to your side

The Lu family stood at the side and observe each passing gift given to the old man. However, unlike his family, Lu Tian held his eyes elsewhere.

He stares attentively in the direction of the crowd to his wife. Seeing her constantly smile at Ji Jingxu, the between his brows crease into three lines.

What are the two siblings whispering about that his wife is smiling?

As he thought this, he sees her suddenly pat the boy's head and his entire being softens.

From what he knows, Fate is one of the notorious underground gang. Despite Yue Ling being the leaser, she is a caring person and never is she a selfish person. If someone is in danger, she will not hesitate to risk her life to save the person.

Buzz…. Buzz… buzz…

As he ponder in thought, his brows furrow more when he suddenly hears the sound of a fly… no… two, wait… three.