Too quiet

After dropping Yue LIng off at De L'amour, Lu Tian did not return to Lu Corps. Instead, he drives out in the opposite direction.

When he arrived at the location, he parks the car and steps out. He looks up at the rather large house and he felt greatly satisfy. This was none other than the same house he took Yue Ling to see.

Standing in front of the door, Xu Long had long arrived. When Liu Shan dropped him off, he had been notify by the hired workers that everything was set and in preparation. Hearing such good news, he did not wait and call his boss right away.

Lu Tian walks up to the door and both the boss and assistant enter the house.

Following behind Lu Tian, Xu Long grinned ear to ear. It was as if everything in preparation was for him.

"Boss, everything is just as you asked. Nothing is amiss."

Lu Tian did not answer but nod his head. His goal at this moment is to make sure everything is exactly as he had pictured.