this place is yours

Opening her eyes again, Zhao Ya'Er realized that she had been crying. She wipes away her tears and takes a deep breath to calm herself.

"Ya'Er, everything will be alright now. He cannot hurt you anymore."

Even though she told herself this, a part of her can't help but deny the truth. No matter where she goes, as long as they are breathing the same air, she will never get away from him.

No… if she wants to get away from him, she needs help. She will have to gather all her courage and tell her family about all the things he has done to her. Even if she doesn't want them to worry, they are the only people who can help her.

As she told herself this, she did not know that Wei Hongyi's fate had already been decided by the angel who saved her.

Outside in the living room, Yue Ling had pulled open the blinds and was now standing in front of the floor to ceiling window.