The Guardian (Parte 1)

It was a normal day with Obito and Zetsu sitting at the rocky path, it was at that moment they heard it


They looked up and a kunai covered in lightning is descending on them


From the dust cloud, the orange mask man jumped out; his clothes were in disarray

"Why didn't you used your eyes abilities"

"I tried, I couldn't, the space around here is sealed"


*Tap*Tap* the footsteps of someone walking was heard as both of them look towards the figure with the hood on as he kept moving towards them

"Who is it this guy", asked Obito

"H-He, How is that p-possible"

"What is it"

"I can't feel his chakra, not even when he is in front of us, w-who is this hood guy"


Without a warning, without a sound, the moment Obito blinked, the hood guy was in front of him trying to punch him at zero range

With un-natural reaction Obito ducked and try to counter it this would be successful but-

Time stopped Obito's punch stop as hood guy twisted his body and his punch connected


"Your movements are just like that old man but you lack his talent, you lack his battle he your teacher or something?"

"Who are you and why can't I use the space ability of my eye?", asked Obito as he stands up

"Me...I am your worst nightmare", said the hood guy as the killing intent shot from him

Obito jumped back as he made hand signs

"Fire Style Fire Anhillation Jutsu"

A Large wave of fire made its way through, while the hood guy shot his palms forward

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough"

The Wind put down the fire and hit Obito right on the chest



*Cough*Cough "W-who are y-you"

The hood guy removed his hood, Obito's Eyes widened

Ryo was standing there looking down on the orange masked Obito

Obito grinded his teeth but he still kept his composer

"If you are waiting for your sensor, to find the seal that lock space forget about it...if he ever manages to find it, all there would be traps to keep him long enough to kill you a thousand times"


Ryo took a step forward, Obito couldn't follow his steps anymore not even with Mangyoku Sharingan, for the first time he felt weak... the Sharingan, the space ability nothing can save him this time; there is only one person he felt so weak against...his teacher Madara Uchiha but he always went easy on him

'So this is the true difference between true elite and me huh?', thought Obito before accepting his fate, 'At least I am dying by your hand Nii-san'

Ryo's hand goes right through his chest as he got lifted up


"SCREAM This is for all the pain you put Kushina And Minato through"

Ryo's hand got covered in lightning


"Minato was crying for he was finally a father...that man wished to love his son with everything he got, he dreamed..and dreamed always wondering whether he would be a good father or not... for the child was the proof of the love that he and Kushina share"

The lightning intensified


"Kushina dreamed how her child was going to look like, whether he will take after her or Minato, She dreamed whether she was going to going to be a good mother or took it all away...YOU TOOK IT ALL AWAY!!!!"




"Fire Style Fire Dragon Jutsu"

A great dragon made of fire made its way toward Ryo and Obito

Ryo let go Obito pushed his hand forward

"Wind Style: Great Breakthrough"

The fire dragon and Great wind both cancel each other as a great explosion happen in the center creating a large pit

"Finally making the entrance?"

In front of him was standing an old man...Madara Uchiha

"Take him", as soon as he said it from the ground appeared Zetsu and took Obito with him

"You think it's that easy", he shot his palm forward trying to create a lava field

But there was someone already on him...he couldn't stop the Orange masked matter what

The time stopped Ryo bend backward dodging the flying Madara coming at him

Madara spins throw a punch towards Ryo, the time stopped again, Ryo disappeared from the spot and appeared right behind Madara

He throws a punch towards Madara but-

With un-natural reaction Madara ducked and try to counter it this would be successful but-

Time stopped once again, Madara's punch stop as Ryo twisted his body but to Ryo's surprise, the attack was changing its direction as well

Ryo blocked the attack and throws a kick at Madara which got blocked as well

The power was great...both of them were pushed back quite a distance back

'Something is wrong, that guy was sharper the last time we met'

Madara pushed his arms forward, "Universal Pull"

Ryo started pulling towards Madara with uncontrollable body and force


"On it"

As soon as Madara's hand touched Ryo figure; it turned into an ice sculpture

"Ice Release: Thousand Years' Ice Prison"

Ryo creates many ice pillars which encircle him and Madara. Madara narrowed his eyes

"This technique just look pretty, did you forget I can absorb ninjutsu"

"Yes, well here's the kicker, it's not ninjutsu it's fuinutsu"


At his command, these pillars then move towards Madara, enveloping and trying to crush him

Madara moved backward dodging the pillars that were trying to crush him and eventually he got trapped

"Almighty Push", all the pillars trying to trap him got destroyed

Suddenly there was a touch on his back

"Fuinjutsu Art: Ice Release: Snow Maiden's Touch"

'Damn he used these pillars as a distraction' thought Madara as he got entirely covered in ice

"Don't you think something is wrong", said Goku

"Indeed last time we just couldn't do a was like he was countering every move we have with that Rinnegan, but this time he just can't keep up with us," said Isobu

"When people at our level fight it's not the ability that matters, it's battle sense that matters every guy have different battle sense that's why high-level shinobi can understand each other with nothing but with just the exchange of fists....whoever this guy is it's not that old man fake Madara Uchiha, and if he is not here means, something happened to him"

*Crack*Crack The ice was breaking as Madara Uchiha came out with perfect Susanoo

"And with that kind of a battle sense....he is not our match", time slowed down as he started moving once more


Hokage was puffing smoke while looking at the village from his office thinking about the conversation with his general

'Lord Hokage, a week after I move out please...lock down the village and prepare for its defense'

