you have suffered

After all the guests left, only the Lu family and Zhuang father and son duo stayed behind. They had left the ballroom and made their way to the living room of the Ji Mansion.

Grandfather Ji was in a rather good mood, he ordered the servants to put up the paintings given by the Lu family. That way, every morning he can look at it.

"Uncle Ji, if you do not mind, I wish to speak with Yue Ling in private."

Madam Lu spoke from the side as they enter in the living room. She couldn't wait for the event to end so she could talk to the girl.

Hearing this, Grandfather Ji turned to look at his precious granddaughter, who was walking at his side.

Although he wished to spend more time with her, he already knew what Madam Lu wanted to talk about.

He nods a smile to the middle-aged woman then to Yue Ling.

"A promise is a promise."

Saying this, he turn to look at Lu Tian.

"Lu Tian, I would also like to speak with you in my study room."