu Ye's face changed again and he flashed behind Sheng Feilong, his hand pressing on the latter's back. His energy pushed into Sheng Feilong's body, forcefully slowing the flow of energy within the latter down. 'The backlash will be even worse if I fully stop it now. Brat, you better get your core formed quick!'


Sheng Feilong was still fully focused on his Blood Energy Vortex. The influx of energy was immense and he could barely keep the vortex from collapsing. However, after a short time, the energy rushing into his Dantian was lowered, its flow becoming more steady. He felt an unknown power enter his body, but ignored it for now, as he could feel that it wasn't harmful.

The Blood Energy Vortex was condensing more and more, becoming smaller due to that, yet it spun faster than ever before. Sheng Feilong continuously forced both of these factors to increase to form a Blood Core; The whole process was much more violent than when he formed his Soul Core.

The berserk energy within the vortex was continuously lashing out towards him, making Sheng Feilong feel as it his spirit was being torn apart, his Dantian, being forced to hold this berserk energy, was even worse of and trembling with every lash. If it wasn't for the flow of energy having slowed down, his Dantian would probably already be injured!

Sheng Feilong couldn't do anything but clench his teeth and endure it; If he relaxed even slightly and the energy got out of control again, the vortex would burst. In the best case, he would have to form it again; In the worst case, he could possibly cripple his own Dantian from the damage!

'It's coagulating! Just a bit longer...' In the middle of the vortex, Sheng Feilong saw a small, blood-red bead being formed, spinning at an ever higher speed than the vortex itself; This was the Blood Core, which was slowly assimilating more and more mass from the vortex!

The more of the energy the small bead absorbed, the easier it became for Sheng Feilong, yet there was still energy rushing into his Dantian at a speed lightly faster than the Blood Core was being formed; overall, it was only becoming harder for Sheng Feilong, at least until all the energy had entered his Dantian.

He once again focused his mind, concentrating solely on the Blood Core while ignoring the pain.


Mu Ye had been infusing his power into Sheng Feilong's body for nearly an hour by now, yet Sheng Feilong was still not done. The energy in his blood had greatly diminished and there wasn't much left, yet it all surged into Sheng Feilong's Dantian without stopping.

Moreover, Mu Ye had no idea how Sheng Feilong was faring with the formation of his Blood Core. The latter was definitely still conscious and working on it, but Mu Ye had no chance to pry into Sheng Feilong's Dantian to see for himself.

He could only wait, continuing to channel his energy into Sheng Feilong's body until everything had entered the latter's Dantian, which would take at least another few minutes. "What's going on with this fellow..."

Sheng Feilong's body hadn't changed in the slightest thorough the whole hour; His face was still ghastly pale from the lack of energy, occasionally trembling for a few moments, but nothing more. Mu Ye couldn't made heads or tail of what was happening.

"Feilong? Mu Ye, what's going on?!" While Mu Ye was still trying out to figure out how Sheng Feilong is doing, Song Weihan entered the room. He frowned when his eyes fell on Sheng Feilong and immediately pressed Mu Ye for answers.

Mu Ye glanced at him for but a moment, not wanting to avert his attention as the berserk energy within Sheng Feilong was still madly rushing at his Dantian. "He's currently forming his Blood Core. His bloodline reacted a lot stronger than he or I anticipated. I'm helping him slow the process down, but... it's been going on for an hour."

Song Weihan's frown deepened, but he remained calm. Walked up to Mu Ye and Sheng Feilong, he looked at the former, before speaking up. "How can I help?" Mu Ye grunted, then spoke after a short pause. "You can't. He has to manage this alone. It's the same how one can't help another creating their Soul Core."

Song Weihan understood what Mu Ye meant, but couldn't help but worry about his disciple, when Mu Ye spoke up again. "...Your Spirit Power is stronger than his, right? Try to pry into his Dantian; Even I am not sure what's going on at the moment. Forming his Blood Core shouldn't take so long."

Nodding at Mu Ye, Song Weihan dropped down on the ground in front of Sheng Feilong, closed his eyes and started scanning with his Spirit Power. His body seemed to be alright, other for the lack of energy in his blood, which Mu Ye was controlling, so Song Weihan directly went to take a look into Sheng Feilong's Dantian as Mu Ye had said.

What greeted him there, was the sight of a world painted in blood red. A Dantian is a formless realm inside a Soul Masters body, which was normally crystal clear, yet Sheng Feilong's was bathed in a bloody glow. Looking around, Song Weihan noticed the source of the blood red light; A pulsating, blood red orb the size of a human's head, floating quietly between Sheng Feilong's hands.

The latter was floating in the air with his legs crossed and eyes closed, while in between his hands was said blood red orb, pulsating every time it absorbed the energy that flowed into Sheng Feilong's Dantian.

A few moments passed before Sheng Feilong noticed Song Weihan's arrival. He opened his eyes, staring directly at his Master in a slight daze before suddenly smiling. "Master." Song Weihan nodded his head, his eyes focused on the blood red orb. "Are you alright?"

"Un. I'm perfectly fine by now... Though I can't leave yet, lest the Blood Core loses control. Can you tell Senior Mu to stop slowing the flow of energy down? I can handle what is left to rush into my Dantian without problem. I'll awake as soon as the core is fully stabilized."

Song Weihan nodded his head again, not questioning Sheng Feilong's decision and left the latter's Dantian. Opening his eyes in the training hall, he looked towards Mu Ye. "Feilong is alright. His Blood Core has formed, but not fully stabilized yet. He only needs a bit more time. You can let his energy flow naturally again, he said he'll be able to handle it without a problem."

Surprise washed over Mu Ye's face, though it was quickly exchanged for relief. He pulled his own energy back, letting the energy within Sheng Feilong's body accelerate slowly before stepping back from the latter. The energy got absorbed into Sheng Feilong's Dantian nearly instantly, but nothing else happened.

Mu Ye and Song Weihan exchanged a glance, then waited for Sheng Feilong to awaken. About 15 minutes passed before they heard a long sigh from Sheng Feilong. Their heads shot around, staring at Sheng Feilong as the latter slowly opened his eyes. Yet, before anyone could say something, a loud, deep rumble echoed out from Sheng Feilong's abdomen.

This took all three of them by surprise, Sheng Feilong reacting first, putting a hand on his stomach with a blush on his face. Song Weihan unceremoniously burst out laughing, while Mu Ye simply turned around and walked towards the exit. "...Come to the dining hall in about 10 minutes."