Front row

On the highest floor of An Qing, Chen Limei sat inside her office. Instead of sitting in the chair behind her desk, she sat on the couch. She wore a royal blue dress that framed her body perfectly. In her hand was a cup of tea as she leisurely drank it.

After a few sips of the tea, she set the cup down and reach for a folder on the coffee table in front of her. Opening it, she flips through the pages and smile curl on her lip. She glance across from her.

"Is this all of it?"

"Yes, it is."

Sitting on the couch across from her is another woman. She wore a green dress with a white blazer. In her hand was a similar cup like Chen Limei's. She smiles and also set the cup down.

"Just a few adjustments to them and everyone will believe that you are the one who designed them."

Chen Limei smirk and close the folder. She stood up from her seat and walks over to the phone on her desk. Picking it up, she dials a number.

["CEO Chen."]

"Escort Miss Ming to her car."

["Yes ma'am."]