CH 31 Hari's Background

Strangely Yashini Devi kept on repeating the same word over and over throughout the conversation.

After running several tests by both the software and lip-reading experts, we confirmed the word to be 'Code-Yama'. But the last name precisely before the blast was 'Hari'."

Shreya's Arctic eyes widened, and her jaws dropped; she nearly jumped from her chair the moment Kira uttered the word 'Code-Yama'.

Her Mistress's unusual reaction gave Kira a mild heart attack; it's the first time Shreya has lost her composure since taking over Junchit Daily. Shreya completely ignored her secretary.

Seconds later, Shreya broke from her daze and gave swift orders.

"Kira, immediately stop the investigation and put Yashini Devi under full coverage, something juicy is about to come of her."

'From the looks of it Yashini Devi has got the 1st layer summoning; tomorrow is going the fateful day of a political giant.'

Code Yama has 13 different summons, from the mildest to the harshest, 1st Layer summon to 13th layer summon. 1st layer is a warning and people will face actual hell from 2nd layer summons onwards.

Kira was oblivious about the dark clouds looming over Yashini Devi. Still, her Mistress's commands were absolute, so she immediately made a call and stopped the operation while sending an instruction to keep a close watch on Yashini Devi.

"Are there any other strange observation from the investigation."

Shreya hopefully enquired Kira since she hated the very idea of returning empty-handed.

"Yes ma'am, Hari's spouse is also a complete mystery. Apart from her name, everything is kept confidential, we couldn't even find a photo. And one interesting coincidence both you and his wife bear the same name 'Shreya'."

Kira would have never fathomed the mysterious wife was actually sitting before her. Though both of them had the same name Kira found it marriage an impossibility for her cold aloof boss; moreover, 'Shreya' is a pretty common name so Kira couldn't be blamed.

"Don't bother investigating his wife, I'm.."

Shreya was giving orders, but the landline interrupted her; Shreya coolly switched on the speaker, it was the leader of her company hackers.

"Ma'am, a significant breakthrough was achieved just before the orders to cease the investigation was transmitted on. We managed to hack into the remote server of the Hackers hired by Yashini Devi and retrieve the data they collected on the person under investigation, Hari; before it was destroyed.

Hari was actually a part of Indian Para-Military; his entire career as a white collared worker was just a smokescreen. He seemed to be a part of special ops before retiring due to injuries.

Nothing concrete was found except one record, before retiring Hari donated all his rewards and monetary equivalents back to Indian Military."

After finishing his piece, the leader respectfully ended the call, and Shreya simply stood in a daze before letting a long sigh.

An exhausted man full of scars appeared in her mind, though she didn't know Hari for a long time Shreya was smart enough to discern the sadness looming over him.

Kira rolled her eyes in bewilderment; Shreya has never lost her composure but today twice in a row, her Mistress failed to put her chilly, aloof façade. She was also eager to meet this mysterious guy and learn the secret art to break the ever tranquil mind of her Mistress.

"Kira, also stop investigating his spouse you couldn't get any info on her; you may leave. Please adjourn all meetings today."

Then Shreya silent sat in deep thoughts Code Yama would never interfere with anyone even if that person is a Sovereigns Disciple.

Rules of Ori Realm and Earth are too different, and all influence here will be under close scrutiny.

She couldn't fathom any possible scenario of 'The Gatekeeper' ordering Code: Yama to warn Yashini Devi for his personal reason, given his uptight character.

This could happen only if someone within Code: Yama were helping Hari; which will once again be severely punished.

The reality can be uncannier than imagination and today's events were a testament to that saying.

The Commander-in-Chief of Code: Yama was a cadre from Hari's junior batch, and back in those days like most of the peers he was also a fanatic follower of Hari.

He had connections with Ori Realms, his parents are members of Blur kilns. Thus, unlike the rest of his cadres, he entered into Code Yama and climbed up very quickly thanks to his military background.

In a dark world filled dishonour and betrayal, a man righteous man trained military discipline were a rare breed, and this helped climb up the ladder of authority.

A few days ago, one of his friend in Military Cyber-wing cited Yashini Devi investigating on Hari during a casual conversation. It was just a fellow admirer sharing his worry and helplessness; they all knew the tragic accident two years.

Both of them were fuming inside for a fellow serviceman suffering injustice and their helplessness. After a lot of consideration, he acted both as commander-in-chief and Hari's admirer.

Code: Yama being part of the underworld and a mercenary group they would take up tasks that board line amoral.

In the Task Desk, there had a task related to Yashini Devi, with political agenda; typically, these missions would be dismissed to avoid unnecessary trouble, but today because of the commander-in-Chief's intervention this mission was commissioned.

And so without even Hari's knowledge, a person with malicious intentions were wiped out. Even Hari's direct orders wouldn't have this perfect outcome; any bystander would be jaw dropped by the series of coincidence in play.

First, the timing Yashini Devi chose to exact her vengeance at the same time as the Mission, if it were just three-days earlier or later even Code: Yama's Chief could only helplessly drink in sorrow.

The mission will only be on the desk for 3-days maximum; thus, everything would have played out differently had Yashini Devi waited a few days.

Shreya would never learn this information and Hari would remain as an unsolvable mystery forever.


In the road, Hari was speeding to their Auction Hall with his trusty Motorbike.

Hari wasn't really even thinking about Shreya and her sharp somewhat insensitive response. The last part was just an instinctive counter to give himself strong ground.

His mind was fully engaged in deciphering the dream and trying to disprove his theory by all means.

Exactly half-an-hour later, everyone was gathered in the Auction Hall. Hari was the last to enter.

Hari did't utter a word he just pointed the ground and walked to the hidden stairs leading to the Interrogation Cell. Though his brothers were puzzled with by his odd behaviour everyone still followed him with any questions.