Mr. Muscles

The bright sky that once rose above Imperial soon engulf into darkness as night fell. What was once a crowded street, now empty as people had already returned to their homes.

However, three buildings down from Uncle Zhi's rundown building, a simple looking restaurant was having their own difficulty outside.

"Sir, we are now closed. You need to leave."

A male worker of the restaurant politely asks as he tries to get a drunk customer to leave. They had already cleaned the place and locked up whatever needed to be locked.

The only thing left was to get this man to leave. He had been here since the afternoon and continued to order beer after beer.

"Sir, do you hear me? We're closed now."

He repeated his words and stares at the fat man now sitting on the ground. As much as he wanted to help the man get up, he (the worker) is barely half the size of the drunk man.

"Sir, we are closed. You—"

"Shut up!!"