Ch 9 - New Brother

One week later….

1st August 2018, Wednesday, Chennai.

This is the most relaxed period of Hari's life; he spent most of the time inside the house either playing with Shemo or watching television.

On the whole, it was an uneventful week for him; furthermore, his relationship with Shreya was smooth all thanks to Shemo, at least they had something on the plate to discuss over.

Hari quickly dressed up and made a relaxed bike ride to Blueberry Tree Restaurant; earlier his brothers agreed to meet at this famous beachside restaurant.

While he was riding his motorbike to the hotel Hari sent a reminder to Anil, he was planning on introducing him as a new friend to his brothers. At the restaurant, all his brothers had occupied the largest table; it couldn't be helped the fatty was just too big.

Everyone one of his brothers was eagerly waiting for him; last week Hari sent them back without letting out any details of his plans.

"Guys, I'll introduce someone I befriended after coming here; he'll be here shortly."

Hari spoke before they could open their mouths, they were over-enthusiastic. Fortunately for his brothers, Anil was a disciplined guy; he came just a few minutes after Hari.

Anil was also eager to meet some new people, especially Hari's old pals. He was really curious to find the people his taciturn, unsocial friend could open up.

When he entered the restaurant, an odd group of misfits caught his eyes.

A fatty barely fitting into a two-seater sofa, a pencil-thin transwoman and opposite to then three women with a perfect physique, it was shame he couldn't see their faces but to the right-most corner was a stunner waiting for him.

His unsocial friend was giggling and teasing with this group of weirdos like a college-kid.

"Anil over here!!!"

Hari shouted as he stood from the seat, completely ignoring others in the room. Anil immediately face-palmed and rush before another yell; while giving an apologetic smile to other guests.

"Anil these are my brothers, the fatty is Rakesh Choudary, Rak in short. The manly women over there is Sushani Gaurav and the infamous triplets Riya Shetty, Kiya Shetty, and Priya Shetty."

While Hari was busy introducing his comrades, Anil was jittery all over from their intense stare. Fortunately, Hari took note of his odd expression.

"Guys, Anil's my new friend; the only person I befriended the last couple of years. So don't scare him away with your creepy stares; also, he'll be joining the Start-up."

Hari pulled back his brothers to the reality, they knew Hari was neither a friendly or sociable person; he would only befriend someone he trusts.

Anil knew if they stayed here, sooner or later, they would be kicked out for being a nuisance.

"Hari, shall we get a private room?"

Anil whispered into Hari's ears, while he eyed the annoyed guests.

Hari looked around and understood before nodding. Immediately, Anil spoke to the Hotel manager, who was more than happy to arrange a Private hall for them.

Once everyone moved in an awkward silence prevailed; Anil's actions were made everyone uncomfortable, though it was completely justifiable. Hari could sense the unease; unfortunately, nothing came to his dumb brains.

Sushani was especially sensitive to her surroundings; discerning Anil uneasiness she immediately welcomed the new member.

"Anil, it's good to have a new brother."

Sushani pulled Anil alone while exclaiming in an uncomfortably shrill voice. Nevertheless, Anil put a straight face; he could feel the good intent and being discriminatory wasn't a part of him.

Once they had a few drinks, everyone happily joked around and once again became unruly. With time Anil got used to this rowdy group, throughout they chatted about some fun gossips.

Though they were all eager to learn the business plan, it isn't fair to directly jump into business without creating a harmonious environment.

"Anil, as the start to our new Brotherhood let me share a bit of our past. We are ex-military, our corps had nine brothers, including me."

Hari paused a bit, while his brothers from army turned around towards him.

"We were called the 'Nine Chakoras of India', the trump card squad of the country. Each of us is the best in our field of expertise,

Rakesh's the vanguard of the team, don't let his stature deceive you he could ram through a solid concrete wall effortlessly.

Sushani's assassin and scout; people in this line of work call him 'toothpick'.

While the triplets Riya, Kiya, and Priya are Medic, Hacker, and Strategist, respectively.

I was their leader of the entire team and a field expert.

And Three other brothers who died in an accident, with their death 'Nine Chakoras of India were disbanded."

Anil could feel the depressing air swirling around the table. It took a couple of bottles of wine to disperse the sadness.

"Guys I was thinking of starting an Auction House. What are your thoughts?"

Hari casually spoke as though he was cracking a joke.

Everyone looked at each other, waiting for someone to speak up. But none of them was up for it, military guys are clean slate when it came to business handling, and Anil was hesitant to speak up.

"Anil, you should speak your mind; we have next to no experience in this field. We might add some points here and there, but you've to take the lead."

Hari passed it on to Anil with great ease; he too was ignorant about the business world. After a bit of hesitation, Anil spoke up.

"Hari, the Auction House is High-Risk-High-Return sort of business; it's essentially true in case of New establishments. Typically Auction houses deal with the riches; only they will have luxury spend a fortune here.

Firstly, we need lots of connections; basically for inflow and outflow. I can handle the customers, my business partners and colleagues would certainly draw enough crowd.

But for an Auction we need lots of articles, for that we need to get in touch with Collectors, Pawnbroker and so on; they are the key to success.

Furthermore, whatever we do, it must on a large scale, which means enormous investment."

There Anil paused while sending a meaningful glance at Hari.

"Don't worry about the articles; the big guy's family runs a huge pawn store back home. Hey Rak! You can pull out some avid collectors and others to the Auction House, can't you?"

As Hari enthusiastically asked Rakesh; the fatso slowly nodded his head. It took a few

minutes to comprehend the head shake; there was just too much of loose fats under his neck that it became to discern which way he was moving his head.

"Guys wire all your uncommitted funds; we'll see how much capital we can pool."

After getting Rak's promise, Hari pompously asked his brothers to contribute to creating Capital.

Anil rolled his eyes when he heard Hari, he was talking about investments, big-money games; it's not something you can pull out from the retirement funds.