have to redo it

The days passes by smoothly without any drama and the long-awaited fashion show finally arrive. In the early morning, while others are preparing for their day, some are in a hurry.

On the most important day for every designer, An Qing was packed with all the employees. The fashion show will take place in the evening, but that still does not mean anyone can relax. Between the time given now until the show, any wrong move and An Qing can kiss first place goodbye.

Inside the main design room, the employees ran and gather everything that is needed for the final touches of each designs. While the employees and design team continue their work, a woman wearing sunglasses enters the chaotic room.

The white newsboy cap on top of her head frames her head shape. She wore a tight black dress with a pink fur coat over. Wrapping her legs in warmth was a pair of white thigh-high boots.