take the call

Hearing Lu Tian's mention of the word 'roadtrip', Grandfather Ji was at a loss for words. However, thinking about it, he nods his head agreeingly a few times.

He stares at Lu Tian for a long minute, then down to Chu Li Xiang. Like he had confirmed with his decision, he exhales a long sigh and put his pistol away.

"What will you say to the Chief?"

"I'll inform him."

Lu Tian didn't need to think and quickly answers the question. Instead of letting Chu Li Xiang rot in prison, he has another plan in store for the bastard.

Glancing between Lu Tian and Grandfather Ji were none other than Yue Ling, Ji Jingxu and Ting. They had heard the word but were clueless as to why it would be mention.

What in the world is this roadtrip? Some kind of vacation?

Unlike the three people, Jiangyu was the other person who understood the meaning behind the word.