Isn't it you?

Liu Shan stood like a noble ruler looking down at the people in his palace. His eyes scans every face like an eagle until he sees the two people in the center of the crowd. He shook his head and sigh at the sight of them.

"Man, you two are so lucky."

He had spent the entire day with his neighbor, Ling Ni. They had spent a great time shopping and exploring Imperial. They even enjoyed a romantic candlelight dinner together.

After he sent Ling Ni home, he return to his home next door. Preparing for bed, he changed into his pajamas and was ready to sleep in peace while dreaming for his good fortunate.

Yet, the moment he closed his eyes, someone decided to disturb his peace by calling him.

He was indeed annoyed when he saw that it was Lin Hui and answer with annoyance. However, the other person did not answer. All he heard was fabric shuffling and heavy breathing.