Ch 11 Dangerous Encounter

5th September of the year, Chennai.

Time flew by, one month passed since the discussion with his brothers.

This month was by far the most hectic one since Hari's retirement. He had to look after Auction House all day long, creating something from scratch proved a lot more complicated.

Thanks to Rakesh's connections in this line of trade, they found an upright veteran Appraisal Master and crafty yet trustworthy auctioneer.

Anil was in charge of the office and making preparations for their Inaugural Auction.

The triplet did a great job in acquiring an old abandoned Museum in the suburban parts of the city; actually, it was quite a bargain given its size and artistic designs.

They spent around 13 million rupees on buying this property its remote location was the only drawback. Further, a large scale renovation took place; Hari and his brothers spent another 7 million for this project.

On the whole, 20 Million Rupees was expended by them just for the building, but every penny was worth it; they need such a grandeur structure for a large scale success.

Today was a busy day like any other day, after a long tiring day, Hari walked out of the office on the first level to his motorbike parked by the lawn.

Once he got on the bike, he spent a few minutes appreciating the beautiful building.

They had used special night gems to decorate the walls and pillars which glittered in the moonlight, making it seem like an ethereal palace from heavens.

Then he rode his bike home, these days he was spending lesser and lesser time at the house. It's been three days since his last visit, actually Shemo was the only person who would miss him.

On his way back, he passed through an empty avenue. There Hari got a glimpse of a man sneaking into a house to his right-side.

Hari couldn't just ignore but neither could he just jump into action without confirming whether it was a burglar or a prankster.

While Hari was pondering, the man who sneaked was intently stared from a covert position at the old man sitting on a couch with a cup of coffee and a thick book.

A few minutes later, Hari decided to intervene, and he slipped to the house through the backdoor and entered the main hall.

The man was had sneaked in earlier was taking cover by the refrigerator, he noiselessly pulled out a poisonous dart and steadied the breath before aiming.

The dart was shot in one seamless motion, though it seemed effortless the power it contained was unfathomable.


Exactly at the instant, Hari entered the room, a bolt of black lightning zoomed past him to the old man's neck.


And the book in his hands fell as the old man's head hung down; a thin stream of blood gushed out from a small hole in his neck.

Unfortunately, Hari was one step late; to his right, an old man was found dead with wide-open horrid filled eyes were staring at the Black Dart in his hands which he had pulled out before his death.

To his left, a bald man in the white shirt was staring dead straight at Hari. Those eyes didn't have an ounce of fear or anxiety in them, he was just standing there like a stone pillar.

The bald guy was exhibiting extreme pressure; much similar to his brothers but strangely his stance was full of holes.

After a few minutes of silence, the man sent a creepy smile before charging forward without any hesitation; Hari was dumbstruck by that guy's reckless manoeuvre.

No fighter would wildly run towards an enemy with such a sloppy open move.

But one has to give him credits he was swift, he reached Hari in a matter of seconds and launched a punch packed with power; which was nonchalantly dodged by a hair-thin margin.

Instantly, Hari knew the guy before was totally out of his league; he was just too strong for him. Though it seemed to be an easy dodge, in reality, Hari had to exercise utter caution as he knew if anyone of the punch were to connect, then it would be disastrous.

After a few minutes of reckless punching, the man was still going at it like a raging bull; if anything his punches were growing stronger and stronger.

Hari's only hope is cash in his hefty fighting experience against this bulldozer.

Till now none of the punches connected, everything was hit on thin air as Hari dodged, but each blow slashed through the air creating shockwaves.

Hari knew things were going south for him; he was expending too much of mental energy to avoid the attacks. His eyes started to search for loopholes and weakness, suddenly he discovered a strange phenomenon.

Though with every punch, the power was increasing, he was also losing his mind with every passing second; he was losing his rationality slowly. One word to describe his situation would be 'Berserk'.

Instantly, Hari's brain went into Hyper mode and formulated a plan to stop this human bulldozer.

At this moment the bald guy was like a wild raging bull, he's completely immersed in the battle that he even ignored his surroundings.

Hari led him to the main door while dodging the punches, if he were even a bit sane, he would have noticed something amiss, fortunately for Hari anger had completely clouded his brains.

A few minutes later, Hari was backed to the wall; he stood right before the Main electricity circuit board of the house and as expected the kid didn't think twice before sending another punch at Hari.

Unlike the earlier strikes this punch connected, Hari took the blow to his right shoulder to

deflect the assault of the Circuit Board.


The human bulldozer directly punched into to Circuit board, leaving a vast hole and tangled wires in its place.


As planned the big guy collapsed on the floor like a sack of potatoes, but the last strike dislocated Hari's right shoulder and fracture few bones.

With inhuman strength by his side, severe electrocution would only send him into a temporary coma lasting a couple of hours.

Thus Hari was running short if time, he quickly found a thick rope tied the big guy, left the house with a dead body in the hall.

With a dislocated shoulder and ticking time-bomb like a bulldozer; Hari couldn't take any risks. He didn't take the pains to dispose of the corpse, instead parcelled him in a large gunny bag and carried him to his motorbike.

Hari took 20 minutes to reach their Auction house and threw a meat bag in the hall.


The sound alerted all his brothers, they all rushed to the hall.

"Sushani make him speak, and Riya take a look at my right shoulder, something's broken."

Hari asked Riya their medic to fix his arms; she immediately went to Hari and tore his sleeves to inspect the injury.

Once she touched his shoulder, her eyes suddenly sharpened and unintentionally murderous aura leaked from her. Instantly the air became heavier, and everyone wore a solemn face;

Anil still couldn't make head or tail.

But others knew, Riya's change indicated the strike was severe and could have possibly killed Hari.

Rak single-handedly picked up the gunny bag and carried the unconscious fella to the cellar below. In Rak's hands, the big Gunny bag was almost like a normal back-bag.

Sushani followed Rak to the cellar as Riya, and the rest stayed in the hall tending to Hari's injuries.