
Inside the study room in the Ji Mansion, Grandfather Ji sat behind his desk. His eyes stare intensely at the figure across from him.

"Ah Ling, are you going to explain? How do you know Lu Tian and when did you both meet?"

He has watched Lu Tian grow into a fine young man. He also knows that the boy is not interest in women, even he thought the boy was into men. Not only that, there has never been any rumors about the boy dating.

His eyes narrow and his words continue.

"As your yeye, you shouldn't lie to me."

Saying this his eyes narrow more until they are barely open. Until he thought of something and his eyes widen.

"Two people living at Jade Condos…. Is that how you both met?"

Yue Ling remains calm. She did not wince at all to his words. Even though she could feel the intimidating aura, she flicks it away like swatting a fly.