'Are you sure there will be an attack on the village'

'That guy used every single method that day to get his hand on Kyuubi; means he will try it again, and what's better opportunity to it, when it's general is gone and jinchiruki is nothing but a newborn baby....they might wait for the better opportunity to strike but don't forget a cornered beast is way more ferocious'

"LORD HOKAGE", the voice brought lord Hokage out of his dream world

"Prepare for lockdown make sure all the villagers are inside the monument, get all available shinobi to protect the village...our enemy can use space ninjutsu he can come anywhere and go anywhere make sure everyone watch their back"


Ryo watched a lying Madara, there were few scratches here and there on his body but he is still okay compared to when he fought with real Madara

The body turned into a black Zetsu as it disappeared into the earth

"A white one and a black one; the white one is an exceptional sensor with no way to sense his chakra making him perfect for gathering information, and a black one that can take on the form of different shinobi's with perfect abilities.... what the hell are these guys"

"Whatever these guys are but they managed to escape that means-

"That means Konoha is in danger, How long can I last with forbidden techniques"

"Don't know maybe 3 min or so before your heart start giving out", said Kurama

"That should be enough"

Swift release: Spatial blitz

Swift release: blitzkrieg

The perception of time for him is changed everything stopped moving, while blitzkrieg allow him to move at bullet speed

He moved at bullet these 2 techniques he was the fastest in the universe



Mikoto was covered in blood with her eyes being red there were countless scratches on her; while Naruto and Sasuke was bound in cloth on her back

"Give up, and give me the jinchiruki you shall be spared", said orange mask Obito

" sure talk a lot, come at me already"

Obito moved forward Mikoto moved backward; Ryo appeared behind her in a lightning break

She bumped into his chest as an arm coiled around her neck and shoulder area

"I thought you said you forgot about me already", said Mikoto without even looking back she already knew who it was without even seeing

"Every night in my dreams, I see and feel you, That is how I know you, How can I ever forget you"

Obito tried to move but gave up in the end; clicking his teeth he teleported

"Ryo", as tears started falling from her eyes

"I Felt Love was when I loved you, One true time, When I hold your hands, In my life, you will always be the one I will love, you will always be the one I will ever dream of"

"Ryo me too I alw-"

"But I will never forgive you"


"I will never forgive you for what you did, I will always hate you for keeping my family away when all I ever asked was a family with you"


"They are afraid", said Mikoto giving a sad smile

"Aren't you?"

"You're here.... there's nothing I fear..... Because I know you will protect us..... you always do", as she fell unconscious in his arms with kids crying

With tears in eyes, he kissed her head

"I hate it, I always hated it; I liked you first! I had a crush on you first! I confessed you first! Hell, we were friends first too! Why the hell did you have to be with fugaku, even as a fake? I was so so jealous... I could have fought the entire world for you if you have even just once come and talked to me", muttered Ryo to the unconscious Mikoto

He gently put the crying Kids and Mikoto on the bed, put the seal on the house and moved, it's time for the fight, to protect their home


He was standing above the Hokage monument

"This was done by that weird looking sensor and that black one, they are nearly destroying an entire village, without taking a single scratch on them, what the hell are these guys", asked Kurama

"Heck if I know the answer but what does it even matter, all we have to do right now is protect"

He took out a voice amplification seal paper



"This voice, It's Commander, Our almighty general is back"



Hokage was fighting shinobi's when he heard the voice as a smile crept on his face

"Our Almighty General is back, we will win this battle FIGHT!!!"


While the village was busy in repairing the aftermath of the battle, Ryo was standing in front of the Memorial Stone, he was not drinking for the first time ever since ages

"Ryo-kun..... I wonder what would have happened... if I were the one you would have met in the academy.... would you have loved me instead of her?", asked Hotari while dying

"No, I would have never loved you, even if we met first in the academy, I would have always loved Mikoto, we would have always remained friends no matter what"

"DON'T just don't say anything, don't answer either, I know you don't like me that way, but I can't help it, I am sorry Ryo, without reason, without knowing how when and why... I fell for you

"That's how I felt for her, without reason, without knowing how without knowing why... I just fell for her, Goodbye Hotari, Goodbye Shouji, Yukimura-sensei, Keito, Obito, Rin, Minato, Kushina Goodbye"

He threw the bottle aside and moved towards the center of the village towards 4th Hokage house

He opened the door and saw the dust-covered house with toys and cute things for baby spread here and there, and in the center of it, a huge welcome home Naruto was written

Ryo smiled he can not grow a kid in front of the memorial stone, and what's the better way to grow him in his parents home, and so he prepares to dust things off


The old frog opened his eyes

"The Destiny is changed, the prophecy is changing"

"The Guardian," the old toad said, "holds the key to the world.

He will be the guardian who protects the child of prophecy and his black hair companion

To spun strings of change or to let go, it's all in his hands.

To prosper or to ruin, it's all in his words."

[See like i said no sad scenes, just a normal fighting chapter, HOPE YOU LIKE IT!!! but what do you guys think about mikoto and ryo's relationship did I do a good or bad job in it, it's my first time writing romantica, even though i wrote fighting, sad, heck i even write sex scenes but i never write a romantica] [Here is how you will know wheather a writer did a good job or not, do you feel it? the anger the sadness the betrayal the love the excitement? If you don't feel it, writer didn't do a good job, but if you do please tell] PLEASE LEAVE 1000 RIVEWS AND COMMENTS