Ch 33 The Doomsday

While his brothers were rooted to the ground in shock, Hari sucked in a deep breath and quickly adjusted his mindset.

He engraved into his mind that Doomsday was a definite happening and erased all doubts. Actually, if he puts a bit more effect, Hari could come up with many more evidence and clues to prove the same.

But that would be nothing but a waste of effort and time.

"Let's go down."

Hari looked up to stare at the ceiling while he woke his brother from the trance. Everyone silently walked downstairs to the interrogation cell.

Unlike last time they didn't make as much as a tiny rustle. It was just too quiet, everyone was in deep thought and woody about the precarious future.


"I know what's going on your minds, some might be thinking along these lines, 'Ignorance is Bliss' while regretting learning about the future.

Or else you might be thinking of building a safe haven for you people close to you."

Here Hari paused to look at Anil, who had been hanging his head down all along raised his head.

"But you'll have to see the flip side of everything. At least we know the world's going through a downward spiral ride.

The fear of the unknown is the greatest, and we have at least gone past.

While the rest of the world would be unprepared and shiver in fright, the seven of us will be standing upright looking straight into the eyes of the apocalypse without a hint of fear.

When humanity falls on its knees, we'll be standing in the front abreast guarding everyone.

In the face of inevitable power, humanity will flatter, morals and virtues will die. All hells will break loose, and the whole of humanity will need a pillar to get back on its feet."

Hari stopped and looked around, all his dispirited brothers were standing erect with flaming eyes.

"So what if we die,

We'll die trying; try despite knowing we'll die."

Hari smiled, and all their chests heaved up, he spoke his heart. Only genuine emotion can inspire people, all his brothers were righteous men would give their lives for the right cause.

"Kiya have you brought all the equipment, we'll spend the next few days recreating my dream digitally.

It needs to be precise and real, I want all of you to live through the entire dream. Kiya used the best resource at your disposal, this video that you are creating has another significant role to play in the days to come."

Hari, Kiya and Anil spent the next three days recreating his dream.


6:00 pm, 4th November, Tuesday, 2018

They spent 80 hours to create a video of just 3 hours long.

But it was more than enough to drain all of them. Anil's was the most exhausted of the lot his eyes developed black circles from the sleepless nights.

If this was an Animated movie, Hari would be the director and story writer while Kiya was in charge of animation. But Anil's job would be everything other than Directing and Animation, he was the art designer. Every single frame was just a graphically enhanced version of his basic art.

All his brothers had calmed down and were mentally prepared for the roller-coaster ride awaiting.

The conference room was turned into a hospital ward filled beds and apparatus to monitor one's health; one by one, everyone walked to a bed.

Hari walked to the rack behind him filled with black helmet straight out of the future. He appreciated this state of the art equipment in his hands - A Virtual Reality Helmet.

These glossy black helmets seemed like the props from sci-fi movies.

The VR Helmet is one of Kiya's invention, a ground-breaking technology which overthrows all the existing theories on Virtual Reality technology. This VR Helmet isn't just a simple projection of video; it will be 360-degree display giving the user a complete experience.

These helmets are made of a unique material, a Meteoric Metal with extreme heat absorption.

The inner helmet is embedded with millions of microscopic Plasma Crystals.

These crystals convert the transmitted data into a visual motion picture; but these Plasma Crystals have one major limitation, the heat it generates could turn steel into molten magma in a matter of minutes.

In the entire world, only this Meteor metal could absorb this degree of heat without affecting humans.

This metal was refined from meteorite crashed into the earth a decade ago. And this is the biggest drawback of Kiya's invention, lack of raw material.

Actually, there were any attempts to artificially replicate this metal, but it was a complete failure. They couldn't even identify the compound mixed into metal let alone replicate the same.

Hari helplessly sighed, this piece of technology, even with all its limitation, could bring about a sea of changes to the world but his teacher, Jagor Lion, ordered them to keep this a secret.

In a few minutes, all of them were in the beds with the black helmet on their heads.

Riya held a Chip Implant Syringe and moved from one bed to another, injecting a chip into all of them. Finally, she implanted the chip onto herself after wearing the VR Helmet.

Hari was sitting with a laptop in one corner of the room; carefully monitoring everything. The screen had six columns displaying the real-time status of their vitals of all his brothers.

After making sure everything was normal Hari switched on the program. The laptop transmitted the data to each VR Helmet through the wireless network.

Exactly 2 minutes later, all their heartbeat boosted, and their blood pressure steadily climbed.

Throughout the Three-hour video clip, there was an increasing trend in a heartbeat and blood pressure. At times they were even trembling and clenching their hands.

All their bedspread was crushed; Rakesh even tore the piece of cloth. From time to time, Hari would hear shouts and cries; swearing and cursing were also more frequent.

Anil was the only one with least exaggerated reaction, he was the one who drew everything, so this was to be expected. At the last part of the play, invariably everyone shed tears and cried aloud.

The pictures Anil drew captured every emotion Hari went through, and all his brothers could feel the sorrow and heartache.

Though the storyline was already known, the last few hours made them live through the story. The boundary between hearing and experiencing unsurmountable chasm and when this happens to one of your dearests, it'll be a lot more devastating and overwhelming.

All of them were sitting erect on the bed. The bedsheets were drenched in their sweat and completely crumpled by them. An air of melancholy spread in the room while Hari was seriously checking all their vitals jumping from one bed to another.

They couldn't fathom how a man behaves this normally after living through such a traumatising experience just a few hours ago. Once Hari finished; he looked into all their faces, it didn't take much efforts to discern their thought process.

He signed them to stop and pointed to the ground, all of them understood the severity of the matter and followed Hari's lead and went to the basement.

The interrogation cell had been cleared out, and all of them were standing, it becomes too congested if all seven of sits. Except for Hari, everyone was standing inside opposite Hari; While Hari was standing straight with hand crossed before his chest.

"That's not reality, it's just one of the possibilities of future, but till the day I'm standing alive I wouldn't let such a thing happen to my family of any one's family for that matter. Now I need all your help to keep this dream as just a possibility."