Not good

Inside the tallest building in Imperial, a commotion was taking place on the first floor. The workers of Lu Corps gather to see what is going on. To their surprise, it was a curly blonde hair woman.

Two securities blocked the woman's path from entering the elevator. They did not show the woman any kind of politeness at all.

A girl worker peaked from behind the wall and she gasp as she grabs her friend beside her.

"Isn't that Qian Li Li?"

The friend's eyes wide and she gasp, "It is her! What is she doing here? I thought she was let go?"

Soon, whispers amongst the workers of Lu Corps turn into an uproar realizing who the woman was. Seeing this, the blonde hair woman's expression turned grave. She glares at the two security guards.

"Let me through, I have to speak with Mr. Lu."

One of the guards looked at Qian Li Li. He did not smile or show any signs of moving, "Miss Qian, you are no longer an employee here. Please leave while things have not gotten out of hand."