No one ever survives

Darkness engulfed Imperial to sleep. While others were in their deep slumber, a run down building was still busying itself. The clicking of the keyboard echoes inside the shop while all was silence.

Uncle Zhi takes a seat and sighed. He glares at the design team then to Yue Ling. However, when his eyes landed on her, his expression softened. His glare is for the fact that these youngsters did not tell him in advance. Of course, he can never glare at the only child left behind his good friend.

"Young Miss, you mean to tell this old me, that while I was having a heart attack here, everything was staged?"

Yue Ling sat across from Uncle Zhi, she pout her lip for a second then nod her head.

"Mm. I already knew Chu Li Xiang had sent men to follow me. I was just waiting for them to make a move. I do apologize for not telling you in advance. I didn't want to worry you so I asked no one to say anything.."