Watch the lanterns

'I am the daughter of my father and my father is the son of Fate's leader.'

Lu Tian stare into his wife's eyes. He does not say a word, nor does he show a change in expression upon hearing her story. The only thing he thought about was her words as they repeated in his mind.

His wife really is the granddaughter of Fate's leader...

From the moment they came back from Retro, he had his suspicions, but he didn't think much of it....

Now hearing her say so herself, it's even more of a shock for him. It's not that he cares, but when he first met her, he really did thought she was a normal person.

After unexplainable encounters, he kept questioning her background, but never asked...

However, to know her true background.....

Lu Tian took one last look at his wife and he turn his head to look at the unlit lantern on the table.

Taking steps away, the faint lights of the lit lanterns on the grass illuminates behind him.

He stare down at the paper lantern in a long silence.