Chapter 6 – A couple’s Quarrel

As Hari drove back, the drizzle suddenly turned into a heavy shower forcing him to stop his motorbike under an old bus stop for shelter. When he looked up, suddenly the shed of dog he saved appeared in his mind out of nowhere.

Then he recalled that shed of the little fella was in a low-level area and it would undoubtedly be flooded. The Freezing rain couldn't stop a warm heart from saving a life. But when Hari reached the spot he neither found the dog nor the shed, water had pulled down the shed.

Hari was heartbroken, he searched for an hour turning every single rock in the street. The rain got heavier, and Hari knew his chances of finding the dog was close to impossible. So he gave up while cursing himself for being so useless.

If he could afford, he would have at least adopted the stray dog until it recovered. Unfortunately, one couldn't change the past and 'If' condition was just a castle build in thin air; Hari knew it better than anyone.

Hari hung his head low and made his way to the house, the cute little dog filled his mind.

Half-an-hour later….

Hari reached his house, he was too occupied to even notice that Shreya had been already inside the house. Hari just took his key and opened the door, a delightful aroma welcomed the depressed guy.

Hari entered the hall, and another surprise was waiting for him. In the room, the dog was sitting on the sofa. Hari even forgot the alluring food waiting for him and rushed to the dog to give a hug.

Hari noticed that the bandages were changed, but they were poorly done and slightly wet; thus, he immediately sprang into action. His hands too fast, healthy human eyes will only perceive blurry movement.

Less than a minute, he untied all the bandages, but before he could inspect the wounds for infection, his instincts alarmed crazy. Hari jumped while picking his hidden knife only to find his wife staring daggers at him.

"Hari what were you up to, touching an injured animal with wet hands and furthermore removing the bandages. Are you trying to kill it?"

Though she didn't have any killing intent, Hari still felt the dangerous aura she was emitting. Hari knew for the longest time that his wife was anything but simple.

Hari felt like crying, he forgot that he was drenched and he only intended to inspect the wound.

'Today's the unluckiest day of my life.'

Since it's only cooperation between the two of them, he knew going soft will not do any good. Though they were collaborating, he still needs to roughen things a bit to lead a peaceful life. But he wasn't planning on taking things too far, as Shreya was angry for the right cause.


With that Hari released his Killer Intent, he knew Shreya wasn't just another woman, so Hari didn't hold back like last time he did with Lila.

Shreya was powerful, but she's an inexperienced killer; on the other hand, Hari might be much weaker than Shreya with his fighting experience Hari could easily kill her even if she 7 lives.

'Eh… what's this, such intense pressure even my body can't withstand it. What's going on?'

The Bloodthirst froze her; she has never encountered such pressure. She could barely cope with the Killer intent, and from Hari's carefree attitude, she knew he wasn't going all out. Only then she realized that her husband was not as simple as he portrayed.

Shreya entirely projected her aura to counter the Killer Intent, but if this goes on her will surely drain, leaving her vulnerable and exposed. Her only scope was to unleash her trump card and overpower Hari.

On the other hand, Hari didn't expect his wife to withstand his pressure. He still couldn't figure out how she was enduring such stress.

'How is she coping with my Killer intent; she thoroughly pure without a hint of murderous aura. What's going on?'

The clash of aura came to a stalemate, at any moment, either of them was ready to take action. Unfortunately, both of them were too engrossed that they ignored the injured dog; the very reason for their fight.

Hari's small probe took a wild turn and became such a dangerous confrontation. Before anything unfortunate happened, the frail dog stopped the calamity.


The dog barked with great effort, breaking the tension. Both Hari and Shreya could only dig a hole to hide from embarrassment; they forgot the dog. Immediately they rushed to the dog only to bump into each other. Before Shreya could start Hari glared at Shreya shutting her.

"Let's talk after treating this guy. Bring a clean towel and few bandages with ointment. Yeah! Also, fetch some cotton."

Hari ordered without turning his head; Shreya could only nod.

'Calm down, calm down the little guy's the priority.'

Shreya religiously mumbled like a holy prayer to keep her temper in check and went to pick the stuff Hari asked; it was a completely new experience for her, being ordered around by someone.

At the same time, Hari started examining the dog; he went through every nook and corner to avoid further complications.

While he was examining Shreya fetched the thick towel and a medical kit.

The clean white towel hung on her hands, and occasional inaudible curses made her even more alluring. At the moment, Shreya was like a damsel in disaster; any man would bleed to save this sweet damsel in distress to capture her heart.

Unfortunately, Hari was the only guy in the room; and he was too immersed in inspecting the dog, so it went down as another unappreciated piece of art.

He just took the towel without turning and dried the little fella before completely dressing the wound, it took him full ten minutes to completely bind the wound.

Compared to Hari's bandage skill Shreya's skills were nothing but garbage; though she was passable for a beginner.

A few minutes later, Hari stood up, he was still dripping wet, so he went to his room to get changed. The entire time he was blocking her sight, so Shreya took a closer look to check if the little fella was doing fine. To her surprise, the dog was happily wagging his tail.


A few hours ago, earlier this evening, she picked this fella, his wounds were professionally dressed; the bandages were too perfect that it didn't hinder his movements even with such critical injuries. The bandage was art from an experienced hand.

Since it rained, the bandages were soaked wet, so Shreya removed them and found a few half-healed injuries.

With each second that passed by the rain got harder and harder; after some deep thought, she decided to take in the dog.

Once they reached the home, Shreya tried to reproduce the dressing in the same method, but she severely underestimated the difficulty.

After many trails the best she could do covered its entire body like a mummy, entirely immobilizing it. Though she felt guilty, there was nothing she could do. It was inadvisable to take him to any veterinary doctor in this stormy weather.

But Hari's dressing looked awfully similar to the previous one; instead it was slightly better; thus, she clearly pictured what transpired earlier this morning.