leave him

The rain that covered Imperial subdue as its heaviness turn into sprinkles.

Inside Imperial Military Hospital, there was a crowd gathered outside a private ward. Even a line is formed as the members of Wolf Team took their turn to enter.

Yue Ling sat up on the bed as Lu Tian sat by her side with Grandfather Ji and Madam Lu. As the members of Wolf Team made their way to wish her a full and speedy recovery.

However, as each person left, the room slowly began to pile with all kinds of flower bouquets.

Until the last person exit the room, Yue Ling sighed in relief.

She had just woken up not too long ago and was already met with such a heart warm welcoming. Even she didn't know whether to laugh or cry because she never thought the members of Wolf Team to be so caring and generous.

Of course, Yue Ling didn't know that it was only towards her as their lady boss that they acted this way.