A curse


Seagulls sang in the air with the melody of the ocean from a distance. The serene salt water gently splash onto the sandy shore creating beautiful waves.

The cool breeze blows along every so often as Yue Ling's hair follow in pursuit. Her bare feet takes each step, sinking into the soft sand. Each time the wave covers the shore, it erases her footprint.

However, when the wave returns to the ocean, a set of larger footprint would replaces her's.

Lu Tian follows behind his wife. He didn't walk too close to her or too far. His eyes stare at her and the her at this moment was one deeply engraved in his heart.

If he can, he would like to walk behind her everyday. To know that she is always within his sight and he won't lose her.

To let her know that her footprints guided him to her...
